Chapter 26: Welcome To Hell!

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Hell is the place for all the people that have sin on earth or heaven go, they are first greeted by a demon that stands by and guards the entrance to hell. When you first enter hell any clothing you had on is burned off instantly as you walk in a line of sinned souls walking forward in line to be put in a place to be tortured for their sins on earth or heaven, when a sinned soul reaches the front they meet a demon that look and judges where they will go to be tortured, The demon will see what sin they have committed then the demon will throw the sinned soul off the cliff into a hole that will teleport them to their designated torture chamber. Once they are in their torture chamber they will chainned up by their by their hands and feet making them spread apart, a demon will enter the sinned soul chamber saying their name and laughs at them for being here in hell and what they did. Every demon that enters a torture chamber bring a set of tools for torturing and has to torture the sinned soul in a way thats related to their sin or if the sinned soul doesnt have a sin that related to any sin the demon has freedom to do whatever they want to the sinned soul. The kinds of tortures that the sinned souls will face is 1.all your skin will be cut off or pulled off then next is your muscle tissue that covers your skeleton is cut or pulled off now all that is left is your skeleton every organ and nerves stay attached to you so you can feel all the pain, 2.they cut off parts of your body and cook it and make you eat it or make you watch them eat parts of your body, 3.if your a man they will cut up your penis into multiple pieces or if your a woman they slice off your breasts, and tons and tons of more ways they torture the male or female sinned souls, in hell you don't die from the pain after being tortured so much they keep you alive so you can feel it all and never stop screaming in agony cause the demons enjoy hearing the screams of pain its like a drug to them. Hell looks dark as the walls and floors are made of flesh from other demons and humans. The flesh moves slowly as faces appear in the wall begging for death something to end their suffering, hell will keep filling the walls and floors with more flesh so hell wont run out of room as much as they want to torture every single sinned soul but they have to have enough room for more so making them into walls and floors of flesh was the best option so the sinned soul can still suffer. Demon in the walls and floors with the sinned souls are the ones that betrayed their kind like what Skull did but he managed to escape but the ones that didn't escaped were put in the walls and floors to be tortured forever. Blade looks around hearing the screams of the sinned souls being tortured and laughing from demons that are torturing them, Blade walks forward onto the flesh floor he hears the of crying and whimpering their cries continue to echo in hell as blade continued to walk forward a pathway slicing any demon that gets in his way as he sees from a distance is the big dark tower that stands tall in the middle of hell, a smirk slowly appears on Blades face like he knows what's inside that tower and what it'll do for him. After walking and slashing demons in his way he manages to reach the big tower standing in front of the gate showing no fear he pushes the doors open entering inside to the first floor of the big tower, Blade looks around the place the first floor is dirty, old as the place been around for centuries as the stone walls are broken and crumbling. Blade looks around and finds a stairway that leads up to the next floor, Blade begins to walk the stairs as he walks up the old stairs he places his hand on the stone railing it breaks instantly from his touch. Blade looks at it as it breaks "This place is falling apart..." he says to himself as he looks at his hand that was covered from the dust when the railing broke. Blade proceeds to head up the stairs onto the second floor a bunch of demons appear "INTRUDER IN THE RED TOWER KILL HIM!!" The demon spoke English this time. Soon they pull out pitchforks and with their claws out and begin to start charging towards him, Blade pulls his sword out and stands in place waiting for them to come to him. Blade then starts swing his sword cutting up the demons as blood sprays everywhere from the slices that Blade delivers with each swing of his sword, demons try to hit him but he dodgers their attacks with no problem as he dashes around cutting demons with quick swings of his sword, soon after while the battle ends with Blade cover in blood from the demons as they lay on the ground cut up in pieces from Blades sword he proceeds to head up to the next floor leaving bloody footprints of his enemies showing how much he doesn't care about anything his face stays motionless as he continues to walk up to the stairway to the third floor. After for awhile Blade reaches the final floor after killing so many demons to reach to the final floor where the big boss of hell is at. The king of Hell Asmodeus, he sits on a big throne watching his men torture the sinned souls making sure they do their job and if not Asmodeus will decide what kind of torture they will receive. Asmodeus sits on his throne holding an old goblet in his right hand as he sits there looking outside from the old window. Blade pushes the door open to enter the final floor into Asmodeus throne room, Asmodeus hears the door open as he turns his head to see who entered his throne room. He sees Blade entering the throne room drenched in blood from all the demons he killed just to reach this floor, Blade walks forward with his sword still out, blood drips off the sword as Blade continues to walk forward towards Asmodeus. Asmodeus just sits there on his throne as he seems to be showing no fear he takes a sip from his old goblet and gives a small smirk "Blade.......long time no see...." says Asmodeus with a deep tone voice as he looks at Blade straight in the eyes showing no fear towards him. Blade points his swords towards Asmodeus, this makes Asmodeus smile "So what brings you into Hell Blade? the well known demon hunter that turned evil" Asmodeus looks at Blade waiting for an answer from him, Blade then answers "I came here to Hell to take over and teach the humans that having your humanity is worthless humans kill humans who cares who they are..." Asmodeus chuckles and then laughs "YOU!? TAKE OVER MY THRONE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!....." Amodeus then catches his breath after laughing a bit "Taking over my throne and changing the people up on earth? What made you want to do this hm? Was it because your one feathered wing lost its last feather and it made you not care about the humans you saved in the past? There must be a reason there must be-" Before Amodeus can finish his sentence Blade charges at Amodeus getting ready to stab him in the chest Amodeus eyes glow a bright red and reflects the attack making Blade go flying back and hitting the stone wall. Blade shakes his head and stands back up, Amodeus eyes stop glowing as they go back to a darker red he then shakes his head with this disappointed look on his face "Trying to kill me while i was talking how rude Blade how rude....well i guess this is how it's gonna go Blade...sorry it has to end this way." Asmodeus throws his old goblet to the side it spills onto the floor revealing he was drinking blood, he stands up off his throne as he appears to be tall when he stands up. His horns are curved and dark, Asmodeus is muscular and his skin is all red, Asmodeus' eyes begin to glow again then he speaks but now his voice is much deeper now "LETS SEE WHO IS THE STRONGEST TO BE THE KING OF HELL BLADE! I KNOW YOU WON'T HOLD BACK!" Blade closes his eyes then reopens his eyes as they begin to glow red "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Blades yell soon changes to a roar as he transforms into his demon form. Asmodeus and Blade look at each breathing heavily then they charge at each other to attack then Asmodeus tackles Blade and crashes through the wall as they roll down punching each other soon they land on a flat fleshy area big enough for them to fight they begin to hit each other, Asmodeus hits Blade couple of times to the stomach and face soon Blade stops Asmodeus fist and then proceeds to hit back. The demons in Hell see what's going on they go to surround Blade and Asmodeus and cheer as they fight, Blade and Asmodeus continue to exchange punches to each other soon Asmodeus grabs Blades head and begins to slam it against the ground multiple times leaving a print bigger and bigger on the fleshy ground, Blade manages to escape Asmodeus grip as he elbows Asmodeus chest causing him to let go of Blades head soon Blade grabs ahold of Asmodeus arm and tries to pull it off but Asmodeus brings out his claws and swings at Blades stomach he lets go quickly before he was cut. The demons cheering continue to watch the two fight to the death, Blade and Asmodeus give each other beatings they are drenching in blood and bruises they look at each other as the crowd of demons continue to cheer. Blade looks at Asmodeus as the cheers from the crowd begin to muffle out he then hears this ringing noise in his ears causing Blade to place his hand on his head soon his vision goes red "BLood must be spilt....release the anger and kill Asmodeus! Tear out his heart and feed it to him! HUMANS SHALL LEARN TO HAVE NO HUMANITY!!!!" Blade heard a demonic voice in his head causing him to roar loud, The demons stop cheering as Blade's loud deep roar overpowers them. Blade then charges at Asmodeus with very bright eyes and slams into him. Asmodeus tries getting Blade off of him but seems to be failing cause Blade feels a lot more stronger than before, Blade hits Asmodeus in the face multiple times then Blade lifts up his hand and then quickly sticks it into Asmodeus chest "AHHHHHHH" Asmodeus screams and roars at the same time as Blade digs into Asmodeus chest. Asmodeus feels Blade hand inside his chest soon Blade grabs hold of Asmodeus heart and pulls it out, the sound of blood squirting and flesh being torn can be heard as the crowd of demons go silent as they are shock of Blade winning the battle, Blade rips the heart out and looks at it as it continues to beat, Asmodeus is on his last breath lifting his hand out for his heart Blade just looks at him then takes a bite out of Asmodeus heart and Asmodeus dies. its over.... the long hard battle of Blade and Asmodeus has ended with Blade standing over the king of hell body, The crowd of demons are now silent looking at their new king of hell Blade. Blade changes back to himself with his wings; his featherless wing has changed since the last time when he met Dave, thorns are coming out where the feathers used to be; now it's slowly changing into a demon wing. The crowd of demons begin to bow down to Blade as he stands among them, "Asmodeus is dead im now your king of Hell you will obey my orders. We will take over the human world and show people that caring about their own humanity is useless. We will take over everything!" The demons shout "YES MY LORD!" Blade goes to the Red tower and enters his throne room, he sits down in the chair and waits for one of the demons to show up. A demon then appears in the room and goes up to Blade "Your majesty, what are your plans to do now?" Blade rubs his chin thinking what he should do now before the plan to take over the human world starts. "First we make this tower look better. It needs an update, then we will see what else we can do." The demon nods "What about the angels in heaven, especially God himself. What are you gonna do about that, your majesty?" "So he does if i'm the king of hell i think i can take on God and if i win i would make a world where humans never had their humanity at all." the demon nods again "I like your plans my lord so when is the big plan of taking over the human world start?" Blade smirks a little "It"

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