Shared Pain

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POV: Narrator
Suddenly a part of the ceiling cracked a little and a bit of the rain from outside and it's noise came in. It only took a few small droplets for the torture to begin. Within less than a second, she felt small pin-pricks all over her body, like hundreds of doctor needles being jabbed in her all at once. Before her body can process the shock of such an abrupt pain did the clamps, the locks, come down upon her body, no it was his body, but it felt like hers. It ripped through her flesh like the blades of dozens of knives.
It didn't feel like she was being possessed when she screamed in agony as her and William's screams became a chorus of suffering while the children move their arms up to point and laugh. With each second the locks grow tighter upon her body, some piercing through tissue and cracking bone. It was worse than any physical pain that she had felt in her entire life and as she screamed suddenly her body jolted up from her sleep. But the pain did not stop.

                                No no. If the pain had stopped maybe, just maybe, it would've been tolerable of an experience. She kept screaming, she kept crying, her roommate was walking up rather quickly. The young lady ran up to Alex, "Roomie?" Her eyes were filled with fear and tears, she was shaking uncontrollably watching our main lead flop around like a fish in her bed. She attempted to call an ambulance as her friend continue to scream unresponsive. Unfortunately the poor service in the dorm causes the roommate to have to leave her friend unintended as she runs into the hallway to find someone to call an ambulance where there is service.
                                Alex's rolling pulled her onto the floor from her bed, her body makes a meaty thump as she slams onto the floor. She lands on her side luckily not hurting anything and continues to scream. By this point, her mind becomes overwhelmed with too many sensations. To the point that she falls back into her sleep state where the nightmare continues. The children begin to mock and laugh, they echo in her mind as she slips in and out of consciousness. In a bit to gain control of herself, she grabs onto her mattress and bites down on it to muffle her own screaming and to have something to keep her jaw from biting onto her tongue anymore than it already has. Her mouth was bleeding, her eyes were bleeding, her ears were bleeding.
                                 Her brain completely fried reverts back to its natural state, as her strange biological quirk kicks in. Alex is a strange young lady, when she feels a certain amount of pain beyond a certain threshold, she will begin to laugh uncontrollably and if the pain gets too intense beyond that point, she does not feel any pain at all. Her pain receptors simply shut off. Her body no longer felt pain, her mind completely empty, all she did was nod her head like a broken bobble head. By this point, William had finally awaken, having experienced the nightmare himself. Snapping out of his memory, he looked at the scene ahead of him, "Miss. Martini?" It had been a long time since he felt genuine concern for something let alone someone who he saw as an annoyance, but for some strange reason he had this lingering feeling that he should. 
                                  Slowly, but surely a small bit of laughter escaped her mouth as she grabbed him off the top desk and dragged him onto the floor with her as she held him delicately like a baby, "I take it back. I take it all back. I'm sorry I was mean to you yesterday..." She started to laugh uncontrollably. He stared at her confused, "Apology accepted, I suppose... Athough I am curious why the change of heart?" She fought through the laughter, "A little perspective... I'm sorry for what you went through it truly was horrible, you're still a bad person though..."
                                 She threw her phone into her purse and huddled it and William, for that was as much as she can do as her body was still in complete and other agony. And she was taken to the hospital with those two things.

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