Chapter 11:GET READY TO DIE!

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"This is your time to pay!, this is your judgement day,we made a sacrifice, and now we get to take your life!" "We shoot without a gun, we'll take on anyone, it's nothing new, it's just a thing we like to do!" "YOU BETTER GET READY TO DIE (Get ready to die!)" The music jams as Dave cuts a demon in half blood sprays everywhere, Skull grabs ahold of a flying demon's tail and pulls it down from the air, as it hits the ground Skull grabs ahold of its jaw and then rips it off, its tongue hangs out and blood pours out like a fountain, Skull throws down its jaw the demon gurgles as its suffering from pain and bleeding badly "what's the matter? Demon got your tongue?" Skull grabs the demon's tongue and pulls it off causing more blood to pour and spray out, the demon's eyes roll up as it falls to the ground and dies from bleeding out. Surge swings his scythes at the demons; it cuts one of the demons' stomachs open causing the demon to scream and fall to its knees "alright a jump rope!" Surge sticks his hands in its stomach and pulls out its intestines "hope you don't mind i take this?" he takes a good amount of its intestines out and then cuts the cord, he then begins to use it as a jump rope "woohoo! I didn't know intestines make great jump ropes!" the demon stays on its knees dead from bleeding out as the other demons start to get scared seeing how fucked up the boys are and the way they are killing their kind. D.H.F watch Dave,Skull and Surge kill the demons all by themselves, the Captain watches "jesus these guys are good and.....really fucked up" the music continues to play as the boys kill the demons, Skull punches a demon chest so hard his hand goes through its chest and Skull looks through the hole in the demons chest "the heart punch my favorite kill!" he chuckles as he drops the dead demon onto the ground he continues to kill more demons. The music ends After thousands of demons killed by Dave,Skull and Surge, the demons begin to roar letting the other demons know to retreat; they run back to the portal as Dave, Skull, Surge watch them run away, Dave laughs "ha! That's right, run away you pussies!" Skull laughs "scared of us jesus you guys are pathetic" then Surge laughs "you should leave our home alone and stay in hell you motherfuckers!" Dave,Skull,Surge are soaked in blood, Dave wipes the blood off his sword "i say we did a great job guys" Skull and Surge nod then they hear cheering behind them they turn around the soldiers cheer for them "awesome job dude!" "hell yeah i wish i like you!" "wooooo hooooo" the boys fist bump and go and meet the crowd of soldiers that are cheering for them. The Captain walks up to them as the Crowd of Soldiers go quiet. Dave looks at the Captain with this smirk on his face as its still covered in blood, Dave salutes the Captain smirks and salutes back "you guys did one hell of a job out there saving our ass from them demons you have my thanks'' Dave pats the captain's shoulder "no problem Captain dick" Skull smirks at the Captain "we always do our best to help the people in need" Surge joins in as his mask glows very bright blue "and we'll keep doing our best no matter what!" the Captain smiles and nods. The captain walks towards a small platform and stands on it "we gave it our all out there we may have lost a lot of men but their sacrifice will be remembered and what they fought for, i want to say is im very proud of all you that stayed strong and stayed in battle and gave it your all." the Captain looks over at Dave, Skull and Surge "and i want to thank these guys for giving it their all and fucking up all those demons give them a round of applause!" The soldiers clap for Dave,Skull and Surge. Dave has this big smile on his face, Skull has his arms crossed with this smirk on his face nods at the soldiers, Surge looks around him as the Soldiers clap his mask glow very bright blue as he feels so happy he begins to feel like he's not useless or alone anymore, he looks over at Dave and Skull seeing them happy and accepting all the praise from the soldiers he feels like he's part of their family as he whispers "thank you Dave and Skull, for welcoming me to the family thank you" they didn't hear him but he's happy to be there. As they finishes celebrating the boys begin to head home before they leave the area a soldier runs up to Dave "hey i um wanted to your shake your hand Dave as a thanks for saving us" Dave smirks and shakes the soldiers hand "your welcome we're always glad to help" the soldier smiles " i hope we see you guys around more i even gave your team nickname "Skullcrushers" how's that sound?" Dave big thinks for sec then looks at Skull and Surge and they both nod, Dave smirks and looks back at the soldier "Skullcrushers....i like it" the soldier gets excited and shakes Dave's hand again "awesome i cant wait to-".......everything goes by like the speed of sound, Dave sees the Soldier in front of him soon he's gone without a reaction something explodes enough to cause Dave, Skull and Surge to go flying back and hit a wall everything goes blurry and his ears are ringing from the explosion, Dave then slowly looks up his vision clears up and sees clearly, he feels something in his hand he soon realizes it's the soldier arm, he lets go of the arm then looks at the big fire he sees car on fire and looks like it was the reason why there was an explosion and what killed the soldier in front of him he looks at other side a group of soldiers are pointing their guns at some figure that's hidden from the smoke.

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