Man behind the Slaughter

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POV 1st - William Afton

I should've controlled my impulses better, now this damn brat is drooling all over me like I'm a prize she won at an arcade... Which in fairness I do look like.... All I can do is stare at her and try not to make my situation worse.
"Are you William Afton, like THE WILLIAM AFTON? The man behind the slaughter, the fucking man in the springlock suit?" She leans in incredibly close to the point that she looks completely and utterly ridiculous from this perspective. She looks like a goddamn fish.
"Perhaps I am or maybe I'm not. But like you said that would be silly. I'm more interested in what you meant by fictional? I am pretty sure that this "William Afton" person was real or maybe I read the news article wrong?" By the look in her eyes, my attempt at backing out of my statement was clearly not working.
"Look man you might've been good luring dumb kids into a backroom to strangle, but I am way too smart to be falling for this type of shit... But considering that I'm nice, I'll tell you anyways Freddy Fazbear's isn't real, it's a video game location. It never existed and considering how the franchise is going, probably will never get a real location for me to visit someday."
She then walked over and picked up one of those newfangled "smart phones" that I had briefly seen people using before...
Suddenly a song started playing through her phone that I had never heard before. It seems that she skipped to a certain section of the song. Then she flips the phone around so I can watch the visuals.

It's been so long
Since I last have seen my son lost to this monster
To the man behind the slaughter
Since you've been gone
I've been singing this stupid song so I could ponder
The sanity of your mother

  She yawned, "This might've not been the best example, the song is not particularly close to cannon anymore.. But it's still one of my favorites and the first one I thought of... Let me go find one that will work better..." She smacked her lips together with a small smile. She was clearly tired still.
She looked for another video and seemed to have found what she was looking for, "If you still don't believe me after this one... Well I don't know what else to show you other than Henry's speech, which I don't know how far in the timeline you would even be... And like... Why I am doing this all? If I am pretending, for a moment, that you are really THE WILLIAM AFTON... Never mind." Then she quickly played it. At that point, I wasn't convinced. It had just seemed like someone had made the song inspired by perhaps what I had done and wrote a song. But then I heard it, my own voice from a very long time ago.

Board Member – There's no doubting what you've achieved on a technical level. These are clearly state-of-the-art. There are just certain design choices that were made for these robots that we don't fully understand. We were hoping that you could shed some light on those.

Me – She can dance, she can sing! She's equipped with a built-in helium tank for inflating balloons right at her fingertips. She can take song requests. She can even dispense ice-cream.

Board Member – With all due respect, those aren't the design choices we were curious about, Mr Afton.

It felt like I was being taunted by my own words at first. But then the pleasant memories returned. After so many years... It felt strange hearing it all again, so clear and crisp. Putting aside any nostalgia, I remember when I had said that. There should not be any possible way that any of the audio recordings I had made back then can be so easily found and available or for there to be any recording of that meeting in general, "I think I need time to process this information..." Maybe someone had found it and released it, but then again who and why.
"Oh that works out for me I got to go change into my clothes for school anyway", she tossed me onto the bed. Which left me a lot of time to do some much needed thinking about my next moves. My options are very limited but depending on whether or not I'm willing to believe this I need to be very careful from now on.

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