Friends and Plans

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POV: 1st - Alex
                                    The second I got out of class, I wanted to start filming. I pulled out my camera, which was really just my phone because I am on a budget, "Say Hi." William rolls his eyes, "Greetings..." I then spun around before putting it right back at him, "Hey everyone and welcome back to the Haunted Paintbrush Channel. If you haven't already guessed by the fact the little fucker finally spoke, we got him. Oh real genuine ghost caught on camera. You got anything to say, buddy?" He paused and looked at me before rolling his eyes, "Does anyone actually watch your channel? Regardless I'm not really in the mood to talk right now. Why don't you focus on your homework before you cry about it, you have dinner in an hour." Pouted, he was right, I need to prioritize. Turned off the camera and just uploaded the raw footage. I did do my homework and after, I left him to go to the dining hall for dinner. I had hoped they all got my message during lunch. And to my delight they did an even an extra person was there.
                                      "Are you out of your mind?" I had been friends with Ryan since the last semester, but we definitely felt a lot closer than that. He was like my older brother and rightfully so he was mad at me, that I wasn't going to let him know that. I haven't told him everything, but I definitely told him the majority of what was going on. I took a bite of my food before replying, "Hey I told you it might sound crazy, but it definitely did happen. I'm pretty sure he'd be willing to say something personally to you to prove my point and you know how bad I am a technology so do you really think I could make this shit up?"
                                       He looked at me dumbfounded and I started to look at the people across from the both of us, Roomie and Emery. My roommate's mind was moving 100 mph at the information of the strange thing that she thought was a dream was real, while Emery looked more curious than anything else. My roommate has never been into FNAF, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that possessed plush toy was weird and strange. Emery was a newer friend to our group. They were more friends with Ryan and then they were with me, but they were a lover FNAF and slight interest the supernatural made them an excellent ally in the situation. They were the first to speak, "Well then I'd like to see him, if we can get real footage of paranormal communication as clear as verbal then we could be famous. Plus if it really is a soul from like another dimension that adds to that. Think of all the money, Ryan." That's all it really took to make Ryan calm down about the situation a little bit more the man was very money motivated. But he still looked uncomfortable about the whole situation.
                                        Ryan spoke up very sternly, "But you know who spirit normally controls spring Bonnie. It might be a possible liability." I had told them about the fact that they have been talking and that it seems to be a male spirit, but I was not going to tell them quite yet that it was William Afton himself, everybody was already freaking out as it is. My roommate finally spoke up, "Why would you bring that into our room without telling me?" I tried to give a comforting reassuring voice, "He's completely harmless, he's the same as all those sticks and rocks I brought home. He can't even move because his little stump legs." She seemed exasperated, her pale face becoming more and more of the same color as her thin red hair, "You basically brought a person into our place, we agreed no sleepovers. He could've been listening to us the whole time, that's super embarrassing. And why didn't you tell me that he really did talk instead of letting me think that I had dreamt that?!" I tried to calm her down a little bit explaining that I wasn't sure it was really either and that I needed some time to process it myself and I didn't need to make her more panicked than she already was, she had a big project coming up. At the end of the day, we're all just a bunch of College students trying to get through classes.
After she calm down a little bit the conversation went a little bit back on track towards the main issue. "So do you think it's related to your dreams? Because especially if so I'm starting to think this might be you know who... As crazy as that sounds," Emery states bluntly. Ryan shakes his head, "I'm not even convinced that this is actually real, it's more likely that you finally snapped." He said playfully to me which in return I sort of pouted at him and shaked my fist at him, "I'll castrate you!" Didn't even react, he's so used to me saying shit like this, it doesn't even phase him anymore. I told them about the dreams of the past few days but it wasn't concrete evidence and I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to actually show them him, but at this point I didn't wanna look like a crazy person.
"Tomorrow at lunch, I'm going to bring him, so let's all meet up. Nobody's got any crazy plans this weekend that I'd be getting in the way of, right?" I looked at everyone and nobody responded so I took that as a good sign. Ryan only scratching his short brown hair at all the crazy things that I've said. It was very obvious that he did not believe me in any regard but I was going to be happy to rub that smug look off his face. The other two seemed a lot more convinced or at least willing to believe. It's best that we keep the circle of people who know this is happening incredibly low with the exception of my YouTube channel because I got a documented somewhere.

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