Chapter 31:Time To Rise Up

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Olivia and the other angels watch the battle from heaven. Some of the angels cover their mouths and watch the gruesome battle as they see the D.H.F soldiers, Captain dick, Dave,Skull,Surge and AJ kill so many demons in battle. So many lose their lives to protect the town but demons continue to come from the portals. Olivia watches in fear of Dave fights the demons with the help of Skull,Surge and AJ but soon showing signs of struggling, Skull gets piled up from the demons, Surge faces the same problem as he struggles to fight, AJ does her best to fight them as she temps to fly into the air but begins to fall down as one of her wings been damaged a bit, she falls to the ground struggles to get the demons off of her. Olivia closes her eyes and clenches her fist as she begins to walk towards the big gate that leads to the pathway to god. Guards stand in front of the gate to make sure no one gets in without god letting the guards know that someone is approaching the gate to see him. Olivia goes up to the guards "I need to see god its an emergency that my son and the others are failing to protect the town. I need to talk to him now!" Guard shakes his head as he stands in front of the gate showing no signs of letting her in, the other guard speaks "I'm sorry madam god never told us we were expecting someone to show up to the gate so you cant enter im sorry madam." Olivia gets angry and starts to yell "Are you just gonna sit there while a town is about to be taken over by hell?" Guard looks at her and shakes his head. "We choose to stay in heaven cause we dont want to scare everyone and make everything go into chaos so we stay up here no matter what happens down there." Olivia quickly walks away from the gate and heads towards the middle of heaven. She takes a deep breath with her eyes closed and then reopens her eyes and begin to get everyone in heaven attention "Are we just sit here and watch this poor town be over run by demons that my son and all the other people struggle to protect it don't you care about the people and want to see the town and world grow? Or let it be taken over by hell?". The angels stand there with this concerned look on their face knowing that she might be right but are afraid to speak out fearing they might disobey God's trust and rules. Soon a low voice echoes through heaven "My Children what seems to be the problem?" This causes the angels to look at the direction where the echo came from and then are met with this bright light and then a figure appears from the bright light. Olivia shields her face from the bright light and then lowers her arm as the bright light fades. There stands a tall figure wearing a white tunic,the figure also has a long white beard and long white hair. All the angels stand there in shock. God has come down to see what's going on. The angels bow down to him as Olvia continues to stand up making her the only one standing out of the rest. God looks at all his children and begins to speak "I heard all this commotion down here and wanted to know what was going on but i think i know to that answer" God turns to look at Olivia as she continues to stand up, God then approaches her and stands in front of her "My child why do you request to see me and why you requesting these other angels to stand up?" Olvia keeps her cool and then replies "The town and world is at risk of being taken over and my son and D.H.F are struggling to defend and fight back the demons so please we need to help them." God shakes his head "I'm sorry child as much as you want to help them but I made a choice to never interfere with the humans down on earth i fear we scare them and cause them to panic and cause chaos." Olivia looks at God in the eyes, his eyes are blue like the ocean "Did something happen in the past to make you make this choice my lord? Cause you care about us but are afraid to go down to help them." "All the humans on earth can take care of themself and can handle this kind of threat even if it's in different parts of the world but mostly I just don't want to go down there and scare them." Olivia bows down "My lord i know you fear to scare them but i beg you to help them this once send your angels to help fight back the demons to save my son and his friends i beg of you please!" tears roll down Olivia's face "My child....." God says with a softer voice this time "I've never had an angel beg for me to send angels down to help fight in centuries but i can understand your fear of losing your son and seeing earth being taken over and i've been holding this in for awhile but i know one of my brothers was killed and someone now occupies the throne of hell that seems to be more evil than meets the eye, so child i have made my choice now." he offers her a hand to help her up she accepts it and he helps her up "I will send my children to battle the demons and help your son and his friends." Olivia gives a small smile as she wipes the tears off her cheeks "Thank you my lord" God nods and then begins to give commands to the angels "My Children we must help save this town and earth itself i send you all down and fight the demons go my children fight with all your might!" angels get weapons and shields and begin to fly down from heaven to help battle the demons, God stays in heaven to make sure heaven is well protected and Olivia stays in heaven so she can watch over her son and his friends fight back and win the battle for the town and save the world. 

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