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POV: 3rd
                             Alex remain there on the floor well the memory continued. She watch William after finishing his work stared at it with great pride, but suddenly he started to sober up a bit. His mind drifted a bit as it recalculated before he became very distraught. Running around the backroom, he desperately looked for a place to hide what he had done. He quickly mopped up most of the blood with the rags, he had intended to use for his original plans for the evening, however the issue still remained.
                            There was now the body of a small girl in his restaurant that he would have to deal with. If put her in one of the supply chests or a cubby, Henry would see her in the morning. That's when suddenly he stared at an unfinished animatronic a yellow chicken animatronic, Chica, that looked like a much more finished polished version of the weathered one from FNAF 2. In a brilliant stroke of genius, he decided to place her inside of it and finish the robot. He figured since Henry was working on a different project that maybe he wouldn't look there or maybe that it was so dark inside the suit of the robot that he might completely miss her especially if he covered her up in a trash bag. Wasn't perfect logic, but he still was a little woozy from the alcohol.
                            With that out of the way, he slowly and carefully removed his suit and started heading out to leave the scene of the crime when suddenly he nearly tripped on something. He looked down to what he had tripped on and he saw Alex. He had wondered how long she had been there and if he had to now get rid of a witness before suddenly he remembered who she was. Suddenly the world melted around them and he had once again returned to the form of a cartoony springtrap.

POV: 1st - Will
                              I stared at her and she continued to quietly throw up. What just happened was I dreaming... No that wasn't a dream that was a memory, but why was she there? I picked her up and started staring her into her eyes, they were watery and her clothes was filthy. It reminded me of the time that Elizabeth got a stomach bug, but it also reminded me of a few victims were in such a shock that they actually threw up on themselves. She took a deep breath from her nose and seemed startled by the sudden movement before sighing... in relief?
                            "Oh thank goodness that smell is gone. You know I don't mind the sight of gore, I've seen much worse on the Internet, but dear Lord the smell." With a snap of her fingers something that I noticed that she can't really do in real life, she was wearing fresh clothes again. I decided to be very direct with for my questioning as I gently dropped her, "Do you have any idea what just happened?" She seems to hold her stomach for a moment, "Yeah I just relived another one of your memories... It seems that what I experience in them lingers because I have still... Hopefully it's only for a little bit because my tummy won't settle."
                              I paused for a moment not having the right words to respond there were many things to dissect from that answer, that I didn't know exactly where to start. First of all, the word "another" implies that this has happened before, but I don't remember that happening... Unless when she was staring off into nothing... She was actually looking at one of my memories. That leads to another issue what memory did she look at it if it was another one of my murders and I don't particularly care since it seems that that isn't scaring her off but if it's something... personal, I'd rather that not continue to happen.
                              "Thought you said you have no sensation of pain in your dreams?"
                               "I don't, but apparently when it comes to memories they're so strong that I do. Though it seems thankfully they're always seem to be your perspective so unless you have a painful memory that I accidentally bump into I should be fine... By the way, please don't touch me. I thought you were a bad person, but now... Now you're just fucking gross. You like to play around and corpses and shit, that's fucking gross. Seriously don't look at me. I don't even think I can look you straight in the face right now," She held her face away from me and rubbed her eyes. She sounded like she was disgusted by me, but not in the way that most had responded when they found out. She sounded like a whiny child finding out that her brother ate boogers. This woman she is... something else...

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