Chapter 22:We Have The Technology To Rebuild Love!

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Dave is still in his room organizing his rootbeer while listening to music, Skull enters his room still scared about what AJ told him but at the same time he feels loved and happy, Surge is in his room working on something "Come on go in there! Just go in the hole! You don't like your home!?" AJ walks by and hears Surge yelling in his room "Hm?" She takes a peek through Surge's door and him by his table trying to fit something in, he seems to be struggling "Surge you ok?" AJ says while opening the door to enter his room, Surge turns around and sees AJ ''O-oh! H-hello A-A-AJ w-what's g-going on?" Surge seems nervous and shy as his mask changes colors quickly trying to figure out what his emotion is right now. AJ closes the door behind her "Oh i went shopping with Dave, went for a walk with Skull it was pretty fun" "T-that's g-good!" She sits down onto Surge's bed and she seems in a really good mood as she looks at Surge with this cute smile making Surge feel more shy knowing she looks beautiful sitting on his bed. "So I wanted to hang out with the cute goofball with a cool looking mask and see how he's been doing." she giggles making Surge more shy "Heh heh heh heh.....oh jeez oh mighty'' AJ looks by Surge's side "Whatcha working on there Surge?" "Huh? Um'' he looks behind and looks at the thing that he is working on "Oh! I-i'm working on uhhhhh...on a PS5!" he moves to the side so AJ can see it "Woah...." she gets up and walks up to take a closer look at the PS5 that is on the table, the PS5 is taken apart showing the inside of the console, the pieces that make the PS5 operate and work are taken out, AJ looks at Surge "You know how to build stuff?" Surge feels less shy now and feels excited when he sees AJ's eyes light up seeing the project that he's been working on in his spare time, Surge nods his head "Mhm! I taught myself to build stuff like this, that's how I made my light up mask." Surge's mask has stopped changing alot of colors and changed to a bright blue as Surge feels really happy and excited talking about the things he loves. Surge begins to put the PS5 together "Hey AJ can you help me here?" "Sure thing, whatcha need?" Surge points at the box in the corner of his room "Grab one of those parts in that box" AJ nods and heads towards the box and looks inside, she picks up one of the parts and walks over to Surge "Is this what you need?" Surge turns his head and looks at the part that's in AJ's hand his mask glows a brighter blue "Yep that's the one thank you AJ" he takes the part from her hand as AJ watches him work on the PS5 she smiles seeing Surge work hard. After a while Surge puts the PS5 together and hooks it up to the TV in the front room "Alright! Let's get this started!" Surge gets excited as he quickly runs to the couch and sits down, AJ sits down by him she has this little smile on her face seeing Surge so happy and excited. Surge presses the button on the controller to turn on the PS5 as the light on the console turns on and begins to run both Surge and AJ jump with excitement as the TV shows the PS logo on the screen it then slowly fades into the PS5 menu screen "IT'S WORKING!" Surge jumps up in joy and hugs AJ. It takes her by surprise but she accepts it as she hugs him back "You did Surge im so proud of you!" The TV screen goes dark and shuts off. Surge looks at the TV as his mask changes from a bright blue to a bright yellow "Huh?" Soon the PS5 turns off and begins to heat up as smoke slowly comes out of it "No no no no!" Surge quickly unhooks it and takes it to his room "Please god don't blow up or catch on fire!" AJ has her hand over her mouth as she has this shocked look on her face. Surge quickly closes his door "Surge?" AJ says as she feels bad for him and worries about him, she gets up and walk to his door she hears crying from the other side of the door so she doesn't knock on the door she slowly opens it and enters she sees Surge laying his head down on his table as the PS5 lays beside his head. Surge taken off the cover on the PS5. The PS5 is fried and all of the components are burnt from heating up easily. AJ places her hand on Surge's shoulder as she looks at the burnt up PS5 "I'm sorry for what happened Surge" Surge slowly turns his head towards AJ "*sniff* it's ruined.....i fucked up ...." AJ leans down a little "No Surge its ok" Surge lifts his head up tears are going down and dropping from the bottom of his mask, his mask color changed to a darker blue as he looks at AJ "i can't fix it its ruined AJ'' AJ shakes her head "Surge its not ruined i believe you can fix this don't give up now" Surge turns away "i been working on it for awhile finding the right parts for it was difficult after time went by i found the right amount of parts for it and managed to build it together but something made it overheat......its ruined AJ all my hard on this dame gaming machine gone!" He quickly grabs the PS5 off the table and is about to throw it to the ground "NO!" AJ yells and stops him. AJ grabbed Surge's arms as he has them up in the air holding onto the PS5, she stopped just in time as he was about to throw it to the ground "Surge....think about this its not in the world when something goes wrong you can't just get upset and give up think Surge think!" Surge mask color changed to a red but after what AJ just did it changes back to a darker blue as he looks into AJ's eyes, she has a worried look in her eyes as she continues to hold onto Surge's arms she whispers "Please.......think about this....." Surge tried to escape from AJ's grip but it's no use. She's an angel with great strength soon her soft voice gets him to calm down as he begins to lower his arms, AJ slowly lets go of his arms and then takes the PS5 out of his hands and places it down on the table. AJ looks back at Surge as he stands there looking down "Your right.....AJ....i just.....i.." his words begin to stutter and he begins to cry AJ goes over to him and hugs him "Shhhhh....." Surge holds onto her and cries on her shoulder "It's ok Surge here look at me" he lets go and looks at her in the eyes, AJ slowly places her hand on his mask "No matter what continue what you do never ever give up if you fail try again and again until you succeed you can do it ok?" Surge slowly nods as AJ leans up closer to his face and gives him a small kiss on his mask, his mask lights up back to a brighter blue but more like a pinkish blue when AJ kissed his mask "You feeling better now?" Surge nods "I...feel better now..thank you AJ." AJ smiles and nods "Now you feel better, how about you and I work on this PS5 together and make it work. How's that sound?" Surge's mask lights up brighter "Sure thing" AJ nods as both walk to the table and begin to work on PS5 together. A group of heavily armed soldiers hide somewhere outside of the house. "Sir, they are in the house with the subject awaiting your orders." a figure walks out and stands in front of the heavily armed soldiers, "Stand down for now i'll go talk to them if anything happens i'll give the command."

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