What's a dilf?

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POV: 3rd
                                       They awkwardly stared at each other for a few moments before she spoke again, "OK I suppose I do believe you that you genuinely just wanna make a deal with me and you're not trying to screw me over for lopping off your head a few days ago, I-" He cut her off abruptly and said rather briefly, "Considerate water under the bridge. I would've done the same thing in your situation." She raised her eyebrow before continuing, "Yeah... Sure... I still feel like the deal is a little weak. I get what you're trying to do you're trying to make me feel like I'm getting a lot more by making the neutral points sound like one of my benefits, but that's not the case. You have to give me your robotic secret anyway so I know how to make the new body and to help me get into a robotics classes so I can get more access to the lab by making me somewhat competent. The only real benefit you're really offering is helping me with my business classes which I can just ask my friend, Mr. Monopoly-man himself to help me out on that one."
"Yes, but can your friend Ryan help you become a robotics expert and start your own facility? A business made by... from everyone else's perspective... yourself. Wouldn't it be nice for people to no longer think you're the same pathetic nobody and show you can handle yourself?" He put on his best business smile, which made her kind of chuckled a little bit.
"Look as funny as I think this is having a conversation is. You know with is essentially a 6 foot tall furry rotting in it's own mother's basement, I'm being genuinely serious and not just fucking with you. You have a severe and long list of crimes that I simply can't put aside. I know that you are like a horrible person, like you murdered children for your jollies. You understand why I'm just... You know why like not this is not happening?" His face squished a little bit, "OK I can see why you feel that way, but is it really that hard to think that maybe I'm more than willing to ignore you and your family and just move onto my business once we're done the interaction? I am just worried that I am not gaining enough from this deal to make me feel like that I'm not just giving you away free robotic information with nothing in return for myself? You're asking me to give you all of my life's work, my only bargaining ticket, for very little."
She says completely bluntly back, "First of all we both know it wasn't your life's work you stole it from Henry. Second, let me put this in another way, you're not really in a situation for negotiation. I can literally wake up right now and take you to the barbecue and roast you alive sending you right back to where the fuck you came from. I don't trust you not to fuck up my grades so I'm thinking you tell me your robotic secrets and I sell them to the government unless you want to be fucking barbecued. But the only reason I have not at this point, considering the fact that you have been an insufferable prick a short bit ago, is because I pity you because you basically have the mobility of a one-year-old child and because I have a soft spot for plushies."
She watched as his form changed he started to resemble more and more like classic Springtrap, "What's wrong little Willy doesn't like being pitied? It's the truth and if you don't like it, you can f-" The next thing she knew she was being jumpscared, he lunged at her wrapping his hands around her throat. She tried to look away from him, but he would not allow it. Pinning her with one hand, he moved another to unlatch his face and as he goes to bite down on her. He rips a piece of her off with his teeth causing her to scream.
But she screams in not terror, but disgust, "Ewwwwww." He stops for a split moment and he just looks more visually angry, he let out a hiss as she spoke, "May I remind you that we are in a dream and in my dreams choking does not work, so like you're just pinning me down at this point and you're about to bite me and that's just like sus. Like maybe if I was a 13-year-old or a fan girls that sees you as like the super hot dilf, this would be OK, but like this feels incredibly awkward can you just go back to killing me with an ax?" She tried desperately to move herself out of the situation her eyes no longer looking at his face, but at the fact that his leg was in between her thighs in a very uncomfortable way. Suddenly she flicks her wrist and an ax appears in her hand and she just sort of gives it to him, "I was really worried that this was gonna start turning into a Wattpad fanfic, now those give me nightmares."
He gets up and suddenly he is his more animated self again. He just stares at her and holds the ax, "First of all, this is exactly what I'm talking about. This is what meant about you being broken and unfun, I mean you are just helping me kill you. Second, what is a Dilf?" At that moment, she suddenly felt less innocent than he was. It was clear that he didn't understand why she was acting like this and why she was more uncomfortable by the situation, then scared out of her mind. He had done this for a long time and this has never been an issue that he's had to deal with. He could see that she was flush, but didn't understand why.

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