Chapter 6:The Perfect Mask

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Surge enters his room as Dave makes himself a rootbeer float and Skull cleans the blood off his face, Surge sighs then his mask starts to act up he smacks his head but it still acts up so he takes his mask off, he looks at his mask as it flickers and then shuts off "no no no no this can't be!" he shakes his mask and nothing happens it finally gave out, surge stands there with his dead mask not knowing what to do then an idea pops in his head he goes to his desk and places his mask down and begins to work on it, the mask looks like its from the purge movies as the design on it looks homemade and shows wear and tear on the mask itself, surge takes out a drawing he did in the past as a concept for a new mask. After getting the right tools he officially starts making his new mask, hours go by as the sun slowly fades away outside surge finishes the mask by adding the final touches, Surge chuckles as he looks at his new mask "Here we go....." Surge puts his new mask on and turns it on as the lights on the mask light up to a light color blue that's bright showing how happy he is "The perfect mask!" he says with a excited tone "now lets see if the color changes" he thinks about something that angers him, he thinks the times Dave and Skull hardly take him anywhere to go demon hunting with them he starts to feel the rage in him wanting to burst out but he holds it in soon the lights on the mask changes from being a bright blue to slowly fading to a deep red color, he then hits his desk hard with his fist causing to bruise his knuckles he looks at his hand "ow" as the adrenaline fades away and he begins to feel the pain "why did i do that least the mask changes color but damn that hurt" as he shakes his hand and sits down onto his bed. He begins to think something about himself and he starts to feel down the mask lights changes back to blue as the deep red fades away but now its a darker blue, "Am i even useful to them? Im i just a freak with thats scared to show my face" tears go down his hidden face and fall from the bottom of his mask Surge begins to cry as now realised Dave and Skull never checked on him to see how he's doing and what hes been doing nobody knocked at his door and never questioned what was all the noise Surge made all day in his room. Surge slowly lays his head down after he looks outside realizing it's midnight now so he covers up in bed and thinks "i'm a......nobody...." as he slowly cries himself to sleep his mask shuts off.

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