Chapter 27: I Don't Need A Hero!

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AJ wakes up in some white room that's bright, AJ shakes her head trying to wake up after being tranquilized for awhile she manages to get off the bed and stand up and stretch. She feels the cold floor underneath her as she looks around the room "Dave?......Skull?.....Surge?..." she calls out but it's only her voice as it echoes in the room "Where am i?.....Guys?....Guys!" She begins to walk around the room touching the walls to find the door. The white room is pure white and seems to be very clean like a lab that's been hardly touched, there seems to be no signs of a doorway to leave the room as all the walls are just pure white concrete. AJ thinks for a moment then comes up with an idea....punch a hole through the wall!, so she begins to ready up her hit as she throws the first punch to the wall and!........nothing ...nothing happened. Her first punch to the wall did nothing so she tried again and again and again. No imprint was left on the wall as it still looks the same. AJ gets angry and flips the bed over as she thinks to herself "That dame guy....Captain dick was it?.... Well he is a dick that's for sure tranquilizing Skull and Surge.... Did i hope he didn't lay a finger on Dave! I need to get out of here now that asshole and his soldiers won't stop me as much as I don't want to hurt humans. I gotta do what's an angel and being the angel that protects Dave!" She hears a door open behind her "Hey hey you, you're finally awake i see" She turns around to see a scientist and a heavily armed soldier beside him. The scientist looks around his 40s or 50's as he's bald on the top and wears glasses, he's wearing a lab coat and has a tie on that is covered by the lab coat. The scientist signals the soldier to do something cause soon the soldier throws something at AJ some device sticks to her and activates. The device shoots out electrical wires around her causing her to fall to her knees, she can't move as the electrical wires keep her wrapped up and weak. The scientist walks around observing her as he writes on some clipboard "The subject appears to show no signs of demon related traits....appearance is quite good, maybe a succubus? that can't be it hm........." AJ breathes heavily as she can't move as she can do is stand there on her knees and watch as the scientist continues to observe her, The soldier looks at her and shakes his head "Dame demons thinking they can trick us" the soldier leans down to look at her in the eyes, AJ manages to look at the soldier soon is hit in the face by the end of the gun "Filthy demon" the scientist gets mad at the soldier "Dame it your suppose to protect me and make sure the subject does not try to escape not hit them for fun!" Soldier shrugs "So what? Their demons who gives a shit just do your job and I do mine got it? The scientist gives him a dirty look "hmph." The scientist then goes back to writing down notes on his clipboard. AJ begins to chuckle as the soldier looks at her with this confused look "What's so funny?" she continues to laugh a bit then she looks up at the soldier and the scientist "Don't you understand that i'm an angel? you and the whole entire army think i'm a demon? Heh heh heh....HAHAHAHA im an angel you idiots!" The soldier gets angry and gets ready to hit AJ again and is soon stopped by the scientist. "Stop the demon just trying to get you angry, don't let it get to your head." the soldier pushes the scientist out of his way causing the scientist to fall to the ground. The soldier hits AJ again "Keep laughing you demon scum you're just another asshole that should have stayed in hell you thought staying in that demonhunters house what was his name?....Dave oh yeah fucker needs to learn what he wants to do with his life rather than kill demons and drink rootbeer..." AJ hears what he said about Dave and she begins to get angry, the soldier notices her getting angry so he continues to talk shit about Dave, Skull, and Surge. "Now I think about it Dave became a demon hunter over losing his mother? Didn't know he was a mama's boy heh...." AJ rage continues to build up inside her eyes slowly begin to glow blue. The scientist notices the glowing blue eyes and yells "ENOUGH YOU'RE MAKING IT ANGRY!" The soldier looks at the scientist and scoffs "Yeah right like this piece of shit gonna break out and-" before the soldier finish his sentence there's a loud sound of wires snapping soon leading up to another sound of meat being crushed, the soldier makes this groaning sound as he slowly turns his head back around to look at AJ. AJ broke free and punched a big hole through the soldier's chest. All his organs are gone, all that's left is his heart that's hanging in the middle and his spine nothing left. The soldier falls to his knees as AJ grabs his head and shoves it down through his body into the hole that is in the middle of his chest. Body falls to the ground. The white room is not clean anymore as the soldiers' blood covers part of the floor. AJ slowly approaches the scientist and grabs part of his lab coat to pull him up. He shivers in fear when AJ looks at him in the eyes ''W-who a-are y-you!?" the scientist says with a shaky voice, AJ reptiles with a little smirk and glowing blue eyes as her wings come out of her back "Me?....i'm an angel that came from heaven here to protect Dave and not hurt humans as much but since you guys have been assholes you deserve to die like the others." the scientist shakes his head and begins to cry "I'm sorry! Please don't kill me! Please" she grabs the scientist hand bringing it closer to the door making a hand scanner appear on it she places the scientist hand on the hand scanner the door unlocks she lets the scientist go "I'm kidding dude chill i'm not gonna kill you in cold blood your innocent so run away you big baby i'm gonna get out of here. The alarm goes out as heavily armed soldiers appear down the hallways "STOP RIGHT THERE YOUR NOT ESCAPING YOU FILTHY DEMON!" AJ smirks and shakes her head "I swear you guys should of known right now that i am an ANGEL YOU DUMB FUCKS!" AJ jumps forward and flies towards the soldiers and begins fighting them. 

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