A Small Makeover

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POV: 3rd
                                 Alex stared at the man in the springlock suit for quite a long time before finding her words, "Like literally or like metaphorically?"
                                  "Literally... After years of being tortured in the perpetual cycle. I saw my opening and I escaped and all I did was end up here of all places! I can kill you but there's no point to it is it? It's not real... When I return to reality I am a plush toy that cannot do anything. And on top of that apparently everything I've worked for and everything I've ever known has been a lie!" The man's body glitches between a few different versions of itself before he gets up and starts strangling her. She only looks at him incredibly awkwardly for a few moments, "I hate to break it to you dude, but my brain has horrible physics when it comes to strangulation, you're better off trying refinding your axe..."
                                  He grumbles to himself before tossing her like a child would a broken toy, "My point exactly... You're not scared of me anymore. At least when you were scared of me it was fun, even though I knew you'd come back..."
                                 "Well I don't know what to tell you man, it's not like I have the tools available to build you a new robotic body and then find a way to make your soul move from the plush toy to that. And even if I did why would I help you, what would I get out of it? You would kill me and then go on a murderous rampage. You're kind of a monster..." Even though she was partially making fun of him, she did genuinely feel bad for the guy this was not the best set up for either of them. But he took it a completely different way and he looked at her for a long time before smiling, at least she thought so it was hard to tell because his face would not move, "You said we're at a college, right? It might be a little difficult, but I think we can work something out to get some parts and if they don't have the parts here we could always break apart some used items at the local antique shop or mechanic shop. Your college does have a robotics lab doesn't it?"
                                     She looked at him for a whole second before bursting out laughing, "Geez you must think I'm really stupid, if you think I'm going to go to my school robotics class and build you a body, which by the way would require me to take at least a basic level robotics class to get in... You are most definitely going to fucking kill me. Like bruh I just explain through the reasons why I would never do that."
                                     "Don't be ridiculous I have plenty of self-control. I'm not a monster, I'm a man of business and science. And I think I can help you." She looks at him up and down and without even saying anything a mirror appears right in front of him. He looks at his reflection which he had not gotten a completely good look at before, "I understand what I look like but you know I'm a person underneath here?"
                                        "First of all, it's hard for me to even look at you and think that you're a person when you look like that... And second of all... Said person murdered at least over 6 children and spent the last two weeks murdering me repeatedly in my sleep.... You know I actually always wondered how the whole you being in my head thing works, I mean if you were inside of the plushy how are you in my head are you just like a projection? And like if you're in the part of your timeline where you ended up in hell! Shouldn't you look more like scraptrap or like how you look normally without the suit?" She looked him up and down as she sort of try to assess the situation now that she has a little bit more of an understanding of what the hell is going on.
                                          "Hmmmm. You do have a bit of a point, if I recall while I was in hell, I was definitely human shaped..." The longer he stared at his reflection, the more distorted his body became. It seemed like he didn't notice, but she definitely did and she watched in horror as his cloth, metal, and flesh body twisted and morphed. She's normally not the most squeamish person, but it made her have to close her eyes just avoid looking at it. Sadly the squishing pulsing sounds did not stop from entering her ears. Then, to her relief, suddenly it stopped.
                                         She felt a tap on her shoulder and she opened her eyes as William spoke, "This definitely does feel like this would be a lot better for this conversation~" In all honesty he didn't look much different her, just now have the ability to have facial expressions outside of just whatever the fuck was the facial expression he had before. He was still a corpse rotting inside of a bunny costume, except he was a little more yellow and fresh looking. And most notably, he's wearing a perfectly tailored purple suit. He attempted a charming smile which still looks kind of funky with the sort of facial proportions he has, "Now all that we needs a desk and two chairs to really feel like we're getting down to business. Clearly threatening you is not going to work, you're too smart as you put it for those types of tactics~" 
And almost on cue a rather large desk appeared and two chairs in an interview like fashion appeared. William walked over to it with a bit of nostalgia. This had been his desk back when he worked at Fredbear's and he had not seen in many many years.
                                           She looked like she was staring into the void, which she kind of was, "What in the ever living fuck is happening?"
                                           He sat down in his spot behind the desk and sort of leaned against the table gesturing for her to come over. And in the most awkward way, she sort of did and sat down.

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