Section 2: Getting to know You - Overheard

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POV: Narrator
The girl stared at the small rabbit for quite a while unable to respond, but of course for us to understand why she was so broken by such a statement and why him knowing such information was effecting her, we need to travel back to the third day she had him in her possession. It was a cold rainy day, unlike the one that is back in the present. It had been raining for the past few days, so in comparison there was quite definitely a lot less rain. The world was still wet, fog lingered on the ground in the mornings before disappearing in the afternoon, it was a perfectly gloomy mood for a very unhappy girl.
One would think that the reason why she was so miserable was the fact that she kept being murdered by a fictional serial killer in her dreams and woken up too early, but like we established, she only saw that as a challenge. So what exactly was causing her such anguish. Well the answer is rather simple, she had gotten back from a class rather tired and emotionally beaten, "I fucking hate it here. I can't fucking do this anymore. I'm so fucking tired! Can they not give me a butt load of homework for five fucking minutes! I just finished a homework assignment for this class and they've already assigned me a new one and the old ones not even due yet!" She said to absolutely no one in the room, her roommate was not there yet as they had recently left for an evening class leaving her, to what she believed, with herself. She kicked off her shoes with unneeded levels of aggression and peeled her socks off which clung to her body, she then threw herself onto her bed and began to scream into a pillow as to not disturb the neighbors even more.
She picked up her backpack from where she threw it and set it up neatly and started removing the folders where she kept her new assignments and throwing them onto the desk. She then carefully picked out her laptop from her backpack making sure she didn't break it. Upon realizing that it's fine she gently put it on her desk. Her desk was messy in an organized chaos. It's borders were project she wanted to do for fun that she just didn't have the motivation or time to do. In the center was need to be done work. It was a tall tower made up of tiny assignments that stacked on each other and that wasn't even including the ones that were digitally on her laptop.
                                  But she wasn't going to do any of those things at the moment, she re-threw herself onto her bed. She opened up her iPad and started playing music and video after video and allowed herself to sink into a puddle onto her bed. After she relaxed a little bit she turned back to her desk and looked at the bright yellow plushy, "You got a staring problem, little buddy? Oh to be a dumb brainless plushy, sitting on a desk and having someone make sure you're all nice and clean and not outside in the fucking rain. I was this close to having my socks completely filled with water," she said showing a very small margin between her fingers. She picked him up and squished his face, "Thank God they're just regularly soaked. But that's not even the worst thing about my day... I'm going to let you in on a little secret," she leaned in super close, "I fucking hate my life. And I don't even know why am fucking here..." She then give the plushy of big strong hug, petting it like a small animal afterward.
It was a long sad pause where she just looked at the small plush, "How about we do a little filming today, see if you do anything on camera, huh? Oh mass hysteria~ How you make sane man scream like little girls and crazy people like me film plush toys," she started walking to her iPad. She suddenly heard somebody trying to FaceTime her iPad and saw that it was her grandmother calling her, "What the fuck does this bitch want now! I swear to god if she's yelling at my sister again, I'm going to scream. I get she's messy, but Jesus you don't have to kick her out of the house and treat her like she's Satan."
She took a deep breath and turned on the call, "Hey grandma, how are you doing today? Is something wrong you normally don't call this early?" What followed out of her iPad was a jumble of noise and crying, "Oh your sister, she is so an animal. I kicked her out of my house. She tried to kill me." The girl held back the urge to roll her eyes, "What happened, Grandma? Who tried to kill you?" It was a bit of a redundant question of course, the old woman was talking about her sister. In reality, all that seem to of happened was an attempt at grounding failed, like usual her sister had simply stayed up too late. In response, the grandmother came in trying to break everything in the sister's room, including her precious iPhone. She was not going to let herself be pushed and scratched so she tried to restrain the grandmother from hurting herself and others only to be accused of trying to assault her. And I can confirm that that is exactly what happened. But that's just a little commentary between you and I, reader.
                                      Regardless of the truth, our main lead spent at least a half an hour listening to all this, while wanting to smash her head into the boards of her bed. She weighed her options on whether or not it would really be that painful in comparison to dealing with this, but decided that she couldn't make herself do enough damage that would actually be worth it. So she simply put on a brave face.

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