Section 5: Youtube - Interview #1

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It's me again your beloved, Narrator. I have been informed that I am supposed to tell you that this section of the story is pretty much optional (minus the final chapter) and it's only background lore about this version of William. In the next book in the series, a lot of references will be made about the YouTube channel William and Alex were a part of and their former fans.
Not particularly necessary that you read the section, but I understand the type of dynamic they had online and how people nowadays, that know the FNAF lore, don't even question why she walks around with a robot named William Afton. This is also your opportunity to have an interactive piece in the story, if you don't want to that's fine. There will be a total of 3 chapters in the section, so some opportunity to ask questions that before the story officially closes and is marked as completed. You ask a question and we pretend that your YouTube comments. 
I hope you have fun in the section. And although it is a bit early, I've been told to tell you thank you for reading the story. 💖


[The scene begins with her wearing a crudely made mask of a dog.
This video was taken shortly after the agreement for cooperation, 4/27/2022]
Alex: "Hey there and welcome to the beginning of a complete change in my channels content. It's me RabidDogs65 and I have a very special guest today. The one the only William J. Afton."

[She edits in a bunch of clapping. She then picks up William and places him in front of the camera, he looks agitated.]
Will: "This is one of the stupidest things, I've ever done."
Alex: "Oh come on! We haven't even started yet! You should be happy, everyone's here to see you!"

[The footage seems to be cut and the film continues.]
Alex: "Before you ask, no this is not a ventriloquism dummy that looks like a spring bonnie plush or a ventriloquism dummy that is made out of a spring bonnie plush, I am not that smart. Instead I have a legit serial killer living in my dorm..."
Will: "Well at least, you're self-aware..."

[The footage cuts again.]
Alex: "So now that you have the freedom to talk about your crimes freely, as they technically didn't happen as you are a fictional character, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and your crimes."
Will: "Well I suppose, I'd start by saying that I'm not a criminal. Although I am an engineer in degrees, I'm a scientist first. I never did anything out of pure maliciousness, there's always a reason behind it."

Alex: "Wow you are actually a fucking psychopath if you think what you did to Henry and those children was not malicious. Nobody believes you man, you might as well be honest."
Will: "I helped him create. We both wanted to love. He loved. And now I have loved. Those children should be grateful. I gave them an extended existence and a birthday party that never ends. I mean, you yourself grew up despite not wanting to and now you're miserable, aren't you? Would it not been nice to have stayed perpetually in your childish bliss."

[Her face is filled with complete disgust and the footage cuts again.]
Alex: "There is a reason why you went to HELL, William, you disgusting son of a bitch! How fucking dare you?! Despite being reduced to a fucking plushy, you have the nerve to talk to me like that! I should drowned you in a toilet and sent you straight back to your private torture room in HELL!"
Will: "In time, I'm sure that's where I will find myself again. But the devil has knocked on my door before, and I've turned him away. And he sent me there and I've crawled my way out. Don't let my size fool you, I don't fear you. The one who should be in fear is you... You should be afraid, I'm just as dangerous as I always have been. Hahahahaha!"

[The footage cuts again. Noticeably she is wearing new clothes.]
Alex: "OK moving onto our next question, let's start off with some basics. Which one of your children was your actual favorite?"
Will: "Well I thought this was supposed to be a basic question... Well I suppose that answer changed a lot throughout the years, I think in the beginning I would've said Elizabeth, but thinking back on it it probably was Evan. I mean when my son Michael was born I loved him, then he started acting like a little shit..."

Alex: "Why do you put boobs on the chicken?"
Will: "Excuse me, PARDON?! Are you talking about the Funtime chica design because I'm going to be straight with you and I wasn't trying to... I just wanted her to look more female and present more female... I thought these were supposed to be basic questions like my favorite color or animal or something...?"

Alex: "Purple, rabbit, and that last one wasn't a question. Point being, I think we already could get those two."
Will: "I honestly don't enjoy how people have changed "violet" to "purple," it just seems silly."

Alex: "OK fine what's your favorite food? You know other than the souls of children, you've murdered?"
Will: "You know, I'm going to ignore that comment. You know I'm a very simple man. I like a nice steak, medium well done, a little wine, some potatoes, carrots... I know you're going to make a joke about the carrots, you might as well stop it's not funny."
[Laughing came be heard softly]
Alex: "Well looking at the time, I think it's a time for us to close off for today as I have a lot of editing to do since... Well a lot of footage we can't use. But remember, drop down your questions in the comment section and I will answer them or make him answer him more specifically. Bye for now."

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