Chapter 25 Definitely not a date

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Rosco had been distracted during his work and taken longer to finish, even though he'd started pretty early and despite the fact he is already late to meet with Hayden, he's taking his time to wash up. Carefully lathering the soap into his ridiculously thick curls, meticulously washing them all out and twisting them into perfect ringlets to dry.

"You got a hot date tonight kid?" the valet chuckles, joining Rosco by the water pump with a basket of his employer's laundry.

"What?!" he panics, waving his arms around franticly, "Absolutely not! A date?" half choaking on the word, "What gave you that idea?" roughly pulling his shirt back over his still wet torso, "I- I don't know anyone in the city, w-who would I even go on something like a date with?" viciously wringing out the cloth he'd used to wash with, "I don't even know what people do on dates! They certainly don't go to cute little cafes and share drinks and take strolls through the city. That's normal stuff, not date stuff. Right?" grabbing the valet's arms.

"Uh," the other man stares down at him in shock, "I just asked cuz you were taking such care with that mess of hair of yours."

"Oh good," Rosco breathes, freeing the valet to lean on the water pump, "I only did that to stall! It wasn't anything weird like trying to look nice for a date."

"You're a weird kid." The valet chuckles, patting Rosco on the shoulder, warm smile on his face, "but don't you think you'd best quit your stalling and head off to wherever you need to be?"

"You sure you don't want help with that laundry?" he asked hopefully.

"Nope you go," he laughs, waving him off, "I'm sure the 'not date' you're heading off to meet is already waiting for you."

"Huh," tilting his head, "Oh, Hayden's not- you know what, never mind," clapping his hands together, "gotta go." Rushing off.

Tansy had gotten fed up with his stalling after just a few minutes and disappeared somewhere, so Rosco kept an eye out for the wildflower as he worked his way around to the front of the building. He didn't find the little spirit, but he did manage to walk up on Hayden not paying attention to his surroundings. Seeing him there stops Rosco in his tracks. His palms sweating unnecessarily as he twists the ring on his thumb. So rarely given the opportunity to look without being noticed, Rosco watches, feet wavering in place, wanting both to surge forward and to stay back. The god is leaning against one of the pillars supporting the upper floor of the inn. His hands are in his pockets, eyes cast out over the crowd, watching the people going about their daily activities. The angle of the sun behind the buildings is dressing the god in a contrast of shadows and light. Despite his relaxed stance, Hayden has a sharp sense of regal refinement to him. A sophistication the boy had not known others lacked until he saw it in Hayden. His movements are deliberate and elegant, so graceful one could almost miss the sheer strength of him. The boy blushes despite himself, because he knows; Rosco had felt it under his hands, the power in Hayen's arms. The boy chews at his lips, wondering what it must be like to constantly hold back strength that can alter landscapes and shuffle the stars. Hayden lifts a hand, a precise and delicate motion, as Tansy flutters up to perch on it, showing off his perfect restraint and control. The sight of him with the fragile-looking spirit in his hands makes Rosco's heart do an annoying, unwanted little flutter. Tansy dives right into what looks like a serious conversation.

Swallowing thickly, "There's no reason to be nervous." Rosco assures himself, "There's nothing weird going on," blatantly ignoring the way he currently feels warm and restless, "He's a god," trying to reason his way out of his stupid feelings, "So of course, he's so, ya know," Biting at his lower lip, "Captivating." Captivating? Wait. No! Captivating definitely sounds weird! He groans, hiding his face in his hands.

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