Chapter 5 - Sudden visits

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"Rosco! Wake up," A familiar voice beckons.

Rosco groans, rolling to his stomach to hide from the light.

"Ah, none of that!" Sam injects, ripping Rosco's blanket from his sleeping body.

Rosco growls at the younger boy, curling in on himself. Yelping loudly when Sam kicks him in the ribs.

"Come on. Get up, you're monopolizing the floor." Sam tells him while wadding up Rosco's blanket and throwing it at his face.

Rosco finally gives into the abuse, sitting up and rubbing his bleary eyes to find everyone else had long since rolled up their beds.

"Thank you, Sam," Lolly calls from her place at the table feeding the baby, "Now git, before you're late."

"Yes Lolly!" Sam answers, kicking Rosco once more for good measure, wicked grin on his face. Rosco lunges after him, but Sam escapes quickly out the door before he can be caught.

"Ugh stupid brat!" Rosco seethes after him.

"At least that 'brat' has a job," Lolly muses a little too loudly for the thought to have been intended for herself.

Rosco winces as he shifts and gathers up his bedding, "I'll go looking again today," He promises while stowing away his blankets. The old woman moves to stand, and Rosco rushes to her side expecting her to have trouble, but she is on her feet before he can cross the small room, wiping the baby's face and leisurely leaning down to set the girl on the floor. When she straightens, the old woman comes face to face with Rosco's expression of shock.

"Lolly, how is your cough this morning?" he asks slowly.

She blinks thinking it over, "Well I've hardly coughed at all," She muses taking in a smooth deep breath. "I'm actually feeli'n real good this mornin'." stretching her normally achy back.

With a laugh, Rosco wraps his beloved caregiver in a tight hug, pressing a sloppy kiss on her cheek, "He really healed you!"

"What are you talking about boy?" Whacking him off with a bright smile on her face. "We were talkin' about your lack of work. Don't go change'n the subject!"

"Never mind that!" holding the old woman's shoulders, "I think I met one of the old gods yesterday!"

Lolly's expression sours, giving Rosco a solid smack upside his head, "Don't go sayin' stuff like that child. You'll invite all sort of trouble."

"I'd hardly call myself trouble."

Both Lolly and Rosco whip around to find Hayden nuzzling the baby's nose with his own. The two humans freeze in place while the little girl giggles in contentment, reaching out to tug on the collar of the god's shirt.

"Hayden." The name rolling off Rosco's tongue before he has the chance to think it.

Lolly rounds on him, "You know this man?" clearly confused.

"He does," Hayden answers for him, tickling the girl's side causing her to squeal with delight.

Lolly's eyes lock on Rosco who can only nod in agreement because it's true.

Rosco swallows thickly, "You're not going to hurt her, are you?" he half pleads, inching forward, "If you're mad at me for what I said don't take it out on her."

The color of the god's eyes darkens a shade, "Is that truly what you think of me?" he bites out, striding forward to deposit the child in Lolly's arms. His expression softens into a smile as he tucks one of the baby's haphazard golden curls behind her ear.

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