Chapter 30: The Big War

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D.H.F soldiers arrive into the town ordering civilians to evacuate the town immediately telling them that their town is about to go to war. The Soldiers managed to get everyone out of the town and have the red tower surrounded as Captain Dick stands with his men pointing his rifle towards the red tower as they wait for any sign of demons. The door to the tower opens slowly, the sound of the old door creaks loudly like it hasn't been opened in years. As the door opens inside the doorway is pitch back even though in the daytime no light shines through the doorway. D.H.F soldiers and Captain dick proceed to stay cautious and move forward. They continue to move forward Captain Dick starts to notice something appear in the darkness, red eyes begin to appear rapidly, Captain begins to command his men to fire at the red eyes in the doorway "FIRE AT WILL!" the soldiers begin to fire into the doorway. Demons begin coming out of the doorway managing to avoid some of the bullets but a lot are shot up by the soldiers, Portals begin to appear behind the D.H.F soldiers "They are trying to flank us!" Captain dick yells as he turns around and fires at the demons coming through the portals, more portals begins to appear non stop as they appear to be slowly overrun by demons but they hold their ground. Demons continues to pour out one demon jumps at Captain dick, Captain points his gun at the demon as it comes towards him in the air before Captain dick gets the shot something flies by quickly and grabs the demons slamming them to the ground so hard the demon splatters into a big pile of blood and red mist flows through the air, its AJ as she has her wings out as she turns to look at Captain dick "Hewo!" She says with a smirk while covered in blood, a demon behind her gets cut in half "Sorry for being a little late to the battle Dickhead." Dave stopped a demon from attacking AJ and then proceeded to cut other demons. A demon screams in pain as it proceeds to get ripped in half then is split in half and dies instantly "We saw that you guys were in trouble so we came to help out you guys." Surge makes his appears by spinning around slicing up multiple demons and then stops to look at Captain dick "Might as well help besides the tower is shooting out demons too so it's good we help clean the it out and take care of the demon horde" he says as his mask turns into a brighter blue. Dave,Skull,Surge and AJ stand in front of Captain dick as they are covered in blood but are ready to help out in the fight, Captain dick nods and yells "KILL ALL THESE DEMONS ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!!!" Dave,Skull,Surge, AJ and the rest of the D.H.F cheer and proceed to fight the demons off. Dave begins to slice up a bunch of demons, he swings his sword side by side, he stabs one demon in the chest as he looks up close to the demons and smirks as he pulls up with his sword as it splits open the demon's chest and cuts its head in half. Skull punches demons with hard hits and then grabs ahold of a demon by the head and begins to press hard with all his might and begins to squish the demon head as its eyes pop out blood begins to shoot out mouth and then the demons head explodes as the blood splatters onto his face as he smirks. Surge swings his scythes at slicing demons up , Surge swings his scythes at this one demon so quickly the demon just stands there then soon falls into pieces. AJ grabs a demon and swings them around hitting other demons as she stops swinging the demon around she tosses the demon towards Skull, Skull catches the demon and punches it alot and then spins around in a circle and tosses the demon into the air as Dave and Surge jump into the air and slice up the demon together. Skull grabs the demon right leg and then AJ grabs left leg and they begin to pull the demon both ways causing the demon to be pulled in half all the organs begin to pour out underneath the demon's body as it tears apart. As they rip the demon in half, Skull has the right side and AJ has the left side of the demon's body; they chuckle and proceed to kill more demons. D.H.F send in helicopters and tanks to take out the horde of demons but still showing slowing down as begin to overpower the tanks and helicopters one demon hops onto the helicopter and punches through the glass grabbing the pilots face, the pilot scream as his face gets torn off from the demons sharp claws and loses control of the helicopter causing it to crash into the ground onto a couple of D.H.F soldiers and demons, tank hatch is ripped open and a demon crawls into the tank and then screams can be heard as blood begins to spray out of the top of the tank. Captain notices that they are slowly being overunned like the demons and they are never gonna stop coming out of these portals but he continues to fight them off with Dave,Skull Surge and AJ by his side, "DAVE! YOU AND THE OTHERS NEED TO ENTER THE TOWER AND STOP THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Dave slices a demon and looks at Captain dick and yells back "WHAT ABOUT YOU AND THE D.H.F? YOU GUYS GONNA HANDLE THIS WITHOUT US?" Captain dick nods and yells "YEAH WE GOT UNDER CONTR-" before he could finish a demon jumps onto him "CAPTAIN!" Dave tries to reach Captain dick to save him but soon is attacked by a demon that jumps onto Dave causing him to fall down onto his back and using his sword to press the demon away from his face "Shit! Get off me you ugly motherfucker!" Soon the others begin to struggle fighting off the horde of demons.

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