Chapter 12:True Pain

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Dave slowly gets up as he looks at the figure that's hidden from the smoke, Dave looks over at Skull and Surge they are both knocked out after from hitting the wall hard, Dave looks down and takes a deep breath and then proceeds to walk towards the group of soldiers "H-hey what's going on?" as he rubs his head from the headache "unknown figure threw a car at us, we lost multiple men but the Captain's alright" the figure slowly begins to walk out of the smoke soon revealing to be man, he wears a long black trench coat and wears black gloves, his eyes are covered by black sunglasses, his hair is kinda long and the color of his hair is brownish with slight gray telling from his face he looks like he's kinda older and his beard is a lighter brown with some gray hair on it too and seems his beard well cut. The man slowly walks out from the smoke holding a long sword that looks very sharp and deadly, the blade on the sword looks like a katana blade, a long thin blade, the handle looks rough like its used for quite some time. The man looks at the soldiers and then speaks soft but deep voice "hm.....nobodys...." he points his sword at the soldiers ''y-you s-should leave now!" The soldiers shake in fear but they keep their guns pointed at the man, Dave watches the man stand there then the man looks at Dave and gives a small smirk it gives Dave this cold chill down his spine he never felt this feeling for quite some time. Dave noticed the man about to attack the soldiers "guys get away from him!" Before his warning reaches the soldiers ears the man kills each soldier quickly the dead soldiers drop dead in front of Dave, Dave stands there in shock and wasn't fast enough to warn them in time. The man wipes the blood off his sword "these peoples to kill...." the man looks at Dave "you cant save everyone what's the point of trying?" Dave clenches his fist then he pulls out his sword and charges at the man "everyone does matter you bastard!" the man quickly moves out of the way quickly "all that rage over me killing these people.....why do you care about them?" Dave swings at the man but he dodges the attack "people with humanity?" Dave yells "UGH JUST WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?!?!" "Who am i?.....heh....just a demon hunter Dave just like you." "w-what do you mean where the same!?!?!" "we share the same blood Dave you don't even know it" "Dammit just shut up i don't even know who you are!" Dave runs out of breath from attacking "your weak i could kill you no problem" Dave chuckles as he catches his breath "go ahead and try you matrix looking motherfucker" the man swings his sword at Dave, Dave blocks the mans attack their swords connect as they look at each other in the face "just who the hell are you!?" Dave says with this angry look on his face, the man just looks at him and smirks. Skull and Surge wake up then see Dave and the man clashing their swords Skull gives a confused look "what the hell happened here?" Surge yells for Dave "Dave! What the hell's going on?" Dave hears Surge's voice, he glances over and sees Skull and Surge he smirks, the man takes the advantage and pushes Dave. Dave stumbles he manages to keep his balance and-.......The man stabs Dave in the chest.....Dave looks down at the sword that's in his chest the man pulls Dave closer to him as it goes all the way through the man leans in and whispers in Dave's ear "i knew you was weak just like your mother when i killed her" he then pulls the sword out of Dave's chest, Dave collapse to the ground seeing the man looking at him then two wings appear behind him the wings looked different from each other one look like it had hardly feathers on it and the other one looked like a demon wing as the man disappears Dave ears rang as he hears muffled voice. Someone turns him over and Skull,Surge and Captain can be seen, he doesn't know what they are saying and what they are doing everythings blurry and his ears continue to ring, soon everything starts to fade to darkness. before everything went dark he hears a voice "not yet goofball"

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