Chapter 25: Come Together

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An old building stands on its own away from the town as it appears to be abandoned, inside the abandoned building its dark, spider webs cover parts of the room, rats roam freely around the place like the place hasn't been touched in years soon changes as a portal appears in the middle of the room soon a decent amount of demons come out of the portal. The demons look around the place then one of them speaks in a different language ordering the other demons to look around for any signs of humans. "Jaba hin dis ht" the demon says in their language as they continue to search for any signs of life. A figure walks forward from the darkness "Hae huc lod!" The demon calls out for the other demons to let them know there is an unknown person in the building. One of the demons charges at the mysterious figure soon there was a loud swing and something being cut, the demon that charged at the figure has stopped moving soon begins to slowly fall apart as the demon hole entire body splits in half as the sound flesh can heard tearing apart as all the demons organs begin to fall out hitting the ground as the demon finally fully splits in half the other demons begin to attack the figure they charge at full speed and then swing at the figure with their sharp claws they then meet the same fate as they are brutally killed by the figure. The figure steps out of the shadows and reveals himself to be Blade, Blade went into hiding after he stabbed Dave he stayed at the old building to keep himself hidden from the public, he looks at the dead demon on the ground he then looks at the open portal that stands by him glowing with this red color ring shape that surrounds the portal. Blade looks at the portal and thinks to himself "The portal that leads into hell.....The home for the souls that sin and must pay for what they did....these humans need to know why having humanity is worthless, everyone in this world need to learn why should they shouldn't care about their humanity....i will.......take over hell no matter how much people try to stop me not even that demon hunter and his friends will stop me for taking over." Blade thinks of his son Dave and what he did to him, Blade told Dave that he was weak just like his mother after he stabbed Dave in the chest, Blade now he only sees his son as a speck of dust on his shoulder, Blade will have the chance to finally kill Dave, his friends are not much of the problem only Dave. Blade enters the portal to hell and soon is greeted by the screams of the damned. 

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