Well... Shit...

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POV: 1st
I watched a springtrap's body convulse slightly trying to get up, trying to run, trying to move, but he seemed so tired. I think he started to smile at me, a very devilish evil smile, "I always come back. And when I do... I'll rip your head off."
"Well you're just a bag of shit clichés... I don't know if this is really supernatural or just my brain anxiously waiting to see if the plushy will do anything spooky, but either way I'm a little disappointed I was hoping you'd come alive and try to kill me in real life..." With that I lopped the thing's head off, not even giving it a second to talk anymore. It's headless body falling to the floor and suddenly it began to glitch until eventually the corpse was gone. "I guess the trick to finally killing William Afton is to be equally as immortal and have a very sharp axe. LOL."
A door appeared in the maze, more accurately a hole in the shape of a door. As I began to approach it, I suddenly saw a notification as if I was in a video game pop up. "Curse Acquired: Two minds, One body" All of a sudden my clothes change from whatever I was wearing in the dream to something noticeably less comfortable. I was wearing a purple suit with a small yellow bunny pin. I have never worn a suit before and now I'm glad I never did. God, I felt so stuffy.
When I walked through the door, I woke up. Once again it was too fucking early. It's two hours earlier then my fucking alarm clock again, "Ugh...."

POV: Narrator
She stretched her body out like a cat, her limbs convulsing slightly. She was very much not a pretty person to meet in the morning. She grab the nearest hair thing to pull back her brown curly hair at least temporarily. And with a quick motion, she went from a lion's mane to something that looks like a ponytail. She turned to her plushies, all of them in their place. Then she turned to the springbonnie plush, a small grin appeared upon her face as she picked it up. In an obnoxious weasley voice she said, "Hola Senior bunny-butt."
It's eyes fluttered as if it was sleeping with it's eyes closed and it responds, "Awful, your dream counterpart cut off my head this time. As if making my evenings difficult with acting like a Looney Tunes character wasn't annoying enough..." The deep male British voice said licking its lips, it was clear that he wasn't inherently talking to her, he was not expecting her to hear him. She just stood there for a few moments staring at the small plush, blinking furiously, "Excuse me?"
The plushy suddenly looked at her with a questioning gaze. It looked to see if she was actually talking to him or she was just talking to herself for the 15th time this week. It's eyes focus directly on her and then he said, "BOO!" In that moment, she screamed bloody murder and then threw the damn thing at her mirror on the opposite side of the room. Her poor roommate finally woke up and stared at her in confusion and in fear.
Her roommate fumbled for her glasses, "Is everything all right?" The poor girl was completely unaware of the fact that an experiment has been going on in her shared room.
The panic and fear in our protagonist face suddenly turned into extreme delight and excitement, "Oh my God! It's alive, all these weeks and it's finally fucking talks... It almost gave me a heart-attack!"
"That's great... Can I go back to sleep now?"
"Oh yeah of course... My bad," she says apologetically as she runs over to pick up the plushy, "I am so sorry I threw you, little guy, I did not expect you to talk I just thought I was hearing things." As she picked him up, it stared at her with complete and other hatred, but then it face slowly change the curiosity, "After all these weeks, of all the people, it had to be you who could hear me..." Her roommate who didn't take the situation seriously suddenly stared at the two of them in complete and other horror and fainted.
"Sorry I chopped off your head and had been teasing you for the past few weeks, I just figured you were a twisted creation of my imagination. If you have no hard feelings towards me for doing that to you, I will have no hard feelings about you killing me for the past few weeks. Let's start off from scratch, I am Alex Martini and you are?"
There is a long look of disapproval before eventually it sighs and it begins to look around the room, "Harvey... Trueman..."
"Dude that's almost as bad as when William Afton called himself, Dave Miller... Listen I'm a little excitable, but I'm not stupid..."
The small plushy panicked for a moment at the mention of those names, there was a small moment where he looked off guard, before he chuckles it off, "I suppose I can't really lie to you. The names actually John Banner."
"If not for the fact that the idea of you being a fictional child serial killer is almost as ridiculous as these names, I'm going to take your word on it. OK John how the fuck did you end up in a plushy?"
"Who the hell are you calling fictional?!" This complete lapse of judgment caught himself completely off guard. Normally he would be more well composed. But right now, it seemed that he was out of practice with talking to someone directly. He had clearly meant to keep that within his head.
"No fucking way!!!" The look of general excitement turned into absolutely glee.

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