Chapter 14:Blood Bath

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It's a sunny day outside people seem calm and relaxed then there was this loud roar as this big demon runs down the street destroying cars, buildings, people being crushed under its foot soon Blade appears from the air and jumps onto the big demon the demon tries to get him off its back as people stop and see Blade "its Blade that badass demon hunter yeahhhhhhhh go Blade kick its ass!" People seem to know Blade well as they cheer for him as he stabs the big Demon in the back multiple times until the big demon grabs hold of Blade and throws him to the ground. Blade hits the ground hard leaving a print on the ground Blade chuckles "is that all you got big guy?" the big demon roars at him as its about to slam him but then Blade stops the big demon as he forms into this big monster he grows in size as his skin turns dark his wings go bigger and his eyes turn red. Blade roars loud as it sounds more deeper than the big demons roar soon then fight hard as they destroy more buildings and other things. Blade defeats the big demon as he slams the demons against a building and then pulling the demon close to him, Blade begins to pull on the demon's head and tries to break free but fails. The demons neck begins to tear open as the blood begins to squirt out soon the Head is completely torn off its body with his spine still attached to it, the blood begins to spray out of the top as the body drop shooting out so much blood people around get covered in it soon the blood stops straying as blade drops the head and changes back to himself and the people that are covered in blood cheer for him. Blade nods at the crowd soon he felt something change in him he felt this feeling of emptiness in him as his wing drops one last feather he suddenly feels soulless as he looks at the crowd still cheering for him he confused empty look confused as like those people seem meaning less like they could easily crumple from a simple hit, meaningless lives caring about the humanity why should he care? He begins to walk towards the people ''holy shit he wants to meet us!" Blade approaches the man "oh man im such a huge fan of you" the man holds out his hand "i love to shake legend demon hunter that saved-'' Blade swings his sword cutting the man's hand off, everything goes silent as the man slowly looks down at his hand that's missing, begins to pour out of the stump soon the man screams and people begin to scream too as the man falls down to his knees screaming in extreme pain Blade stabs the man in the head causing the man's eyes to roll up as blood pours out of his mouth, Blade pulls the sword out of the man's head he hears a woman screams "YOU MONSTER WHY YOU DOING THIS I THOUGHT YOU PROTECTED US!?!?" Blade turns to look at her and shows no reaction as he proceeds to dash towards her, she attempts to make a run for it but he grabs ahold of her arm, with no struggle her arm gets torn off completely , she screams as she tries to run away with blood shooting out from her missing arm as Blade catches up to her and grabs ahold of her head and twists it. Her head facing the back as she slowly falls to the ground dead as Blade stands there showing no emotion in his face "these fragile" as he hears the people scream that ring in his ears soon he sees a man and woman trying to escape from the area, the woman seems to be struggling as its hard for her to run being pregnant "lois come on we have to get out of here that man is dangerous" lois looks at the man "Ben its hard for me to run being pregnant" "i know i just want us to get out of here quickly as possible" Blade then dash at Lois and Ben as Blade grabs Ben by the throat and holds him in the air "NO let him go you bastard!" Lois hits Blade but he doesn't show any reaction from being hit, he slowly looks at her and drops Ben, he looks down at her stomach as its kinda big, he begins to walk towards her and she begins to back away from him "trying to continue this humanity? tell me....why?....." she backs up to a wall as Blade looks down at her he's taller than her "why must you try to continue humanity?" Lois shows fear in her eyes "what the hell do you mean?" As Ben gets up after he catches his breath he runs towards Blade. Blade knew he was gonna run towards him so Blade turns to quickly punch Ben in the mouth so hard it causes Ben's mouth goes inside itself from the hard punch, Ben collapses to the ground dead as Lois screams "NOOO BEN!!!" she cries Blade just looks at her "see how pathetic these lives are?" HE WAS MY HUSBAND YOU MONSTER!" "a monster?" he grabs her by the throat "a monster always has their humanity so calling me a monster is meaningless" He pulls back his one hand "so how should i care about these humans?" as he sticks his hand into her stomach she screams as she feels his hand go inside her stomach, Blade pulls out his hand out with his hand holding onto something as he opens his hand to reveal to be the fetus in his hand she cries in pain and blood pouring out from the hole in her stomach "humanity means nothing to me anymore" as he crushes the fetus in his hand lois cries and slowly dies. Trucks soon appear and then the heavy armored soldiers get out of the truck and point their guns at Blade "target sighted awaiting orders sir" Captain Dick slowly appears behind the soldiers looking younger as he stands away from Blade "Blade what the hell happened what made you snap?" Blade looks away "people are just worthless bags of meat" "Jesus Blade this isn't you what's going on?" Blade brings out his wings, his demon wing seems fine but his feathered wing is missing all its feathers there's nothing left. "Blade, you need to come home with us and we can talk about this okay? Blade looks at Captain with the blank stare that he gave to the other people "I feel nothing. I'm empty, a soulless demon or human or whatever the hell i am. your nothing but meat bags to me with your humanity still attached so why should I care?" Blade Flaps his wings and flys away, Captain orders the men to not fire as he watches "i gotta warn Olivia we lost a great demonhunter and she lost a good husband...." the Captain orders the men back to base as he heads to Blade's home.

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