Chapter 17:The Light to my Darkness

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As the boys head home rain begins to pour Dave groans "Ugh really?? Rain?" The rain comes down hard. Dave looks over at Skull and Surge "You two are lucky you guys are demons and can't catch a cold unlike me" Skull and Surge chuckle, Skull looks over at Dave as he sees Dave getting drenched from the rain "Did you forget your umbrella?" "Yeah i left it at home and-" Dave sees a bus stop with a roof on it "look a good spot to rest for awhile" they head to the bus stop spot and sit down as the rain continues to pour down. The rain isn't showing any signs of slowing down as Dave begins to feel cold "D-D-D-D-Dam-m-m-mn i-i-it you g-guys c-c-c-can g-g-g-get c-c-c-cold e-e-e-either...'' as he shivers,Skull and Surge start to feel worried about Dave if he doesn't get home in time he'll freeze to death. Soon footsteps can be heard then someone appears down the walkway then walks towards the bus stop then stops, someone is holding an umbrella "excuse me sir you ok?" Dave, still shaking slowly, looks up at the figure that's looking at him "H-h-huh?" as Dave's vision becomes more clear as he begins to see a young woman looking down at him she has glasses on and has her hear in a ponytail as she wears a black hoodie and jeans with black boots and she has with her head tilted to the side "You don't look so good" Dave shivers as he slowly gets up "J-J-J-Just f-f-f-f-freezing i-i-i-i'll be o-o-ok" She shakes her head "Nope you don't sound ok here" She pulls him closer under her umbrella "There we go so you walking home or waiting for the bus and is those two your friends?" Dave nods "Yeah those two are my friends and we are heading home on foot" the young woman nods and gives Dave a cute warm smile "Well I'll help get you and your friends out of this rain mind leading way?" Dave nods "thank you" as they begin to head to their house with the young woman with them to help keep Dave from getting trenched from the rain. As they walk Dave looks at the young woman as they walk "So what's your name?" she turns her head to look at him and smirks "Names AJ what's your name?" "Dave and those two behind us is Skull," he points at Skull as Skull waves at her "And then there's Surge" he points at Surge as Surge waves at her as he looks very shy "It's nice to meet you guys" Dave smirks "It's nice meet you too AJ" AJ smiles, her smile looks so warm it could melt a cold heart. Soon they arrive at the house "Looks like its the end of the road and... Dave, you don't look so good." Dave looks kinda pale and looks almost frozen "Uh.....Dave?" Dave falls forward and Skull catches him "I think he's getting a fever we need to get him inside ASAP'' AJ sees Dave looking badly sick "I know what to do get him inside quickly" Skull nods and runs inside the house to put Dave on his bed as AJ and Surge enter in the house. Skull lays Dave down on his bed as Skull places his hand on Dave's chest and warms his hand up to help keep him warm, AJ and Surge enter the room as Surge's mask changes to a yellow color and AJ has this worried look on her face seeing Dave in his bed looking badly, Surge places his hand on her shoulder "We can take it from here AJ you can go home" AJ shakes her head "No i want to stay and help out i want to make sure he's ok" "AJ he'll be ok trust me poor Dave doesn't have a strong immune system we had this problem before it'll be alright" AJ looks at Surge as his mask color is back to a blue letting her know its ok as AJ nods "Can i least stay for the night? The rain is hitting hard out there" Surge nods as his mask glows bright blue "Sure thing AJ i'll go get you a blanket and a pillow you can sleep on the couch" Aj nods as she looks over at Skull and Dave, Dave is breathing slowly as Skull's hand lays on his chest keeping him warm, Skull looks over at AJ then back to Dave ''Are you guys brothers?" Skull shakes his head "Nope we're not related to each other but we do take good care of each other like real brothers would do but me and Surge are demons that left hell for good." "So thats why you two didn't seem to be bothered much by the rain so if your ok with me asking but why did you two leave hell?" "Well i left hell cause when the demons started to sense that i had a soul in me cause every time i tried torturing someone i couldn't bring myself to do it so when you dont follow orders and do what your suppose to do they torture you not like what they do to they torture you until you beg for them to remove your soul, if you refuse to give in they burn each part of your body in the lava...." Skull looks down at his right hand, "They tortured me by burning my right hand until there was nothing left but bone..............." Aj looks at his right hand "You poor did you escape before they continued to torture you?" "They was getting ready to dip my other hand in the lava until the Big boss in hell ordered every demon to stop and meetup at the middle of hell, so they locked me up in some cell and told me they will return to continue my torture after the meeting, i didnt know what was going but i needed to get out of their, i managed to escape my cell and sneak by guards that are set up in hell. I look around and soon I find a portal that leads to earth, my only exit out of hell. After i made it through the portal and landed in some alleyway and felt happy and safe after leaving hell but i was in pain real bad as my hand was hurting so much it caught on fire i thought i was gonna catch on fire for being on earth or something but it was only my right hand so figured out that i now have the ability to shoot fire or light up my right hand on fire" Skull takes his right hand off of Dave chest and holds his hand out as begins to heat up then lights on fire, AJ jumps a little from the fire then looks at Skull's flaming hand with amazement "Wow....." Skull smirks as he snaps his finger making the flame go out. AJ then asks Skull another question "How did you meet Dave after you escaped hell?" Skull looks down at Dave then back to AJ "He found me in the alleyway alone and afraid as i remember he was on a demon hunt and saw me in the alleyway wrapped up in a blanket he walked up me and asked if i was ok as he can tell i was in pain and offered to help me, at first i denied it cause i didn't know who he was and didn't trust him but i had nothing left and was alone i finally accepted his help, he got me clothes and some food to get my energy back i thanked him for the help until a demon came out of nowhere and attacked Dave, i didn't know what to do so i helped him as i grabbed that demon by the head and started to pull its head off all that raged from being tortured in hell i released my rage on the demon i can still remember i heard Dave now yelling "HOLY SHIT!" as I teared that demon's head off with no problem" Skull chuckles as AJ sits on the side of the bed beside Dave as she listens to Skull's story, "After i killed that demon Dave thanked me for saving his live and wanted to know more about me so i did, i told him everything and he basically accepted me into his home cause i had no home and was alone and Dave didn't want that so i moved into this place and we took care each other ever since. "AJ nods "I'm glad Dave found you and took care of you and i can tell you went through alot but you stayed strong" Skull smiles "thank you AJ it means alot but it's all thanks to Dave for helping me a long time ago, he may be a rootbeer junkie and a goofball but he does have a big heart for anyone thats family or just friends he'll do his best to help out as much as he can" Skull looks at Dave's watch and sees its getting late "I think it's best you and Surge hit to bed Surge should have your pillow and blanket ready on the couch" "what about you Skull?" "Me? I'll be fine i'll stay here and keep an eye on Dave you go on ahead and sleep AJ" AJ nods she walks to the door leading out the room she looks back Skull and Dave before leaving the room and heads to the front room where the Couch is at, Surge has been waiting for as he is standing by the couch "It's all ready for ya AJ" "AJ smiles "Thank you Surge say i love your mask it looks really cool." Surge chuckles as his mask glows bright blue "thank you! I made it myself" ''Oooooo can i touch it if you're ok with that?" Surge mask changes to bright pink and starts getting shy as his voice is softer "Oh um eh uh s-s-sure t-thing AJ" AJ giggles as she slowly touches Surge's mask "I like the details on your mask Surge it's well made" "T-T-Thank you heh heh...your cute.." AJ tilts her head "What you say Surge i couldn't hear you" Surge starts to get really shy as his mask glows more brighter pink "Uh eh i um i said thank you it took me awhile to make it um i think it's best um we head to bed AJ" "Oh oki Surge" she takes her hand off of Surge's mask "Well goodnight Surge" "G-Goodnight A-AJ" Surge waves at AJ before heading to his room to calm down as his mask changes back to blue. AJ thinks for a moment and begins to blush slightly and smiles a little she did hear what Surge said. She begins to lay down on the couch, gets covered up in a blanket and lays her head on the pillow soon she falls asleep. A few hours go by as its still dark outside and raining still pouring but not as hard then before, AJ tosses and turns on the couch still thinking about Dave and feeling worried about him soon she wakes up and looks around before going to the door that leads to Dave's room, she takes a peek inside to see if everything is ok she sees Skull sitting by Dave's bed and still awake but looking really tired as he tries to keep his eyes open and almost falling asleep, AJ thinks of an idea and then walks into the room soon Skull sees her and looks confused "AJ? What ...doing *yawns* up late it's-" he looks at Dave's watch but his vision is blurry from being tired so the numbers are messy "uh 67485 Or SomThInG In tHe MoRnInG?*yawns*" AJ crosses her arms "I think you need sleep mister you barely can keep your eyes open" AJ walks over to skull and helps him up and takes him to his room, he tries to talk but he sounds like he's drunk but he's just very very tired "I'm NoT TiRed YoUr TIrEd *yawns* oH FuCk I aM TiRed" AJ shakes her head "Come on off to bed mister you need sleep" AJ gets Skull to his room as he enters his room, he stumbles a little and then turns around facing AJ as he opens his mouth about to say something he falls backwards onto his bed and falls asleep instant, AJ nods and closes Skulls door softly and sighs as she whispers to herself "I just meet these goofballs not that long ago and im taking care of them like i known them for a long time" she then smiles and quietly chuckles to her self as she heads to Dave's door, before she enters she makes sure Surge's and Skull's Doors are closed. She enters Dave's room and closes the door behind her while looking at Dave, Dave is breathing calmly in his bed still looking sick she goes over to him and places her hand on his head as it feels really warm she quietly whispers "You Poor thing suffering like this and-" She noticed something that's being covered up as she moves the covers off to reveal the top part of his body, he lays in his bed without his jacket and is shirtless as he looks well fit, she looks at his chest thats wrapped up in bandages, She softly touches the bandage feeling the fabric that covers his wound soon she touches the middle causing him to make a quiet grunt sound as her hand touch part of the wound, she lifts her hand off his chest then whispers quietly "Suffering from pain and sickness...i..won't let that happen you won't suffer anymore i will help you, i can tell you do your best to help everyone as much as you can, you became the demon hunter that your mother wanted" she then places her hand on the side of his face feeling his soft cheek as tears begin to drop down her face "Your mother is so proud of you and she'll always love you no matter what that's what she wanted me to say to you, you may not be awake to hear all this but i will tell you when it's time" she wipes the tears away off her face and then places her hand back onto his chest, her eyes begin to glow as a blue light glows from her hand as it touches Dave's chest wound and heals it then she moves her hand to his head and cures him from his fever. Dave seems to be sleeping more peacefully now as he breathes more calmly, AJ covers him back up and smiles as she stands up feeling tired and drained, she tries to head to the door her body starts to feel cold and her legs get wobbly and knows the couch isn't that comfortable so she goes to Dave's bed and lays down by him and gets covered up, AJ looks at Dave as he sleeps she smiles as she closes her eyes and falls asleep, the rain begin to slows down and then stops as the sky clears up. 

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