Chapter 34: Our Time Has Come

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Dave reaches to the door and kicks it open quickly, he enters the room slowly as the room is filled with dread as he looks around the dark room, soon the candles light up around the room. Dave places his hand on his sword handle as he feels ready to face anything that comes his way, a voice then echoes through the room "So you recovered..." The candles then light up around the throne where sits Blade as he looks at Dave showing no emotion. Dave turns to face Blade "Yep recovered pretty damn well after you stabbed me in the chest" Blade smirks but still shows no sign of emotion "I guess you gotten stronger after that event down there...maybe i can have some kind of challenge this time?" Dave smirks "Heh yeah so quick question why are you the king or prince of hell now? What made you do all this?" Blade doesn't say anything, he just looks at him as Dave has this angry look on his face wanting to know the truth "Answer me damn it ! I want to help you change your back. I know you can change!. You may have lost your humanity when your last feather fell off but there might be a way to save you!" Blade stands up off of his throne and steps down "I wish to not answer your questions...i am what i past is just a memory as i am the prince of hell now and will soon take over this town and then the world itself as i will cleanse this world of their humanity!" Blade pulls out his long sword and points it at Dave "Show me your strength Dave! As I will show you the power of having no humanity!" Dave pulls out his sword and points it at Blade and then proceeds to charge at Blade, Dave and Blades swords clash as they look each other in the eyes, Dave face shows all his anger towards Blade but he keeps his cool when fighting against his own father, after killing so many demons in his life he never expected he would be fighting his father. Blade does a backflip as Dave runs towards him and swings but Blade deflects all his swings and then swings back Dave. Dave avoids a lot of the swings and returns a quick swing towards Blade and manages to get a hit on Blade by a scratch on his chest, Blade then swings much more faster, Dave picks up the pace by deflecting a lot of it. Blade moves quickly behind Dave with quick speed as Blade thrust his sword towards Dave's head but Dave moves his head just in time the only part that touches Dave's face is the side of the blade. Dave quickly jumps away from Blade, as he lands onto the ground he feels his cheek bleeding, he then wipes the blood off with his sleeve causing it to smear on his cheek. Dave and Blade stare at each other as they see the wounds that they gave to each other. Blood drips down Blade's chest as he ignores the wound on his chest and continues to go after Dave. Dave and Blade then run towards each other and then both begin to swing at each other making their sword clash multiple times. The sounds of their swords clashing echos in the room as they fight. Sweat starts to pour down Dave's face as he begins to feel worn out after fighting all those demons he struggles to keep up with Blade, Blade shows no sign of slowing down as he continues to swing at Dave. Dave runs out of energy to keep going, making him open for attack, Blade then kicks Dave in the stomach, making him fall down to the ground after Dave lowered his sword. Dave hits the ground dropping his sword by him Blade slowly walks up to Dave with his sword pointing towards Dave "After fighting all those demons you run of energy to fight are still weak like always.....just like your mother" Daves eyebrows down giving Blade this angry look "Why are you saying im weak like my mother!?" Blade gives him this cold smirk as he replies "I killed your mother Dave she was nothing to me just a human with their humanity still intact." Dave gasps echo through the room as it goes silent, the only sound that now echoes in the room is the wind that blows throughout the room. "'t mother was killed by...." Blade interrupts him "Yes Dave i killed your mother she knew i changed and wanted me to stay away from you after what i did.....but she doesnt know i did it cause i see humans as these puppets with their strings still attached to their humanity, having no humanity feels like the strings were cut off and you feel free to do whatever you want....don't you understand Dave? I want you to join me. I see the power inside you locked away from your humanity, so join me unlock your true power and we can rid this world of everyone's humanity!" Dave feeling all the anger inside of him building up, Dave reaches for his own sword but soon is stopped as Blade's sword reaches close to Dave's neck making him lift his head up away from the sword and leave his neck open to be sliced. Blade gives another cold smirk "Last chance Dave join me or die like your pathetic mother did for keeping her humanity" Dave gives him this look of anger as he replies "I rather die with my humanity then join you Blade!" Blade scoffs "Heh very well" Blade takes his sword and is about to kill Dave something appears and flies towards Blade "Huh?" Before Blade can react he gets hit by something and gets tossed across the room hitting the wall hard making the rubble fall on top of him covering him up. Someone lands down in front of Dave and lends a hand to him "You ok goofball?" Dave looks up and sees AJ in front of him with her wings out, "AJ? You're ok!" he grabs ahold of her hand and she helps him up then hugs Dave him "Of course i'm ok just needed a little healing that's all see?" her wing isn't wounded anymore as the part isn't bleeding nor shows any signs of a bite mark where the demon bit at. "Hey did we miss all the fun?" Skull and Surge show up into the room "Skull!, Surge!" Dave runs to them and hugs them both and says "Damn it guys never scare me like that!" Skull Smirks with a reply "Bud you can't get rid of us" Surge mask changes to a bright blue "We're family and were strong no matter what" Dave smiles "Family always and forever" AJ smiles as she walks up and hugs them as she feels happy to be there with the three goofballs. Their happy moment is stopped by the loud sound of rubble being moved. Blade slowly crawls out of the rubble saying no word at all, he slowly gets up with his head down Dave quickly grabs his sword as the others get prepared for what Blade is going to do. Blade then begins to twitch like crazy then his back arches as his wings come out, his right wing is featherless and his left wing is a demon wing but soon his right wing begins to transform, it begins to transform into a demon like the left one. The sound of flesh can be heard echoing in the room as Blade's right wing changes, Blade then lifts his head up to reveal his eyes have also changed, they glow bright red like a bloody river. Blade picks up his sword and slowly approaches them "Alright guys better be prepared Blade is not gonna hold anything back no matter what so don't hold back either even though this man is my father i'm holding nothing back!" Dave says as he holds his sword handle tight and readys up, "after escaping from hell, killing a lot of demons for my whole life on earth, I never thought I would be facing a man that wants to take over this world." Skull says as he lights up his right hand, "Life as a Demon bounty hunter then life as a demon hunter crazy how far i came after knowing the truth that hell just used me as a puppet, now helping the world by saving it from this man that wants to take over it....its....crazy..." Surge mask changes to a red color and then pulls out his scythes, "My goal is to protect Dave from not being killed or losing himself to wanting revenge now i been helping them out fighting demons and now im about to fight Dave's father thats now controlling hell just so he can take over the did i an angel into all this? I guess it was fate that brought us together to this moment." AJ spreads her wings out and looks forward with determination in her eyes. Dave yells "HERE WE GOOOOO!!!" Skull yells "IT'S SKULLCRUSHING TIME!!!" Surge yells "TIME FOR A BEATDOWN!" AJ yells "LETS GO YOU DEMON BASTARD!" as they begin charging towards Blade getting ready to attack with all their strength.

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