A Small Chat

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POV: 1st - Alex
                               "So we both agree going to dinner would be a good idea and we promise that this time we're going to actually behave ourselves or barbecue right?" He nodded his head this time I meant it and I think he could tell, "How are you doing when it comes to the whole I have a human face now thing? I left you a little frazzled this morning but I was trying to get my shit together..." He looked at me and kind of paused for a moment before giving me a creepy smile with his little plush face, you know if I didn't know any better I would say his eyes are getting more realistic, "I had accepted the fact that immortality came at the cost of being a giant bunny. It was bittersweet, but fitting. With every day I do in fact feel like I'm getting stronger and this body is feeling less and less as a burden and more of a opportunity to observe this new world I find myself in. I think for the next few times you go to class I will take up your offer about watching some videos on that Your-Tube thing. I'm thinking maybe a little bit of a documentary on the new technology of the time. And how far robotics is actually come since you briefly mentioned that the kind from mine is far more advanced. Maybe some documentaries on the comprehension of spirits in the art of ghost hunting. You know dipping my metaphorical toes in the water."
                              I cringed, he is such a boomer that I suppose it's the least I can do since technically he is a living creature. I understand that he's a criminal, but even criminals don't deserve to be punished unless they act up in front of the warden, "And remember if I sense at any moment you're about to do some thing that is murderous or criminal, straight into the barbecue for you. I am not like your last partner, I will destroy you on sight. And trust me my friends will finish the job, if I cannot stop you. Actually that's kind of a problem, I feel like Ryan is planning something..." Williams ears perked up for a moment, "Oh? Is he now?"
"I mean yeah he really really doesn't like you and he doesn't even know your William Afton, yet." He let out a bit of a chuckle, "He really is quite the big brother substitute..." I rolled my eyes at him and went back to homework talking to him occasionally and letting him answer a few of my questions.
When dinner actually came, it was just the three of us this time, Emery only really hung out with us when something crazy was happening mostly because they have their own friend group. The entire dinner was incredibly uncomfortable there was this unspoken tension between Ryan and William, they both seem to stare at each other a mental dick measuring contest. I don't know what Ryan is up to, but I felt secure enough to get up to leave those two alone to get some extra food. Turns out that wasn't the best decision.
The first thing I heard as I was coming back was, "Instead of getting angry at someone who did absolutely nothing to you, maybe you can spend that time trying to diet properly. You don't seem like a completely hideous young man. And a bit of a pointer she sees you like a brother it's not going anywhere." I immediately focus my eyes on what was actually happening only to find Ryan was strangling the absolute shit out of William. It sounded like William was being choked slightly, but not to the point that Ryan was hoping. I walked over very calmly and put my hand on Ryan's shoulder, "I am so sorry for whatever horrible shit he was telling you. Just please let him go. He's just a boomer..."
In his most sincere voice possible, "I don't know what he promised you and I don't know what he's talking to you about when you're home with him, but please he's evil I'm telling you."
"I can tell what kind of person his is. Do you really not trust me that much?!"
So yeah... The rest of the evening was rather awkward, a lot of crying and talking loudly, but I managed to talk him down from whatever the fuck he was planning on doing, but not before he gave William one last statement, "The second you fucking hurt her is the second I set you on fire."

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