Chapter 16:BIG THINK

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Captain Dick finishes telling Dave,Skull,Surge who Blade was and the events that occurred in the past. The room is very quiet, only the heart monitor can be heard in the room and no one says anything, Skull leaning against a wall with his head down, Surge has his head down as his mask glows dark blue and Dave still in the bed recovering he doesn't know want to say after what Captain Dick said in his story that Blade the man that stabbed him is his father. With all that he's trying his best to process the story in his mind as he sits there in bed then the silence in the room is finally broken as Captain Dick stands up "I'm gonna give you guys sometime process it for now it shouldn't be that long before you can leave'' Dave doesn't look at Captain Dick but he nods his head slowly as the Captain leaves the room closing the door as the room the fills with silence. No one says anything for an hour then there's a knock at the door. The door opens revealing it to be the doctor, the doctor checks up on Dave ''Alright Dave let me see the bandages" Dave would make a joke in this situation but he doesn't, he just nods at the doctor as he shows the bandages around his chest "You healed up well," The doctor looks over at skull and Surge "you can take Dave home now just be sure to keep check the bandages just in case" Skull nods "Thank you doctor" Skull looks over at Dave and then tosses Dave's Jacket to him, Dave catches his jacket "Let's head home bud its been a crazy day here" Dave nods and puts his jacket on as the three leave the hospital begin to head home to help them relax and process the story.

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