Section 3: Twisted Memories - Fruity Maze

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⚠️⚠️WARNING: The following chapter contains depiction of blood 🍷, death 💀, and puke 🤮 . In particular the death of a small child and dog. If you find the following offensive or upsetting then I recommend you leaving the fandom. He is not a cute owo character. But on a serious note, you probably want to skip this chapter. ⚠️⚠️

POV: 1st - Alex
When I woke up, I again was standing in the backroom. This time I was alone and had just turned the lights off. I watched as my arms move to unlock the door and saw that it was yellow and fuzzy. At that moment, I remembered who I was and how I am once again seemingly walking through a memory.
Upon opening the door, I scanned the room with my vision and there was a child standing alone. She seems to be completely distracted playing a colorful game that flashed colors upon her face. The diner seem to be very dark like it recently closed and yet she was still here. I already knew that this was not going to be good.
It was just like in the mini game, but everything was real now, flesh and blood. She was doing incredibly well at the game, only inserting another token to continue her game. I could watch myself move in closer to her in the flashing reflection of the arcade cabinet. I was standing over her shoulder now, bending down slightly watching her play the game. It wasn't as dark and horrifying as the minigame had been, but then again it was a darker depiction of what had happened and hints of what would happen to her, not a perfect re-creation. Her eyes were watery with tears and she seemed to be playing this game to distract herself from the death of her precious dog.
"He's not really dead..." My mind flickered for a moment, back to a moment that happened very recently, it had been a cloudy foggy day- No it has not been recently, put in this dream it had and this has not been me. He wasn't paying attention. He actually tried to slam the brakes, but it didn't stop in time. My mind flickered back to the present of this memory, "He's over here." It went back to that past memory, the dog was squished. My horn had been honking from the sudden halt and the collision. A crimson pool pouring out and slowly forming around its body. I had seen roadkill less desecrated then this dog. I could smell the blood and viscera on the wet asphalt. It was an incredibly rancid smell, mostly of cold iron. It's golden coat rendered a ragged mess as long strips of flesh and broken bones popped out of its crushed stomach. I went into the trunk and pulled out a trash bag and a shovel to scrape it up. This was not my first time- No no no no! I would never! It was not his first time he had hit something. The memory came back to the present. "Follow me..." I felt my face- No it was always his face and it had curl into a slight smile underneath the mask as the child slowly turn her head towards him.
My mind was racing and pounding, trying its best to focus the influx and flooding of my mind with these foreign memories causing my brain to have an antibody response that I didn't even know was possible. I needed to get out of this dream, this memory, this sting. Away from Susie, away from what I knew what would happen to her, she was the first, she saw everything. Something occurred to me in that moment, yes it became very clear. Before he had taken his first human life, he used to kill animals. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes by accident, and then take home their bodies to desecrate. To play inside of them like toys and empty them out. The sensation, the smell, it was coming back to me and it made me wanna puke. I held back the urge to throw up.
He guided her gently to the backroom, there was giddy with every step. He kept walking around making sure no one saw like a child sneaking an extra cookie out of their mothers cookie jar. But they were my eyes, they were my face, at least it's what it felt like. I tried with all my might to force my arms to stop him from entering the room as he let her walk in first. It did not work. I stared at a trash bag on the table next to butchering knives. Today was the day, we would not settle with simple butchery for simple amusement. I try to cast out these intrusive thoughts of what he had been feeling in that moment. Everything in the room felt so real.
He had such large hands with thick fingers. With one hand he closed the door behind him, and with the other he grabbed her by the neck. She was like a deer in headlights just standing there confused and frightened he slammed her onto the counter. They had already been plastic wrap for when he was going to do it to the dogs corpse. The room smelled of alcohol and suddenly that strange taste in my mouth made sense, he had been drinking back there. I guess I just didn't recognize it at first and with his now freed hand he grabbed the butchers knife and drove it straight into her. Of course she was screaming, but it's not like there was anyone left to hear her. It was like a deafening wailing sound her arms and legs flailing around like a fish out of water. He was very slow with his cut, until eventually he had gotten all the way down and she had stopped moving. Her little blonde curls curved around her head like a fallen halo, her blue eyes on moving paralyzed in one horrified expression, and her dark pink dress now staining crimson red.
I felt my hands do this, they were his, but I felt every sensation of it. And when it was finally over I fell to the ground out of his being. Green chunky liquid escaped my mouth as I vomited.

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