Chapter 23: What Are We Fighting For!?

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Dave is still in his room looking at this window "Your weak just like your mother when i killed her" Dave closed his eyes as he remembers that voice that haunts him "Why did he do this?....because he lost his Humanity?...killing my mother...almost killing me..... Killing the incidents. But why do all this? Does he have a goal? What is he trying to prove?.....There's gotta be an answer to this..." Soon Dave's train of thought disappears when he hears someone knocking at the front door. Dave goes to the front door and opens it "Huh?....Captain Dick?" Captain Dick stands there on the front pouch "Hello Dave" Dave scratches his head with this confused look on his face "What are you doing here Captain Dickhead?" Captain Dick sighs "My name is not *sigh* nevermind i came here to check up on ya i wanted to make sure your ok after that event happened that night." Dave smirks "I been feeling much better i healed up pretty dang well" Captain nods "I'm glad your feeling much better" Dave leans against the door he then senses something not right as he sees someone hiding not too far from the house, he looks back at Captain Dick "Hey uh Captain Dick? I was wondering about your presence what's with the guys around my house? Keeping an eye on me?" Captain Dick looks at him knowing Dave knows him pretty well so he tells him the truth. "I knew you figure this out already i'm sorry Dave but that person you have in there i'm sorry to say this but you have to hand her over we need to do research her to figure out if she is a demon or something" Dave smirk fades away after what Captain Dick said "Hand her over? Why? You're joking right? Come on Dick you're pranking me" Dave chuckles Captain Dick doesn't laugh he stands there like some emotionless robot after that Dave stops chuckling "Haha.." Dave catches his breath after laughing a little bit, Captain Dick shakes his head soon Skull comes from behind Dave "What's going on Dave?...oh hey Captain Dick what are you doing here?" Captain Dick signs and then raises his hand by his side. "I'm sorry guys but i have to do this." he signals the heavily armed soldiers start to enter inside the house from the windows "Move! move! Move!" Dave and Skull turn around hearing the soldiers call out, Dave looks at Captain Dick "What's the meaning of this man!?" Surge and AJ hear what's going on so Surge keeps AJ by him Soldiers enter the room and points their guns at them "Sir we found the target she's with the one with the mask." Captain Dick nods "Shoot Surge and the target with a tranquilizer but don't hurt any of them." Dave shoves Captain Dick "I can't believe this " "Dave im sorry" "Sorry for what? Taking someone that I just met and care about just because you don't know what she is?" "No it's not that i-" Dave and Skull quickly run to Surges room not letting Captain Dick finish his sentence. Dave and Skull enter the room and see the heavily armed soldiers surrounding Surge and AJ "Um guys a little help here?" Surge calls out "You got it bud come on Skull" Skull nods, the Soldiers turn to see whos behind them soon meet hard punch to the face from Skull, Dave and Skull fight the soldiers, Dave takes one of their guns knocks one of them out "Dave i helped you guys and this is how you repay us by breaking into our home and taking one of our own not gonna happen!" Skull slams one of the soldiers against the wall "Dame it if you weren't the good guys here I would have already crushed your skulls but can't so-" Skull slams another soldier on the wall "I'm just gonna beat the living shit out of you!" Surge keeps AJ behind him. Soon a soldier laying on the ground manages to grab his gun and fires a tranquilizer at them "NO!" Surge yells and grabs ahold of AJ and covers her, the tranquilizer dart hits Surge in the back "ARGH......" Surge lets go of AJ "Surge!" Surge slowly falls down to his side as AJ stays close by him making sure he's ok "Surge you didn't have to do that!" "It's ok AJ just get out of here i'll be fine....i'll be fine....." Surge's mask shuts down as he passes out from the dart, Dave and Skull see Surge laying on the ground with AJ by him "Surge!" they see the soldier on the ground with the tranquilizer gun in his hand soon getting ready to shoot another dart at AJ, Skull quickly jumps on top of the soldier making him fire the tranquilizer at Skull, the dart hits Skull in the stomach it makes skull angry causing him to pick the soldier up and throw him out the window. Skull breathes heavily, soon falls down as the tranquilizer finally gets to him, making him weak "D-Dame.....not here not now..." Skull bites the dust as he passes out "Skull!" Dave runs to him and then looks up to AJ and quickly runs to AJ to protect her "You ok AJ?" "Y-yeah i'm ok what's going on??" "Captain Dick and his men are trying to take you cause they want to do research on ya" "Why!?" "Cause they never seen your kind before that's why'' Dave looks at AJ as he looks at her she has this look of fear in her eyes so he hugs her "AJ you go on ahead and run i'll keep them busy" AJ quickly shakes her head "No dave i'm not gonna run away i want to help you fight those me-" she stops as her eyes go wide "AJ." Dave quietly says he looks down at her side, she was shot by a tranquilizer the dart hit her side, she begins to fall soon caught by Dave as he holds her in his arms, he sees her slowly pass out. " it...DAMN IT!!!...." Dave turns his head to see who shot her, it reveals to be Captain Dick "Why......WHY!!!!????" Dave quickly gets up and runs at Captain Dick. Captain shoots Dave in the chest, the dart hits him making him stumble and stop in place. Dave's vision starts to go blurry as he tries to walk forward towards Captain Dick, Dave has this look on his face of pure anger but soon fades away as he falls down to one knee, "It's hurts doing this to you and your friends but we just can't take that chance of something going wrong and she turned out to be a demon" Dave looks up at Captain Dick and manages to speak "She' dumb..fu-" Dave falls to the ground slowly passing out. The last thing he saw was Captain Dick picking up AJ and looking down at Dave, Captain Dick moves his mouth but Dave can't hear him as Dave then reaches his hand out towards Captain Dick then everything goes dark.

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