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POV: 1st - Alex
I felt something large stomp behind me. My body nearly jump out of my skin as I whipped my head around, it was William or at least the William that I had known, "Boo!" I breathed a sigh of relief, in a strange way I had become a custom to the cartoonish version of Springtrap that hung out in my dreams. I turned back to where I was originally watching, but it was all gone; The memory, the people, and the room. I felt incredibly flustered, "Geez you scared the living shit out of me! What's your fucking problem?!" He seemed beyond amused and began to laugh maniacally at that, "Oh I'm sorry..." I rolled my eyes at the obvious lie as he continued, "Honestly I'm just thankful I managed to scare you at all considering how you don't seem to be scared of me~" He said it teasingly and, although I hadn't directly said that to him, it felt like he was using my own words against me. Normally I would focus on that but I was preoccupied by the strange sensation.
                             After not getting a response for a few moments he leaned in uncomfortably close, "By the way, what were you staring at? When I came into this area, you were just staring off at the distance?" I had a weird sense of déjà vu and I paused for a moment, "You always like scaring people didn't you, you just like the way their face scrunches up in fear?" He looked at me for a moment confused where this all came from. He looked like he was choosing his words for a few moments, "Fear is half the fun of killing. But I've already made that pretty clear haven't I?"
"I... Never mind, I guess I was speaking out loud... Where were we yesterday, I think we were still talking about getting to know you questions... I think it was your turn to ask a question? And remember you can ask me anything just don't make it weird or sexual, I'm an open book." I know that was a lie, it was definitely my turn, but my brain was completely fried right now. I couldn't think of a good question if my fucking life depended on it. He looked at me and tapped his face for a moment, "You mentioned you liked animals, what's your favorite?" I gave him a little smirk, "Are you asking me to make me a custom coffin comedically shaped like an animatronic?" He snorted at that question, "Well I figured you already knew mine... I just thought I'd ask~" I love the fact that he did not answer that question, he probably was thinking of that and I definitely called him out on it, "Well it depends on what you mean by favorite. If I'm taking the most direct answer, I'd say tigers. I've loved them ever since I was a little girl. But if you were asking me what animal I would like to be if I could be one or my favorite group of animals, you would get different answers." He gave me a little look, I couldn't quite tell what the emotion behind it was supposed to be, before he said, "Oh and what would those answers be."
"Well if I could be any animal then I'd like to be a cat and have someone to take care of me being a person is so much work. Seriously cats have it so easy, you basically have a free slave you'll just do anything for you and all you have to do is show them affection at least one hour of the day and they don't even care if you're just a dick the rest of the time. As for my favorite group of animals, I'm very partial towards rodents in general." He gave me a disturbed look, "Rodents? As in like mice? You're officially the strangest woman, I've ever met..."
                                    "Yes, I like rodents. Mice, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs. My favorite kind, the biggest boy of that category, the capybara," I gave small finger guns. He looked at me in a very big smirk came across his face, "Oh you like rabbits? Is that why you like me?" I felt my eyes roll so hard that I was scared they were gonna fall out of my head, "Like I said earlier, the only reason why I'm giving you so much of a pass and not being incredibly hostile towards you is because in reality you are a plush toy and I cannot convince myself unless you did something actually bad to me for me to hurt a plush toy. And on top of that it's a rabbit plush toy." He looked at me and then gave a laugh, "Yes yes I know. By the way, what is a 'capybara'?" I literally gasped so hard that I actually woke myself up and I immediately started shaking him so I can show him what a capybara was.

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