Let's make a Deal

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POV: 1st - Alex

                            I found myself staring at him still very uncomfortable about what was going on, but trying to keep my composure, "So let me get this straight you want to make a deal with me?" I didn't bother giving a very professional tone of voice.
                            "I know that for the past few weeks we have been a bit of a antagonistic role towards each other, however I believe that we potentially have a beautiful thing going on here. You need me and I could use your help. And if it doesn't work out at the end of our deal we walk away from each other and never look back, brush off the old shoulder." I felt my eyebrows raise from my face and a little bit of redness, "Excuse me?"
                             "I may not have been able to speak to you up until now but I have definitely been listening in to your many many conversations. You awfully talk a lot to yourself and you seemingly deal very poorly with stress, which I find quite odd because you don't seem to be scared of things you really ought to be... I know for a fact you're struggling in your business related classes despite that you wanting to become a business major?" He leans back into his chair giving a very relaxed pose but you can tell that this is all psychological warfare, but two can play at this game.
                               I took a deep breath, straighten my posture, and brought out my business voice, "Well the way I see it there are two things in life that will always bring in the money, Funerals and Businesses. Because as long as capitalism is healthy, you will eventually have people who die and you're also going to have people making businesses to make money. Having a business degree is simply the most applicable and malleable degree available. Imagine spending thousands of dollars going to college in this day and age only to have a degree that is no longer useful. But that something I feel like you would also know since I feel like you were a business major back when you were in college." He looked at me for a moment gazing into my eyes and then getting a big fat smirk, "What gave it away?"
                               "I always got the feeling that you majored in business and maybe had a possible minor in robotics, meanwhile your ex-partner was the other way around. But back to the main topic at hand I'm imagining you're offering to guide me through my classes in exchange for me working with you to build you a new body? If so, I'm sad to say, we both know that that is not a balanced trade. I hope you brought a better offer than that." I had to hold back the urge to smirk at this man. He didn't flinch however he remained in his relax posture.
                               "Of course not. I was actually thinking a little bit more grand in concept."
                                I did my best to pretend that I wasn't immediately intrigued by what the fuck he was about to say, so I gave him a simple, "Oh?"
                                 "I think you're not a stupid girl, I think you're rather clever. You just need guidance. Since my entire robotics career has been a farce, why not start from scratch in a new world with a blank slate with a new partner. I've heard you crying that you don't actually care about the future and you just want your "stupid degree". Why not put that degree to good use and follow in my footsteps, we get you that major in business and a minor in robotics and we build ourselves a new robotics company?" It sounded like he had to hold back a bit of a laugh as he mentioned how I cried. You would cry too if you were under the amount of stress I was in, but I was not going to break my composure for this shit.
                                 "With all due respect, Mr Afton, there's no way to doubt your skills and what you've achieved on a technical level. Your robots were clearly state-of-the-art. But must I remind you of how I am fully aware of your extensive criminal record?" I watched him sit up in his seat, seems basically rewording the audio which caused him such discomfort a few hours ago clearly pushed his buttons. He simply responded, "And not once have I agreed with you that those allegations were true. Now sure I admit I was prone to a bit of anger earlier and I did antagonize you for a bit, but it was only because I knew I couldn't actually hurt you. I didn't do any of those things that you had said." Scariest part about this man is that he said that in such a way that if you didn't know ahead of time that he was a fucking liar that most would fall for that.
                                   Before I could get a chance to respond my alarm clock went off and I woke up, "Hisss..." I was sort of thankful I was out of the dark void, but he was still there and I knew it.

POV: 3rd
The small yellow plush turned to her with it's very limited movement, unfortunately due to the harsh turn it made, it fell over, "Seems your pesky alarm clock got in the middle of our conversation... Are we continuing it now or should we save it for later?" She picked him up and set him back in place and responded very bluntly, "You're fucking lowballing me." She gave a big stretch before looking for her clothes for that day.
There was a long moment of quiet, but just before she open the door to leave, "Are you really satisfied with the life you're living?" Those words stopped her dead in her tracks, "Pardon?" He stared at her, "Are you satisfied with your life? I think you are unsatisfied with your family and your future."

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