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Its all quiet around the town as the streets are empty and the sidewalks dead as some newspapers gets blown around from the wind, the newspaper reads "IS THE END AT NIGH?" a T.V goes off reporting the news "Strange portals appear around the town is this the end of us? Or is this some kind of threat from these demons that have been spotted multiple times in the town? What are their plans? D.H.F told people to leave the town immediately warning us there's gonna be an All out attack on the town from the demons so anyone can hear this leave the town as quickly as you can or stay hidden in a nearby bunker may god help us." multiple trucks appear as they drive in the town as then stop. The backdoors open and a group of heavily armored soldiers as they make barriers and place down machine turrets ''defend this point at all cost!" the sergeant commands the group to prepare. The sergeant takes out his P.D and calls the Captain ''sir Point A is ready and defend now" "good make sure to defend at all cost even your life" "i know sir will do" The Captain is at Point D and doing the same thing like Point A,B and C is doing getting the area well protected and well armed. The Captain watches as he sees as he sees a portal appear from a far distance and it opens up with demons crawling out and flying out of the portal "here they come!'' The Captain alerts Point A,Point B, and Point C the demons are coming towards them as they begin to fire at the demons. Snipers on buildings and shooting the flying demons in the air, the tough soldiers run towards the bigger looking demons "Hold them back as much as you can men!'' The demons roar as they continue to fight, Blood spills everywhere,soldiers being torn up, demons being or blown up. A soldier runs up to Captain Dick "sir we're doing our best out here but it seems they aren't giving up and there gonna keep coming sir" Captain nods as he shoots a demon in the head him with his pistol "they aren't gonna quit cause they want this town this bad and they are also pissed at us for taking their men and making them our soldiers" one of the demons jumps at Captain Dick, he catches the demon by its throat and then slams it down onto the ground "god damn demon!" he yells as he crushes the demon's head with his foot, the head explodes, blood splatters on the ground, Captain pulls out his P.D calls for reinforcements "we need more men over here ASAP!" "roger sending other group in'' more trucks appear and helicopters show up as men get out of the truck and helicopter, The Captain orders them to help out with the group that's in the front "we're running low on men in the front get over there quickly!" they cover the front and continue to shoot the demons. The demons just keep coming showing no sign of stopping "how many more of these assholes!? They just keep-" the soldier's head gets ripped off blood squirts from the top of the headless body as it falls to the ground and twitches for a few before stopping, "shit man down man down-AHHHHH!!" a demon flew by him quickly, its claws were very sharp so it cuts through his armor, to his stomach, his intestines begin to fall out of his stomach as he tries his best to stop his intestines from falling out but he fails, he falls to his knees while holding his intestines then falls forward and lays on the ground as he dies. The battle continues, still showing no sign of ending as the demons just keep coming out of the portal "there's just no end!!" "Shit man it's game over man game over for us!!" "just keep fighting man!!!" the soldiers feared that this might be the end for them but the Captain tells them to stay strong "stay strong men we got this!!" but he has this look of fear in his eyes for the first time he knows they might be done because they are running low on ammo they cant call for more backup and the demons are killing off the men easily "damn it where the hell are those three??? They should be he-" his P.D goes off "kept you waiting huh?" a voice says from the P.D ''what?". Soon music can be heard from a distance, demons and the soldiers stop looking confused on where that music is coming from. The music begins to get louder then 3 figures are slowly walking towards Point D where the Captain is at, the music gets even more louder as now the music is recognizable and the 3 figures are revealed its Dave, Skull and Surge and they are dancing as they walk Dave holds a boombox on his shoulder and jamming "Cause it's the heat of the moment, telling me what my heart meant, the heat of the moment, the heat of the moment, the heat of the moment, the heat of the moment showed in your eyes'' the song heat of the moment plays on the boombox "we came, we saw, we're here to kick some demon ass!" Dave yells as he dances then places down the boom box, Captain shakes his head facepalms "these idiots never take this seriously in situations like this" Dave then stops the music then looks at Skull and Surge "you guys ready to crush some demon skulls?" Skull right hand lights up and he nods "Dame straight" Surge mask glows bright blue and he gets his scythes out "fuck yeah im ready!" Dave smirks and turns to look at the crowd of demons as they roar and charge, Dave kicks the boombox and it begins to play "Get Ready To Die'' Dave pulls out his sword and then points his sword at the crowd of demons Dave yells "IT'S SKULLCRUSHING TIME!!!!!!!!" as the music kicks in the boys charge at the demons.

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