Chapter 33: Battle To The Top

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They run the stairs as fast as possible and are soon met with demons in front and behind. The demons roar in anger as they slowly approach the gang, Dave pulls his sword and points at the demons that stand in his way as Skull stands by Daves side and lights up his right hand, Surge pulls his scythes out and his mask color changes to red like the blood of his enemies as AJ stands by his side with her white wings out and she cracks her knuckles as she prepares to fight. They begin to fight off the demons as they make progress up stairs. Skull grabs one of the demons and slams them against the wall making the blood splatter onto the wall, Dave pierces multiple demons onto his sword and then flings them off the stairway, Surge slices the demons legs off so they tumble down the stairs making the other demons trip over, AJ punches the demons knocking sometimes making fall off the stairway hitting the ground hard causing them to explode into pile blood and organs. A demon jumps onto Dave making him go over the railing, Dave manages to grab on the railing "Dave!" Skull tries to save Dave but is attacked by multiple demons at once, AJ sees Dave hanging onto a ledge so she jumps to grab him she throws back onto the stairway "We're almost there to the top just a little more longer!" AJ says as she flys back to Surge. The gang are getting close to the top but the demons seem to show no sign of stopping. A demon jumps from the top landing right behind AJ and then bites one of her wings "AHHHH!!" AJ screams in pain as she hits the demon behind her causing the demon to let go but it manages to damage her wing, "AJ!" Surge yells in fear as it makes his mask change to purple color, he helps defend AJ. Her wing bleeds badly as blood pours down her wing a demon swings at AJ but Surge gets in front of her and takes the hit, the claw scratches his chest making him bleed but he continues to fight, Dave and Skull look back, "AJ!" Dave yells for AJ "Surge!" Skull yells for Surge as both AJ and Surge are hurt and seem to be struggling, Dave gets ready to run down part of the stairs to help but Skull stops him "Dave just go I can help them we'll catch up" Dave looks at Skull with this confused look on his face "What? No way I'm not leaving you guys alone, I don't want to take the risk of losing you guys!" Skull smirks "We'll be fine ya goofball rootbeer drinking dumbass now get up there and stop this war alright?" Dave sighs and nods as he proceeds up the stairs, Skulls runs down to help out AJ and Surge, Dave runs up the stairs he looks back at his friends and smirks and whispers "Kick some demon ass guys and be sure to come up here" Dave runs up the stair and makes it to the top.

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