Chapter 54 - Wagon wheels

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"Rosco!" Rosco immediately opens his eyes, looking for the owner of the voice.

"Quiet down Tansy, he's resting," Hayden scolds in soft whispers. Rosco frowns, pushing up on his elbow to look at his companions then shakes his head dismissively, Tansy is telling Hayden whatever is on their little mind and Rosco doesn't understand a word of it. Hayden tisks, feeling Rosco move under his hand. "See, you've gone and woken him up," the god sighs in annoyance, "now, what about a broken wagon?" Tansy grabs Rosco's fingers, the wildflower carrying on in their explanations as they pull him in the direction of the road. "Yes, but why did we need to wake Rosco up for this?" Hayden asks, exasperatedly.

Peaking up at Hayden, Rosco squints in the light, "What's happened?" he asks, still groggy. Tansy gestures expectantly to Hayden, basically demanding he explain.

"Tansy found a man and his young daughter nearby on the road. Apparently, they have run into some trouble with their cart and Tansy wants you to help them."

"Oh," Rosco frowns a little, already gathering himself up to do just that, "But why?" Narrowing his eyes at the little spirit, "You don't normally care?"

Tansy blushes, bashfully twisting their tiny toes into the dirt.

Offering a hand, Hayden helps Rosco to his feet, "It seems Tansy has developed another crush," he answers for them.

A bundle of excitement and nerves, Tansy rushes up ahead, pointing the boys just around a bend in the road. Hayden leans down slightly, "I think I will stay out of sight." He whispers in Rosco's ear from behind. The warm puff of Hayden's breath on the shell of his ear has heat radiated down Rosco's body. The back of his neck and tips of his ears turn bright red; It's hot enough today without Hayden being careless of his personal space. He rolls his eyes and bites his lip hoping that Hayden won't notice. Collecting himself, the boy turns to answer, only to find his god has already vanished. He huffs at his god's disappearing act, following Tansy around the bend.

Exactly as Tansy had described: there's a man, a little girl, a horse, and a wagon. Less than as advertised however, the man is clearly in no need of any kind of assistance. He's quite skillfully more than halfway through the repairs needed to get the damaged wheel up and running again.

Tansy is already at the man's feet, staring up at him while he works, like some sort of heart eyed idiot.

Rosco sighs, resigning himself to whatever is about to happen when the little girl notices him first. Her intelligent green eyes size Rosco up quickly, before tugging on the hem of her father's shirt. The man looks up and Rosco smiles, offering a friendly little wave.

"I was going to offer some help, but it looks like you've got it handled." Rosco explains brightly.

The man looks Rosco over critically before softening, because let's face it, Rosco looks about as harmless as a young man can get. He smiles warmly, settling a free hand on his daughter's head to tell her everything is fine, "Can't say I'd hate the help lifting the wagon to get the wheel back on if you want to stick around a moment?"

Rosco wasn't sure what he had expected of Tansy's prospective love interest, but this certainly wasn't it. For starters, Rosco distinctly recalled the wildflower having fallen for a pretty, young (Hayden's words not his) flower girl last time, and this man was neither pretty nor young. He's probably in his late-thirties/early-forties, a healthy dusting of gray scattered about his hair and untrimmed stubble. His approachable green eyes are framed in wrinkles when he smiles. Not unattractive by any means, but pretty is certainly not the first word this man brings to mind. His daughter looks quite a bit like him, same eyes, and nose. Same dark hair, minus the gray. She is pretty.

Tansy throws Rosco a look that basically begs him to say yes.

Chuckling, Rosco shrugs, "Sure thing!" he lets his pack slip from his shoulder, thudding loudly on the packed dirt. Tansy blows Rosco a kiss of appreciation, before tuning back to gaze longingly at the man. Rosco tries not to let his frown show on his face. He sees several problems here and is not looking forward to consoling a heartbroken Tansy for the second time. First, this man obviously can't see the wildflower swooning at his feet. Tansy is in no way being subtle, and even if this guy can see them and is trying to play cool, he would have at least glanced their way. Second, the guy has a kid, standing like right there, suggesting rather strongly this man already has a partner. Though it is a possibility he's single? Rosco will have to investigate further. Third, the size difference! Tansy is four inches tall! This guy is, well, it's hard to tell, he's sitting on the ground, but a full-grown human man at the very least! And fourth, he's a man! Or is that not a problem because Tansy isn't entirely male? But they'd gone after a girl last time? Rosco's hands knot in his curls, feeling the beginnings of a headache. Tansy doesn't seem bothered by any of these things, at least not at the moment. The little spirit sighs wistfully at the look of concentration on the man's face which even Rosco admits is, "a little hot."

Blood drains from his face as everyone looks at him, realizing he'd said that last thought aloud.

"It is rather warm today huh?" the man smiles, totally unaware of Rosco's slip up. Tansy, however, throws Rosco a knowing smirk and said then says something to the effect of 'mine, back off'.

Rosco is ready to bury himself in shame but that would only serve to make an otherwise normal interaction weird, so he pushes through, "I'm Rosco by the way." offering his name as a distraction.

"I'm Kenneth Miller and this here is my daughter Gabriella," Warm gaze turning to his daughter, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rosco."

"Call me Gabby." The little girl speaks up. She's small, probably 8 or 9 but has an old soul in her eyes, none of the blissful ignorance of childhood. She is still rather weary of Rosco, keeping close to her fathers' side. Her watchful eyes trained on him, least he makes any move she disapproves of.

"I will." He promises, letting his eyes wander up and down the roadway, "Is it just the two of you?"

"That it is." Kenneth confirms, getting back to his feet with a grunt, "which is why it will be nice having a second set of hands to help me get this back on," Tapping the corner of the wagon, currently propped on a log, "Though," giving Rosco a second examination, "Maybe you should slide the wheel on while I lift?"

Rushing forward to do his part "Oh, I'm stronger than I look!" Rosco exclaims. The wagon is certainly heavy, but Rosco manages it well enough. Kenneth offers an impressed hum while hurrying to get the wheel locked back in place. Rosco sets the wagon down with a grunt, rubbing his now sore hands together.

"Alright!" Kenneth chuckles, "Not gonna lie, I didn't think you had it in you."

Tansy flutters up, giving him a thankful kiss on the cheek.

"Just glad I could help." Rosco shrugs, not allowing himself to be carried off in the high of feeling useful.

"Papa," Gabby calls, pulling her father down to whisper in his ear.

"You have a very good point," Kenneth nods, his gaze flicking back up to Rosco, "My daughter and I can't help but notice that you are traveling alone, why don't you join us for a while? I make a mean stew and you could help me out with heavy lifting, what do you say?"

Tansy gasps, whirling on Rosco with their tiny hands pressed together in plea.

"I don't know how that's going to work out?" Rosco offers hesitantly, answering both Kenneth and Tansy. Tansy pouts, gearing up to cry dramatically about being forced to leave their new love interest behind.

"What's the harm?" Kenneth questions, "At least join us for supper! As thanks for your help."

The proposal halts Tansy's theatrics long enough to wait for Rosco to answer.

"Well," Rosco twists at his ring, trying to nonchalantly scan their surrounds for Hayden, "I guess dinner's fine for now."

Tansy twirls around him in delight.

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