Purse Pet

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POV: Narrator
The girl stared at her small yellow companion gently shoving him into her purse allowing his head to poke like a proper purse Chihuahua. His little arms flailed around uncomfortably within the purse eventually settling on a position where he could stand up a little bit and lean. It was now late in the evening just before dinner and the girl's roommate stared at the sentient plushy. Every time it blinked her spine tingled with disapproval and she stayed at the very far end of the room as if the thing was carrying some unseen disease. And every time she showed a pinch of fear he couldn't help, but smile at her which made it worse. He loved it. But deep down inside, somewhere at the back of his head, was scratching from looking at her. An all powerful urge to call the poor girl's roommate demeaning names or explain to her that he thought her art was pitiful and that she wasn't going to survive in the real world, something to hurt her deeply even in this compressed form, but sadly he had to be on his best behavior.
"Best behavior, John," the girl said patting his tiny little head a bad habit she had gotten into or habit she has always had. He pretends to wince so little bit, but in reality it felt nice to be able to scratch there since he couldn't do anything about any bodily functions he was having. The fact that he was having any, always disturbed him. He wondered moment for moment if she had been bluffing completely about hurting him, that if he overstepped his grounds, how bad it would be considering that this form unfortunately has more pain than his own resurrected corpse. "Of course, of course. I wouldn't say anything or do anything that would upset your friends. I know me and you have our little backs and forth, but that's because I feel like I've known you for a very long time and we've established how our boundaries are~" He says in a devilishly flirty way which made her immediately uncomfortable. He couldn't help, but find it hilarious that him flirting with her made her more uncomfortable than the threat of death.
After a short, but decently long walk to the dining hall and passing the security gate, they arrived. The two ladies grabbed their food and sat down. For once in the girl's life the other two had not arrived first, but it did not take them long to arrive as well. After a certain amount of time had passed and the table was designated as clean enough, the yellow plush toy was placed upon the table sitting like a small child. He remained perfectly still except for his eyes which whenever he was not being directly stared at, he would look around. It has been a long time since he had been in a place with this many people. Sure he has been outside dealing with people who had just merely passed him by but no one has actually brought him to the dining hall yet. He couldn't help, but think about college, about Henry, about the diner, and about every location he had ever been to.

POV: 1st - Will
I had a lot of thoughts going through my head at that moment, I was surrounded by people, but no one was directly speaking to me, I was alone to my thoughts, "This place is definitely a lot more pleasant looking then the dining hall my college. It's very modern.... Or maybe the dining hall at my college was nicer... I don't think I can remember anymore... So many memories vanished, gone, corrupted.... I don't even remember what I look like... When are they going to start talking to me and stop pigging out on food." I watch does she looked at me, "I'm gonna grab dessert and then we can start the discussion. Do you want a cookie? I want to see if you can eat food, just out of curiosity." It was a bit of a demeaning statement, but I, myself, was curious if I have the biological function to taste food. It had been a long time since I've been able to eat anything, after I died I lost all sensation except for maybe pain and the sensation of heat and cold... And of course sight and hearing, but those are sort of obvious.
It took me a few moments to realize that I had been licking my lips subconsciously, I stopped and looked at them. Everyone at the table was staring at me, it felt good to make three people jump in there skin like that. It was not nice, however to have Alex pet me like a dog, "Oppies... I'll grab that cookie for you, buddy." One day I will seek my revenge and I will murder this little brat and wipe that smug look off her face. Hopefully killing her in real life is a lot more entertaining than in her dreams. Clearly if this was some sort of accident and she wasn't doing it on purpose, she would've stopped by now.
                                  She sort of gave a big stretch and made sure I was sitting straight as possible, "Try not to absolutely embarrass me, old man. I'm gonna go get some soft serve." She got up leaving us alone together, show time.

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