Chapter 13:Awaken from the light

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Dave slowly opens his eyes as the sound of the heart monitor beeping can heard as looks at a white ceiling then he hears a familiar voice "Dave....your awake'' Dave turns his head to the right and sees Skull by his bed, "Dave thank goodness you're awake" Dave then turns his head to the left and sees Surge on the left side of his bed his mask glows kinda dark blue but still glows bright blue. "H-hey...guys..." Dave says with a raspy voice like he haven't had a drink for awhile, Dave tries to get up but then Skull and Surge stop him Skull shakes his head "whoa Dave you gotta stay in bed your wound is still in the process of healing after surgery so it's probably best you stay in bed for a little longer until the doctors say it's ok to get out of bed" Skull takes a small apple juice box off a tray and inserts a straw in it "here it's best to have this than rootbeer for now" Dave sighs and lets Skull help him drink from the straw, Dave clears his throat and can talk more clearly now "what happened last night?" Surge chuckles "you mean what happened a few days ago" "wait what a few days passed? How long was I out?..." Surge thinks for a sec "well after you were stabbed by that strange man the D.H.F took you to the hospital and had to perform surgery asap before you were gone." Skull nods "you had us on the edge of our seat we thought we was going to lose you but when they finished the surgery they said you pulled through and needed a few days to heal" Skull smirks "when you was out of it here in bed Surge was crying his eyes out scared you wasn't gonna wake up soon" Surge looks over at Skull and his mask changes to red "i wasn't crying my eyes out i was crying a little bit like a man!" Skull laughs "yeah yeah lie all you want Surge" Dave chuckles a little "i'm just glad to be alive and see you guys" Skull and Surge nod as Surges mask changes back to a lighter blue and then he itches his head "so who was that guy and why he stabbed you and what did he whisper in your ear?" Dave looks down as he lays in the bed he big thinks for a moment and has a flashback of what happened "i....i don't know.....the man he looked familiar but i wasn't for sure he kept asking me these questions like why do i care about saving this people and all other stuff and then he said we share the same blood..." Skull rubs his chin "same blood? is something about that guy but idk he could be just some powerful crazy guy that says cryptic shit or trying to convince you to join him its hard to tell" Dave nods "yeah....but the part that i heard before being pushed off his sword he whispered your weak just like your mother when i killed her...." Skull face changes to a surprised and shocked look "he....k-k-killed your mother!?" Surge mask changes to a yellow color "this can't be he doesn't look like a demon" Dave shakes his head to Surge "he's definitely a demon i seen his demon wing before i passed out but the part that confuses me is he also appear to have an feathered wing is he an angel too?" a voice appears in the room "thats his humanity" as it reveals to be Captain Dick, "Captain?" Dave says in a confused tone, Skull looks over at Captain "what are you doing here?" Captain walks over to the boys and sighs "i knew you guys would have a lot of questions about that strange man well i'm here to tell you guys who that man is as much as i hate talking about him but i have to" Dave gives a curious look "what do you mean Cap?" Captain hesitates to answer but then finally answers with a sad look on his face "cause it pains me everytime talking about him knowing that he was my friend in the past" The boys looked confused after hearing the Captain say that then he continues to tell them more about the strange man. "The man has a name. His name is Blade, well known to be one of the best demon hunters in the world, he takes on armies of demons all by himself. I didn't believe it at first but after seeing it with my own eyes it was amazing. He was such a good guy he cared about a lot of people and i was the one that recruited him to D.H.F and he always did his best to help out he even fell in love with this beautiful woman name Oliva she always love that man no matter " Captain had this little smile on his face then Dave asked him a question "so what happened to Blade what made him change?" Captain's little smile fades away as he has a sad look on his face "until His Humanity went away..." "his Humanity went away? how the hell did his humanity fade away?" Captain looks straight into Dave's eyes "did you see his wings?" "y-yeah? One was a demon wing and the other had no feathers on it" Captain nods "that wing with no feathers on it is his humanity" Dave looks at Captain with a confused look "what?" Captain sighs "okay here just listen i'll explain he hardly told us about his past until we found a file where he came from, he was made from a lab years and years ago, he was born and was experimented on to be created as the first half human and half demon to be ever created after so many attempts on other people then Blade was up next and the experiment was a success he was the first to be made a half human and half demon, when his wings came out of his back they was excited seeing the demon wing but when his other wing came out they was confused, he had other wing that like looked more like an angel wing, after several test they came up with a theory that the feathered wing was his humanity and then the theory came true when he became this big demon after they told he needed to go through a couple more test which angered him, after they managed to calm him down he changed back to himself and they saw a feather fall off the feathered wing. After time went by he managed to escape the Facility and he lived on his own he even trained himself after what we seen what he can do in battle we had to have him on our team, after having him on the team for a couple of years i started to see him change, he start talk to us less and caring less about things even his kid and his wife until one day he completely lost it."

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