Chapter 36: The Final Battle

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Dave and Blade face each other for the final battle to end this war, Dave wins this the world is saved and things will go back to the way they were but Blade wins the world will be overrun by demons and peoples humanity will no longer exist, The fate of the world weighs on Daves shoulders but hes stands tall as he faces Blade no matter what it takes to fight him he still knows there's a chance to reach his fathers heart and save him before losing him forever. Blade stands with no emotion as his humanity is gone and only filled by the darkness, the voice echoes in his head "Blade do this for us kill this brat with all your strength!, we will take over this world and humans won't need to worry about their humanity nomore, So do this for us, for Ahriman!" Blade sprints forward at Dave as Dave sprints towards him, their swords clash once again as they look at each other in the eyes, Blades red eyes glow bright as the blood river in hell as Daves hazel green eyes look at Blade knowing this man change so much from a well known demonhunter to this monster that killed so many cause he lost his humanity. They push away from each other and begin swinging at each other, their swords connect at the sound of their swords, each make a clinging sound as sparks flicker from each hit of the blade, Dave keeps his eyes on Blade making sure he doesn't try doing a sneak attack on him. Dave keeps up with Blades swings as he swings back Blade dodges the attacks then does a backflip to give him space, Blade then quickly moves to confuse Dave making him lose his sights on Blade. Dave quickly looks around his surroundings trying to find Blade anywhere, Blade jumps down quickly about to surprise attack Dave but Dave quickly turns and blocks the attack with his sword and pushes Blade back from the air. Blade lands on his feet and looks at Dave "YOu useless pile of flesh kill him!" The voice in Blade head echos once again as Blade runs towards Dave. The battle continues with tense moments, Skull, Surge, and AJ watch the fight as they are intense as they see the battle of father and son as they continue to fight with all their energy. AJ prays for Dave to save Blade as she can see something in Blade that's hidden in all the darkness that swarms inside of him. Dave and Blade clash their swords again and then they back off of each other, Sweat pours down on Dave's face as he breathes heavily from all that swinging, Blade with all this power he starts to wear down as he begins to breath heavily but not sweat as much but showing that Dave and Blade are running out of energy to continue fighting. "Why?....Why risk your life for the world Dave? What will it ever do for you!?" Blade questions Dave as he tries to catch his breath, Dave looks at him right in the eyes and replies "Why?....I grew up in this town, I care about saving lives and making sure demons are sent back to hell, I have friends that care about me and do anything to help me as I will always help them no matter what! And saving this world will show how much I care about this world and probably be rewarded in root beer but what matters the most is that people will look up to me and want to be like me and continue the legacy of being a demonhunter, Sure it sounds like crazy talk but i do believe people will remember us for saving them from a monster like you!" Daves tightens his grip on the handle of his sword as he looks at Blade telling him the truth, Blade scoffs "Heh a monster? How pathetic....." Blade runs towards Dave as he is about to stab him, Dave's right eye glows blue and then Dave quickly avoid the attack moving so fast he appears behind Blade and swings his sword cutting off Blades left demon wing making blood squirt out "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Blade scream is a mixture of a human yell and a monster roar, it echos as Blade falls down onto his knees as he weakens in power, Dave steps in front of Blade and kicks him down and then places his foot on Blades stomach and points his sword close to Blades chest and looks at Blade right in the eyes "why you doing this dad!? Why did you let yourself go!? Tell me!!!" Dave yells at Blade as blood slowly pours out from his back as he looks at Dave his eyes slowly go back to normal but still showing no emotion even in pain after losing one of his wings, "losing my humanity was the best thing that ever happened to me especially getting rid of your mother she was just weight to me" Dave raises up his sword about to stab Blade "NO!" AJ yells getting ready to stop Dave but then everything went quiet after the loud sound of the sword hitting the ground, Dave stabbed the ground right by Blades head, Blade looks at the sword as he sees his own reflection "I know you would never stay that about mom you loved her in the whole world this isn't you! Look at yourself as a man free from his humanity!? What does it do for you!? Does it make you feel better? Make you feel like a god? You questioned why I care about the world and why I want to keep my humanity and the world too so I should know what made you choose to let yourself go tell me!" Tears begin to roll down Dave's face as he looks at Blade waiting for an answer Blade continues to look at himself from the sword as he seems to be thinking or something. Blade turns to face Dave is now crying wanting to know the truth "I....." Blade about to say something his eyes change, Blade's left eye goes back to normal but his right eye stays red then a demon voice speaks out of Blade "he is mine you pathetic pile of flesh!, i Ahriman will control this human forever! He lost his humanity so I have full control over him! You can't save him DAve he's long gone!" Dave's eyes go wide as he now realizes a demon named Ahriman was controlling Blade "Ahriman? What made you take over my father? Tell me, demon!" the demon laughs in a crackling voice "HAHAHA you see your father humanity kept his demon side under control but after so many transformations into that beast he lost his final feather making emotionless so i Ahriman took over him as his humanity went away that pathetic humanity was in my way now that it's gone i'm free to do whatever i want!!" "You monster making my father as your puppet makes me sick! My father is a good man. You just wanted to use him for your personal needs now get out of my father right now!" "HAHAHAHAHA!!! I believe that would be- what? No no!" Blade's right eye closes and then reopens as it looks normal " need to kill me....There's no point in saving me Ahriman will never go the only way to kill him is to kill me!" Dave begins to tear up "No....i can't do that! Dad I don't want to lose you!You're the only one that I truly have left in the family. I can't dad there's gotta be another way-" Blade interrupts him Dave you have to! Ahriman is the one you need to take out so kill me son please..." Blade struggles to keep control away from Ahriman. Dave having no choice but to end it all he raises his sword pointing at his fathers chest, tears pour down Dave's cheeks at he looks at his father eyes, Blade tears up looking at Dave "i'm proud you've become such a great demonhunter Dave i love you son" Dave closes his eyes "AHHHHHHH" Dave yells as he stabs Blade in the heart "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Ahriman roars as both Blade and Ahriman die from being stabbed in the heart. Dave stands there still holding unto the handle of the sword, AJ and the others slowly walk up to Dave "Dave.....i'm sorry you had to kill your father you would've done anything to save him but that demon had a hold of him and....Dave?" Dave stands there still holding onto the sword handle "Dave? Buddy you alright?" Skull asks as he tilts his head "Davy? Are you alright there?" Surge asks as his mask changes to an orange color. AJ places her hand on Daves shoulder, Dave lets go of the sword and falls down revealing he was stabbed in the heart "DAVE!!!!!!!!" AJ quickly picks him up holding him in her arms, Dave lays in her arms lifeless as he slowly died from being stabbed in the heart by a knife AJ pulls the knife out of his chest and tries to heal him but....they was too late, " no no no!!!!!!!!"Skull yells as he begins to tear up and quickly walks over to a wall and punches it, "Dave.....please don't leave us,,,,please" Surge says sadly when seeing his lifeless friend his mask changes to a very dark blue as he falls to his knees crying as tears begin to pour out from under his mask. AJ looks at Daves eyes as she can't save him, his eyes are soulless, his soul has officially left his body. AJ looks at him with tears pouring down her face she places her hand on his cheek "Please come back goofball i get you all kinds of rootbeer just....please come back Dave.......I love you..." No answer is given back as Daves body continues to lay lifeless in her arms "AHHHHHHHHH!" AJ yells as she lays her head on his chest crying her eyes out knowing he is gone for good Dave has died a hero. Darkness covers the whole area but is soon lit up by a bright light, footsteps echo as a figure slowly approaches the light, as the light got so bright the figure held their hand up to cover some of the light, soon the bright light reveals to be heaven as the gate of entry into heaven can be seen. The figure places their hand onto the gate "Is this heaven?" figure questions and then it reveals to be Dave, he has made it to heaven and sees the beauty in heaven as the place still looks peaceful, Dave tries to open it but can't as he tries again to open it a familiar voice calls out his name "Dave?....." Dave turns to see someone approaching the gate "My Sweet goofball it is you!" Olivia Looks at Dave in the eyes as she approaches the gate, opening it quickly for Dave "Mom?...." Dave's eyes go wide and then tears begin to go down his cheeks and quickly hugs Olivia as she accepts him into her arms "Mom im...... so happy to see you here! It's been so long!" as he cries on her shoulder "I know sweetie and you've grown so much the last time i saw you" Olivia smiles as she hugs her son after years since her death she watched her son from heaven now he's here in her arms it feels like a dream to her. Dave then lets go and looks at her "Im sorry im here right now i should be down there and-" Olivia stops him "Dave it's ok i saw what happened and know why your here and i want to say i' proud of you son you've done so much to save this world, seeing you fight along your friends its makes me happy i raised so well." Dave smiles "Thank you mom I'm happy you're proud of me after so much i went through im happy i made my mother so proud." Olivia Smiles and places her hand on his cheek "Now go back to your friends they are missing you so much." "But I want to stay for a little longer. I haven't seen you for so long." "I know sweetie I wish you could stay a little longer but just seeing you makes me happy so go back to your friends and keep being the goofball that you are." Dave nods and smiles before giving Olivia one last hug "Olivia forgetting about me?" a voice appears as Dave and Olivia look behind, Blade has arrived in heaven "Dad!?" "Blade!?" Blade smiles as he opens his arms for them, Dave and Olivia run to him and hug him, "Dad how are you here?" Dave asked looking up at him while hugging him "Well I think we know why." Blade looks forward and sees God as he stands there watching them. God has this big smile on his face as his blue eyes shine, Dave and Olivia look at God, Olivia smiles and nods as Dave looks at him with a shocked look knowing now he finally sees god for what he looks like, Olivia turns to look at Dave ''Dave better get back to your friends." Dave looks at her and smirks and nods to her as he looks at Blade with his smirk, Blade smiles and pats Dave on the shoulder "Better get back to your friends bud." Dave nods and hugs Olivia and Blade one last time and says "Thank you.....i gonna miss you guys so much." Blade replies with a smile "We're gonna miss you too bud but your time is not up yet go back down there and be the best demonhunter out there and also tell Captain Dickhead i said hi." Dave and Olivia chuckle a bit and then let Dave go through the gate and leave heaven, Dave looks back at his parents as they wave to him goodbye Dave waves at them and smirks "I will do my best to be the best demonhunter for you guys no matter what, thank you." he says under his breath as he leaves heaven returning to his body. The group continue to mourn about Dave, AJ looks at Dave with tears in her eyes and soon feels him move "D-Dave?" Dave opens his eyes and looks at AJ and slowly smirks "Hey AJ." he says in a raspy voice, AJ smiles and cries happily and laughs as she hugs him, Skull and Surge look and see Dave is alive they quickly join in the hug, They all hug him knowing he's back and they missed him after they thought they lost him "Ya dame rootbeer drinking idiot *sniff* we thought we lost you!" Surge mask changes to a bright blue "Please don't ever leave us like again i thought we lost you for good!" Dave smiles as he looks at his friends "I won't leave you guys ever againI promise, I love you guys so much your family no matter what." They continue to hug Dave as AJ looks at Dave in the eyes and smiles Dave smiles and leans in to kiss AJ on the lips "As I love you AJ in the whole world." she smiles "I love you too ya goofball." AJ,Skull and Surge help Dave up and they begin to leave the tower "So how did you come back to life?"Skull asks, Dave chuckles "Well....." Dave explains how he came back as they leave the tower seeing the destruction from the war, the tower behind them begins to descend back into hell looking for a new king as the group continue forward. The angels have gone back into heaven as they fly into the sky waving goodbye, the D.H.F soldiers begin to check on any wounded soldiers making sure the area is clear. Captain Dick sees Dave, Skull, Surge and AJ and then walks to them "In my whole life being in the D.H.F team I've never seen heroes like you that saved this world from being taken over. Dave smiles "I'm not the only hero Captain, my friends here are heros too and even the D.H.F are heroes thank you." Captain Dick smiles and salutes them "Get some good rest we'll handle the rest of this stuff." Daves sighs in relief "Good I'm tired as fuck!....well take care Captain Dickhead." Captain Dick smirks "Well do...Skullcrushers." Dave, Skull, Surge and AJ head home to get some rest after a long day.

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