Chuck E. Cheese #2

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POV: 1st - Alex
                                     He kept asking me question after question and I would have to look at him and briefly respond that he needs to be quiet. I needed to listen to the class. People are starting to stare at us since we seem to be making mild noise and, to them, it looks like I was talking to myself. I had to hold myself in till the end of the class. The second it was over, I picked up William ran to the nearest bathroom and screamed at the top of my lungs, "So Chuck E. Cheese is full name is Chuck Entertainment Cheese, he was like the leader of the band like Freddy and he was originally a rat before they made him a mouse. I remember this because I talked to an employee as a kid who mentioned this and I distinctly remember it from when I was a child. He had a bunch of bandmates. There was Jasper the cowboy dog who is if you fused Foxy and Bonnie together. He played a cheese bass guitar. Then there was Hellen the chicken who looks like fusion of classic Chica and toy Chica, but their personality was more like Bonnie. Then there was the purple monster thing- I don't know- It looked like a dinosaur sometimes and his name was Mr. Munch and he played the keyboard and was the mascot for the ticket eating machine. And the weirdest character of all was this one who was vaguely human shaped, but mostly cartoonish looking pizza chef named Pasqually. He played the drums and I have no memory of what he was like except for this one music video that the company paid for where he owns the restaurant and an evil version of Chuck E. Cheese was terrorizing children and a bunch of exterminators had to kill him. I was convinced I had made that video up in my head until I got older and I found out it was real. The song was called "killed Chuck E. Cheese." And I went there all the time as a child especially when my mom came out of jail because she felt extra bad. FUCK!" And then after that I sort of leaned against the wall and fell back satisfied with myself.
                                      William just sort of stared at me for a very long time processing the emotion and information I just told him and he just slowly nodded as if my answers had been satisfying enough, "Haha. You sound like you really meant that it was your childhood." I was very lightheaded and didn't have an immediate response to that statement since I had just spilled out so much information. But after a little bit I did eventually sit back and say rather briefly, "I spent the majority of my childhood in that greasy hell hole almost as much as I spent it under a bar table..." He just processed that statement and just stayed quiet tucking it away somewhere in his head he probably was going to bring it up later in life but I did not care, "Never asked me that many questions while I'm trying to focus in class, my brain was going miles an hour."
                                          "When were you born again? It's hard for me to keep track of how old you are in the grand scheme of things."
                                           "I see..."
                                           "Yeah you would've been sealed in the back room during the time I was fucking born, let alone a child. I need to go to my early lunch so that I can eventually make it to my next class, but before we do I'm just going to tell you right now even if you were alive when I was a kid I would've never fallen for your spring Bonnie bullshit..."
                                            "I recall your statement about how your generation was too smart to fall for that~"
                                            "No, I just meant that with or without the suit, I would've found you terrifying. I was a stupid feral little idiot." And I didn't say anything else as I walked myself to the secondary dining hall closer to the this side of campus. I could tell he wanted to ask more questions, but I was way too hungry and tired to deal with his bullshit.

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