21 Questions and more to go

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POV: 1st - Will
Of all the insufferable stupid things... I have to deal with it has to be her who is my only means of escape! This is beyond infuriating. Someday I wonder if I truly escaped hell or if this is simply it's extension. She stares at me for a few moments before responding, "Ummmm I don't feel comfortable explaining to you what a dilf is, but yeah I can see what you meant earlier... We're not gonna get anywhere if we just keep stepping on each other's toes like this. I will be the first to admit that I have been sort of picking fights with you, but in all fairness you are inherently aggressive towards me and you are only acting nice because you want something from me. I didn't do anything to you before that and you killed me repeatedly in my dreams which to you is like the closest thing to reality you have." I grumbled as I watched her touch her shoulder where the flesh had been ripped off, she clearly didn't feel any of it, but it seemed to make her uncomfortable at the least, "Well excuse me for getting annoyed at you for treating me like I'm a toy you can play with. Did you really expect me to sit back and let you mock me?"
She held her face for a moment, honestly this girl is completely insane the fact that she's still willing to talk to me after I did that to her. But I have never been the type of person to miss an opportunity to take advantage of such a weak minded person. She stared at me with her brown eyes, clearly she was embarrassed by her earlier actions and wanted to apologize, but wasn't quite there yet. At this moment she looked like a lost child. And if there is one thing I'm good at, it's dealing with one of those, "Look I'm sorry. I'm just a little stressed, why don't we start over one more time and get to know each other this time. I promise that I will try to play nice this time. Just trying to be considerate of my feelings, I do have them. Pretend that none of the past happened, starting off with a clean slate. My name is William Afton and what's your name?" I gave her my best comforting and kind smile as I offered her my hand and waited for the stupid bitch to take it. That's all I needed now. I had been a little bit reckless to think I could rush through something like this. Sometimes you gotta ease into things like the old days.
"And my name is Alex Martini. I know it's a pretty stupid last name I don't like it either it's just as silly as it sounds. It's so close to being a normal last name. At this point I like calling it "Martin" with an extra "i". I would kill for a very common sounding last name," it was clearly an attempt at playful banter, to try to make herself sound or feel more comfortable. I couldn't help, but give a small laughter. That last name was quite ridiculous, but I don't want to risk this opportunity on the little things so best move on to something else. Honestly I'm pretty lucky to find someone so easily forgiving and allowing this many restarts. "Well as a woman, it shouldn't be that hard to find a way to get rid of an awkward last name. Hmmm?" I tried to give her a little wiggle of my eyebrows... I don't... I am not sure how much my face has changed back. Where is that mirror when you need it...
                                              "That would imply that, I am not only datable, but marry-able. With my personality and looks, that's not gonna happen... But I do not wanna talk about relationship shit with someone like you... No offense... So how about we just get to know each other a little bit more the old fashion way... You ever heard of 21 questions?" She wasn't completely ugly, but I can definitely see where the personality might come in to play with men avoiding her like the plague. What effeminate traits she had were wasted with the absolute maddening brain numbing voice. Not deep enough to be mistaken as a man, but definitely not pleasant on the ear, "Yes, but I haven't had to play it since I was in college. And back then I didn't know the name of it it was just sort of do you wanna ask someone questions back-and-forth to get to know them relatively quickly... The last person I played with was..." It had been so long since I had to think about him. I remembered seeing him in a relived memory before she showed up last time, but I mostly blocked it out.
                                                 "I guess that leads me to my first question, what was Henry like?" I looked at her, "Me and him have a long complicated history, I couldn't summit up in a brief statement like that..." She seemed to quickly accept this answer, "OK so how about a classic... What's your favorite food of all time? I assume you don't enjoy eating my flesh? That once upon a time you were a normal person and not a old bunny costume." It was such an overused question, but I suppose it is a fair start, "I am partial to a nice steak dinner and also enjoy Italian. But those are the types of meals I'd eat if I could sit down and enjoy them, most of the times I just eat takeout or pizza. But to answer your question I'd say... A good slice of cake." She stifle the laugh, "So on top of murdering kids having your favorite murder spot be a pizzeria sounds like an absolute win." I just stared at her for a moment, it always caught me slightly offguard how relaxed she was about that topic.

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