I couldn't resist myself

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POV: 1st - Alex
I sort of thought about a chair until one appeared and I offered it to him. He took it and I watched as he sat down, "Well it's your turn big guy." He held his face for a moment, "Let's see I already know about your family, you don't have a father, your mother is, as you put it, a kleptomaniac who might be on drugs, you have a younger sister who is only few years younger than you who you care about very deeply but has trouble academically, and you live with your grandparents or at least you used to before your grandfather's death last year... Did you used to have a pet or better yet do you like animals?" I felt a little ticked off that he brought up the shit about my mom, but he's right I did say that I just didn't know that he was listening... I stared at him for a long time before briefly telling him, "Yes, I love animals which is why I am not very happy about knowing you're a fucking dog murderer on top of murdering kids, you piece of fucking shit."
I know the whole point of this is to try to get to know him better without starting a hissy fight with him but come on he's stepping on my toes. He stared at me for a few moments then rolled his eyes, "If I didn't know any better I feel like the fact that I killed a dog seems more heinous than killing a kid in your eyes?" I did not want to explain to him how much I hate kids because I don't want him thinking that we are the same in anyway so I very quickly moved onto my question, "How long were you and Henry in a gay relationship?" He leaned back into his chair and flipped me off. There were something so funny about seeing this, I burst into laughter, "OK... OK...You have to admit that was hilarious. So here's my real question... What's your childhood dream job? I refuse to believe that this is what your childhood self would've thought you would've headed in life." He stared at me for a moment scratching his head before looking at me very seriously, "If I tell you, you have to not laugh..."
"I make absolutely no promises."
"I wanted to join the circus, be a performer. I always love the circus as a child, the clowns, the dancers, the acrobatics... I have a soft spot for performers. I had this big planned to run away to the Circus as kid and get away from home... I didn't get very far..." I gave out a small snort which caused him to give me a slightly pissed off look, "OK I'm sorry it's just kind of funny I mean it makes sense, but like I never met someone who genuinely likes clowns. I'll let you in on a little secret I fucking hate them. If you really want to scare me put on a clown nose and run around and white make up. I fucking hate those things." He gives a very mischievous smile while I shuttered at the concept of clowns, "Oh I was about to ask what your deepest fear, is it just clowns or is there more to it? I do know that you are scared of the dark on top of that."
I know it's not a very good idea to tell him, but building friendship is about give-and-take, "Yeah you caught me I do not enjoy being in the dark, but it's not because I'm scared of the dark, I'm scared of the things in the dark I cannot see with my eyes. As for my fear of clowns, that was caused by me watching this really shitty movie as a kid called "killer clowns" because my dumb self misread the movie as "killer clams" and I thought it was a documentary. Personally I don't enjoy people in costumes I find it very uncomfortable in general.... Oh the irony of this conversation is sinking into me." There was a bit of a laugh between the two of us for a few moments before I remembered something important, "The way I see it, we will either get to know each other and grow trust overtime or maybe I can like sell/give you to someone would be more willing to deal with your bullshit, but I highly doubt anyone would want to help you if they knew who you were. So listen, my friends wanna meet you and I just haven't told them who you are exactly yet, they just think you're some random soul inside of a plushy. If you could behave yourself and prove that I can at least expect you to behave on a smaller level, maybe just maybe I'll cooperate as well. Deal?" He looked at me for a small moment before nodding, "Of course consider it already done. Is our time running to an end?"
"Yeah sorry. I know it sucks because we were finally starting to get along a little bit and not just like fake getting along because we need something out of the other person... I won't be able to talk to you much this morning cause I am a little bit behind on homework and I'm gonna try to do some of it this morning so please don't distract me. I'll talk to you just before dinner which is when I'm going to introduce you. I'll update you on the plans."
                                           "Truly a pity we couldn't talk for much more, turns out you're not completely awful to speak to. Sometimes I'm a little worried I'm rusty, haven't spoken to anyone then I intended to keep around," he gave a nearly demonic laugh. I suppose I found myself chuckling a little too, this was a weird situation for both of us.
                                         With that the dream faded away and I woke up.

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