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POV: 1st - Will
                              When the fool eventually woke up, she seemed in better spirits. She even smiled at me, not in the fake mocking way she typically does, a genuine smile. But there was something wrong about the way she stared at me that I cannot quite put my finger on. Her eyes seem so lifeless and dead, like a twisted doll. It was a good look on her. But in all seriousness this entire event has been rather fascinating. So many fun implications.
                              It took a few more hours for them to finally clear her and, although she was bruised and limping, we left as we quickly as came. The only thing that changed was she now has an excuse to slouch in school for a bit. The hospital was nice enough to call her something called an "Uber" which apparently is a New-Age taxi service.
Things could almost be described as peaceful after that, I was treated nicer and left alone to my own devices. Instead of wasting her time watching videos or slouching around, she was working on earning more money, starting a minor in robotics, and other important steps in rebuilding as we originally planed. But alas not everything was perfect in paradise, as the second we arrived back, Ryan was immediately ready to strike.
By the time we had came back to her dorm, it was approximately four or five in the morning so she decided to skip her first class of the day and sleep in. I did not bother sleeping, as I was not tired as I had gotten a full night sleep, so I proceeded to watch some videos. When she eventually woke up for lunch and her next class, I had to remind her that she had to email her teachers the note from her doctor and she did. She then got ready and slowly, but surely headed out.
I didn't think much of it until I saw the door open, I had seen her roommate leave for her classes awhile ago and, by this point, I was pretty well-versed in both of their schedules by this point. So I had thought it was so strange seeing her back so early, it should have been my first clue, truthfully. I also did not expect to see Ryan. My ability to move, despite my "stumpy little limbs" as she puts it, has improved so I simply close the iPad to knowledge my now incoming guests. I put my American accent on as I greeted them, "Well aren't you two the odd couple.What are you two doing back here at this time of day?"
They didn't respond to me for a few moments only getting closer, then Ryan spoke, "What did you do to her?"
"Pardon, fr-"
                             Suddenly I understood what he was talking about, but I wasn't gonna show it, "Do what? I don't know what you're talking about is something wrong wi-" He cut me off and, in that a moment, I realize the danger I was in.

POV: 3rd
                            "SHUT UP! You know what I'm talking about! So I will give you one last time to explain yourself before I fucking murder you!"
                             "Henry, it's not what it looks like I didn't do anything," the yellow rabbit's words slipped from his mouth. He didn't notice what he said, he simply kept going, "You can ask her when she gets home."
"You are not getting out of this!" And with that Ryan grabs him aggressively, not bothering at all to correct William that his name is not Henry. He begins to scream bloody murder as he's grabbing his ears and dragged out the door, but not before Ryan grabs a piece of masking tape and uses it to cover Will's mouth.
The three of them walk towards the fire pits. Ryan carrying with one hand, the soon to be barbecued, William and, in the other, lighter fluid and a box of matches. The campus had, to their knowledge, alway had a barbecue area . They mostly blamed the lack of use to Covid restrictions and, although the likelihood that they would get in trouble for using them was high, it was probably the safest place to commit arson.
                             William barely managed to get the tape on his mouth before pleading, "Friends, can't we talk about this...."
"No one HURTS my friends! I was patient enough, for long enough. First, you give her nightmares. Then, you start physically hurting her. Now she's acting completely out of her mind right now! It ENDS NOW!"
                              Suddenly, the grill's door opens and Will is tossed on. He desperately tries to crawl off of it, but Ryan stabs William with a carving fork. He immediately screams in agony as he is doused in the flammable fluid. Up until that moment, he did not feel pain from this body, but now he could feel the toxic liquid seeping into his freshly open wounds.
                                Eventually in between his screams, he managed to utter a phrase or two like, "ALEX HELP ME!" Occasionally as he repeats this phrase along with screaming, he would accidentally replace the name "Alex" with "Henry" or "Mike." He screamed and screamed, but nobody came to save him. No one came to save him until the match was about to touch his fur.

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