Chapter 19: Spread Your Wings Open

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Up in the sky where only the good souls enter to become an angel after death. When entering heaven your met with friends and family that wait in front of the gate that also welcomes new angels to heaven. There are some rules that every new angel needs to know before being allowed to roam heaven, 1.Never attack or threaten any other angel, doing so will lead you to falling out of heaven into hell and losing the rights of your angel wings. 2.Respect God for the choices that he makes leading to what happens to the people on earth. 3.Angels can have a relationship with other angels in heaven even if the two are gay, lesbains, or bisexual but no angel is allowed to perform sex in heaven, doing so will lead you and your partner to falling out of heaven into hell.4.angels have the right to help out other angels in need if they are lonely,sad,scared or nervous. And then the last rule that angels must follow at all cost, 5.Always have faith in god and yourself never think god doesn't care about you and never think you don' t deserve to be an angel love yourself that you are now in heaven be happy. Angels walk around talking to each other about their life before they became angels, when an angel enters heaven after leaving earth when they died the angel wears the clothes that they wore on earth but the color to their clothes are pure white but angels are allowed to change their clothes to anything they want as their is a clothing store in heaven you don't need money to buy anything you can just enter the store and look around for anything you want, there's also a hair salon in heaven if you prefer to change your hairstyle anything you like,heaven gives the angels freedom as much as possible so they can feel welcomed and feel happy here and safe. The gate that lets new angels into heaven slowly opens up as the angels turn their heads to see it open and then the angels get excited as they approach the gate to welcome new angels, new angels begin to enter through and be welcomed into heaven as the angels shake hands and cheer making into heaven, the crowd lead the new angels around heaven as the gate stays open for one more angel the person enters revealing it to be Olivia as she wears a white sweater and white jeans. Olivia looks around with a confused look "Is this heaven? It looks beautiful" she enters through the gate as the gate closes behind her, no angels welcome her into heaven cause all of them are with the new angels showing them around, Olivia sighs "Hello madam welcome to heaven" Olivia turns to the right and sees this woman with her arms behind her back, The woman wears a white hoodie and white jeans, the woman looks at Oliva with this warm smile, Olivia smiles and waves a little "Hello there so this is heaven?" the woman nods "Mhm yes indeed madam the peaceful place for good souls to enter and become angels we angels are always happy to accept new angels into heaven names AJ" AJ holds her hand out for a handshake Olivia shakes AJ's hand "My name is Olivia it's nice to meet you AJ" AJ smiles "I can show you around and tell you some of the rules here in heaven you can also tell what your life was on earth as i show you around so follow me" Olivia nods and smiles as she begins to follow AJ. After AJ showed and told Olivia the rules and the locations around heaven AJ asked Olivia a question "So now you know everything here in heaven can you tell me what your life on earth was like before you became an angel?" Olivia thinks for a moment "Hmmm...well when I was younger my parents cared about me alot and taught me alot things but...." Olivia hesitates to continue "Nevermind i'll skip that part in my life i can talk about my life when i was older and-" AJ places her hand on Olivia's shoulder "Hey its ok you can tell me don't be afraid to talk about it Olivia you can tell me" Olivia slowly nods and continues where she left off "After while things started to change my father lost his job after messing up so much soon he gets depressed and begins to drink alcohol to drink away the pain for messing up, my mom tried to stop him from drinking and get help but it didn't work he got angry and he hit her i can remember him yelling at her that he doesn't need help from her and she just looked at him with no fear even when he hitted her she just told him that he changed and he's not himself anymore, after that my mom sent me to live with my grandma and i never seen my mom and dad ever again after that event. My grandma continues to take care of me as time went by i can remember she always told me her past what she did and then teach me so much, when i got older she started to hardly move as much as she did she started to spend most of her days in bed before it became her time," tears start to roll down Olivia cheek "The day she was about to pass away i can remember her sweet voice" "My sweet child don't cry" "She wiped the tears off my cheek and had this sweet smile on her face" "You've grown up so much and taught you so many things it's time you move on continue on your own my child" "B-But....grandma i need you here with me i'm not for sure i can do this on my own..." "She places her hand on mine" "Olivia i will always be with you no matter what even if i'm not here in person i will always be watching you from above it'll be ok" "I give her one last hug and then held onto her hand" "Thank you so much grandma for everything i will do my best on my own you can go now grandma i love you with all my heart" "She had this bright smile when i told her that" "I love you too my sweet child thank you.." "She closed her eyes and her hand slowly let go of mine as she passes away peacefully...." Olivia starts to cry and AJ hugs her tightly "Shhh it's ok Olivia you'll be able to see her again after you tell everything that happened in your life on earth we can go find her." Olivia wipes the tears off her cheeks "Thank you AJ i can't wait to see her again and tell her everything" AJ smiles "She'll love that so much Olivia so what happened after that?" "Well *sniff* i started looking for a job so i can afford food after time goes by i had a great job that paid well i was doing good until one day when i was heading to work some crazy guy attacked i can remember he grabbed a hold of me and pushed me against a wall "My my you sweet little thing you looking good" "He touched me all over seeming he was enjoying it as i tried to push him of but he was really strong i beg for him to stop" "Please stop i don't know who you are please let me!" "Nah i can't let a beautiful woman with such a beautiful body leave! I need to feed on such a beautiful woman!" "W-What!? No please!" "He had this long tongue that hung out as he opened his mouth getting ready to take a bite out of me. Soon a man yelled at the maniac" "Hey creep!" "He turned his head as I did the same and saw him...Blade" "YOU DAME DEMONHUNTERS! ALWAYS RUIN MY DINNER" "Well too bad I think it's best you go back to hell where you belong" "Make me!" "The creature lets go of me as he charges as Blade and they begin to fight i can remember sliding down against the wall watching the fighting confused and scared, Blade finishes the creature by cutting its head off and then walk up to me with this calm look on his face i "You ok?" "He lends his hand out to help me up from the floor" "Y-yeah i'm ok who was that?" "That was just some crazy demon that escaped hell no need to worry about him anymore" "A demon?" "Yep, ever encountered one before?" "No this was my first time i encountered one" "Well it's best to be careful out here and keep an eye out for any strange events call me" "Blade hands me this card with his number on it also it had the group that he was working with on it, it said D.H.F on it" "I gotta go madam you stay safe" "I stop him from walking away" "Hey um.....thank you...what's your name?" "Name Blade" "Thank you Blade maybe i can help repay you how about we go to a coffee shop and have coffee together sometime i want to know more about the man that saved my life" "He had this confused look on his face caused he never had anyone do this to him before being repaid from a person he just saved and met but he nods and accepts my offer" "A coffee does sound good right now maybe a small break from work wouldn't hurt" "I smiled and giggled cause he was funny and was really handsome" Olivia blushes and AJ giggles "So what's your name?" "My name is Olivia" "Well Olivia lead the way to the coffee shop" "Now hold on there i gotta work first then we can go get some coffee" "Oh ok my apologies" "No worries Blade it's all good well i better get going see ya later at the coffee shop Blade." "Alright Olivia see you there!" "Man i didn't want to work but i had to but i loved looking at Blade he was so kind and sweet and so damn hot i wanted to know more about him, i finished work and headed to the coffee shop and met him there we talked about alot of things it was so nice i in love with him i remember placing my hand on his hand leaning in close to him "learning so much about you was so nice and i can't stop looking you your so damn hot" "I made him blush so hard i can remember that cute look he made when i said that and him trying to talk but its hard for him" " uh t-thank y-you i hardly receive compliments like this just me is it getting hot in-" "I don't know what made do this but i pulled him close me and kiss him on the lips and it made my face really red and blushed so much soon i took him to my house and i think i should skip those moments" AJ laughs "Yeah it's best you do that Olivia, so anything else happen?" Olivia nods "Mhm! Me and Blade spent time together after years later we got married and then I got pregnant and had a kid which I named him myself" "Awwwww what was his name?" "Dave, that's his name. My little goofball was so adorable and happy. I always wanted to be there for him like my grandma did when I was younger. I can remember singing him a song to help him fall asleep in his crib." Olivia has this sweet smile but her eyes show how much she is in pain from not being there for Dave."My husband was so damn happy as he had this sweet smile while holding our son in his arms. "Our son is perfect he is our bundle of joy he'll be the next demon hunter that will replace me if i ever get old" Olivia chuckles "He'll probably would he be faster than you and stronger than you but would still about his old man" Blade chuckles "We was such a happy family" AJ smiles "So Olivia if you don't mind what happened to you everything seemed good" Olivia stands there quiet spacing out "Olivia?..." soon she snaps out of it "Hm? Oh my apologies I honestly don't remember" AJ eyes go wide "Really that's strange a lot of other angels remember when they die and how they die" Olivia tries to remember but all she can remember is what she told AJ but after that it's all hazzie"It'll probably come back to me later." AJ nods and then pats Olivia's shoulder "Well you're new in heaven and you just arrived here not too long ago so probably your memories are still slowly coming back here i wanna show you something Olivia follow me." Olivia nods and follows AJ. AJ leads her to some part in heaven as they see multiple angels surrounding this object that looks like a garden fountain as its filled with water but no water is shooting out like a normal garden fountain would do, AJ takes Olivia to one of them that has no angels surrounding one as she begins to tell her what it is and what it do. "This is the fountain of the present, this lets you see what's going on earth now all you have to do is dip your finger into the water and spin it around and think of someone in your family or friends that are still alive on earth" "So anyone that's still alive i can watch them grow up and change as time goes by?" AJ nods "Yep all the way to their death that's how it works give it a try check on your son if he's still alive on earth" Olivia dips her finger into the water as the color is this light blue she begins to spin her finger around the blue water and thinks of Dave, the water clears up and begins showing Dave, Dave looks young and had different clothes his sword looked messed up and looks old "Mom where are you?...." Dave's voice can be heard from the water causing Olivia to cover her mouth seeing her son once again making her want to cry happily "My sweet goofball im here!" AJ places her hand on Olivia's shoulder "Olivia he can't hear you the fountain only projects the current memories of your loved ones it won't let you interact with them." Olivia turns to look at AJ and nods and turns to look back at Dave. "Mom?......oh no no no no no no!" Dave runs quickly and picks someone up off the ground and holds them in his arms, "No....this can't be.....please wake up please!!!!" The body is revealed to be Olivia in Dave's arms as Dave tries to wake her by shaking her "Please don't leave me! all i have please wake up your goofball is here dame it don't leave me to be alone!!!!!" Dave cries as he holds Olivia's lifeless body in his arms "Mom.......i love you....." he hugs her and holds her close to him soon the D.H.F starts to enter the room. The soldiers enter first and one of them orders Captain Dick to enter, he enters the room seeing Dave holding Olivia in his arms "Dave! What happened!?!" Dave slowly turned to look at Captain Dick with tears going down his face but had this angry look in his eyes "You......bastards!." Dave stands up while holding his mother in his arms "You said you would protect her with all your life you....keep her safe from danger you lying sack of shit!.....she's all i had and-" "Dave.... calm down we-" "Calm down? CALM DOWN!?" Dave begins to yell as he looks into Captain Dick eyes with pure hate "I heard about a demon entering this facility and wanted to make sure my mother was ok but...." he looks down at his lifeless mother "Seems like I was too late to save her too....i...." "Dave, I'm" Captain Dick slowly approaches Dave and holds his hands out towards him "We can take her somewhere to be buried for you and set up a funeral for her it's your choice what you want us to do Dave" Dave looks at Captain Dick then looks at his mother he slowly nods and hands her lifeless body to Captain Dick ''Make sure she get a proper burial so she can rest" Captain nods and begins to take her body to get it prepared to be buried. Olivia in heaven continues watching Dave wait for the D.H.F group prepare the funeral, soon the time comes for his mother to be buried Dave approaches the coffen as its open to show her body as its been hardly touch only her clothes been changed but her beauty stays the same, Dave leans in and kisses her forehead and then leans in to whisper in her ear "Mom you always been there for me to take care of me and made me who i am today thank you.....and i will find the son of a bitch that killed you mom i will avenge you i love you mother always" Captain approaches Dave from behind and places his hand on Dave's shoulder as Dave looks behind and sees Captain Dick, "Dave D.H.F can help locate the person that did this just give us some time and-" Dave shoves Captain Dick making him back off as tears go down Dave's face "I don't need your help you wasn't there to protect her i'll find the bastard that did it.....i'll find them and make them pay for what they did no matter how long it takes!" "Dave..." "Sorry Captain you can't change my mind" Dave looks back at his mother for the last time as they begin to bury her "It's up to me now...." they finish burying his mother and Dave proceeds to walk away, Captain Dick doesn't try to stop him because he knows it's useless to try convincing Dave so Captain Dick goes his own way and continues to serve D.H.F as for Dave he begins his journey to seek revenge for his mothers death. Olivia continues to watch Dave from heaven soon she comes up with an idea "I need to get back on earth" AJ quickly turns to Olivia "Wait what!? You can't return to earth, that's impossible! no angel ever went on earth and returned to heaven" Olivia shakes her head as she starts walking towards the gate and opens it but then AJ pulls Olivia away "Olivia you died too soon you can't just hop back into earth as a human you'll stay as an angel" Olivia shrugs "Staying as an angel....sounds good to me" AJ sighs "What i mean is once you step onto earth you might not be able to return to heaven..." "Then I'll take the risk.." AJ pulls Olivia away more from the gate "What are you trying to do Olivia why now you want to return to earth??? Tell me please, I need to know why!?" Olivia looks away from AJ "Olivia please tell me!" Olivia quickly turns to face AJ "I want to protect my son and be there for him when he is in danger ok!?" AJ eyes go wide "Olivia..." as her voice went softer "Dave is alone and i don't want him to be alone so i am going down there no matter what!" AJ holds Olivia's arm stopping her from leaving "No you're not going your staying here no matter what he'll be fine Olivia so please stop...." Olivia looks down and nods as she lets AJ pull her away from the gate "I just hope he'll be ok alone..." 'He'll be okay Olivia, trust me" Olivia nods as she looks at AJ and soon she thinks of an idea "Hey AJ" "Yes madam?" "How about you go down to earth and keep an eye on Dave for me?" "Huh!? What do you mean? Me on earth!? I..." "AJ I need someone to be there on his journey to seek revenge or better yet stop him from seeking revenge for me..." AJ looks confused as she tilts her head "Olivia what do you mean?" Olivia sighs "If he focuses on getting revenge and that being his only goal in his life he'll sacrifice anything even his life to find that killer. Think about it... if he does succeed in finding the killer and finally get revenge he'll look back and see how much of his life was wasted just to find one person... i just can't take that chance of him losing himself so please AJ go down to earth and keep an eye on Dave for me please i don't want to lose my son..." AJ close her eyes as she looks down and then opens them and nods to Olivia "Ok i'll do it as much as i love being in heaven i'll take the risk of losing the right to enter back into heaven as long as i keep Dave from losing himself" Olivia smiles and hugs AJ "Thank you so much AJ please be careful i don't know what happens on earth now but be sure to take care of yourself and keep an eye on Dave" "I will Olivia i promise." AJ lets go of Olivia and begins to open the gate and walk through, she looks back at Olivia one last time and waves at her. Soon AJ leaves heaven and proceeds to fall from the sky into the town where Dave lives. 

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