Chapter 28: Rage

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Dave,Skull, and Surge leave their house as they head to the D.H.F building to rescue AJ. as they head to the place they still question what that big dark tower appeared from and what the point of it appearing here in the town as they keep the big dark tower on their mind they continue with their plan to save AJ. Dave sneaks around as he knows the layout of the place he orders Skull and Surge around to make sure they don't get caught. Dave sneaks up behind a guard and knocks him out "Shhh sleepy time buddy." Dave slowly lowers the guard down and proceeds to continue to sneak into the D.H.F building. The boys get inside the building by the air vents, as they crawl through the air vents Dave keeps an eye out for any soldier from below. While they crawl Surge bumps into Skull in the vent Skull whispers "Hey! Careful back there!" Surge mask changes to red color and whispers back "Sorry! It's hard to see sometimes, especially when wearing a mask while crawling!" Dave shakes his head and whispers to the both of them "If you too don't be quiet they are gonna hear us so keep it do-" The alarm goes off "WARNING! SUBJECT ESCAPED THEIR CELL I REPEAT SUBJECT ESCAPED FROM THEIR CELL!" Dave looks back at Skull and Surge with this worried look "Guys i think they caught us!" Skull shakes his head "Dave you dumbfuck a subject just escaped from their cell didn't you hear the announcer on the speaker?" Surge mask changes to a yellow color "Fuck! We gotta get out of here!" Surge tries to crawl backwards but struggles causing the vent to shake "Surge quit moving your gonna make the vent break! If you don't-" before Dave finishes his sentence the vent breaks causing Dave, Skull and Surge, to fall down "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" They hit the ground hard. The boys groan in pain, Dave slowly gets up off the floor "Ugh....i think broke my ass" Skull shakes his head "Dame i think i broke something but mostly bruised......." Surge just lays on the floor "I can't feel anything" Skull picks up Surge and places him back onto his feet "Quit your whining Surge see your standing up perfectly fine," Surge looks away "hmph!" Dave looks around the hallway "Uh guys i think we're in the hallway the Subject went through." Skull and Surge look around the hallway and see the bodys of the soldiers laying around the hallway. Skull walks up to one of them and checks for a heartbeat, the soldier's heartbeat is kinda faint but is pretty much alive "there's a heart beat so i believe others around this hallway are alive just fucked up pretty badly but they will live." Dave nods "I believe the subject that escaped from their cell is AJ she didn't kill any of them." Surge sees the cell that's open and enters, he sees the soldier with the hole in his chest laying on the ground "Um Dave i think she killed one" Dave looks through the cell doorway and his eyes go wide "Oh........that's not good....come on guys we cant stand around for too long if AJ did break out she probably going after Captain Dick for revenge" Skull and Surge nod as the three begin running down the hallways looking for AJ. AJ continues to fight the soldiers that get in her way. She thinks of Captain Dick for what he did to Dave, Skull, Surge so she chooses to go after him and then escape. All the rage she kept hidden has broken free and now she can't stop, AJ reaches the room where Captain Dick is as she punches the door down and walks into the room, Captain Dick comes out of hiding and shoots AJ in the leg but does nothing "What the?" he says quietly before being grabbed by the throat by AJ. Aj pins him against the wall "You think a demon bullet will take me down huh!? THINK YOU CAN JUST HURT DAVE,SKULL AND SURGE JUST TO DO TESTS ON ME!!!???" Captain Dick tries to talk but is struggling to breath as she holds onto his neck tight. "I............didn'" she tilts her head "What did you say?" Captain Dick tries to speak again but is slowly losing consciousness. "WHAT DID YOU SAY OR ELSE I'M GONNA BREAK YOUR NECK!" "AJ!" she looks back and sees Dave,Skull and Surge.

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