Chapter 42 - Interruptions

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It's still pouring when morning comes. At least Rosco assumes it's morning because Tansy is bullying him awake. Could still be the middle of the night judging by how dark it is. He sits up, groggily rubbing his eyes. His still sluggish brain is trying to factor how much sleep he hadn't gotten, which makes him think of naps and an involuntary whine slips passed his lips. How long has it been since he's gotten to have a nice nap? Certainly not since he'd met Hayden. A spike of pain rips through his chest, it settles in his gut making his stomach twist. If he wants to throw up just thinking about the god, how is Rosco going to face him?

'we'll finish this tomorrow' Hayden had said.

Rosco crumbles back into his hay bed, wishing he could just go back to sleep and skip the entire conversation. Honestly, what more needs to be said? Rosco doesn't need it reiterated that Hayden doesn't want him. Once was enough. He'd gotten the picture loud and clear. What was it Hayden had said? 'Especially' the memory sends another spike of pain through his heart. It feels like that word has been seared into his soul, a burn that will fester and never heal. He can't help but whimper again, surprised by just how much physical pain this rejection causes him. He'd set himself up for this suffering of course, like he always does. He'd gotten a big head for just a minute and let it run him straight into a trap.

A tiny hand touches his shoulder. Tansy. Of course, Tansy is worried, he's acting ridiculous.

"I'm okay." He mumbles, forcing himself back up, "Just didn't sleep well. There was a thunderstorm, and it was bothering some of the horses, so I went down to calm them a bit an-" eyes going wide, "Oh my gods Tansy! You'll never believe what happened!" Tansy jolts, freaking out a bit at Rosco's very drastic mood swings. "The Rosewoods offered me a job! Like a real one! They actually want me, ME, to stay here and work full time! Can you believe it!?" He laughs, "I was so shocked! I had no idea what to say, which was okay because Rowen told me not to answer him right away. He wants me to really think about it" Smiling wildly, "Which is amazing because that means they are really serious about me!" Tansy claps their hands, trying to match his newfound energy, but their expression is tense and worried. Which Rosco doesn't notice because he is busy getting himself dressed and ready for the day. "Oh!" Rosco shouts, getting his head through his shirt. He spins on the wildflower, practically bubbling over with excitement, "Rowen can see you!" he proclaims like it's the best news on earth. "Isn't that so cool?!"

Tansy hides in Rosco's coat while they dash across the yard to get to the house. Rosco had done his best to keep the wildflower from getting soaked, but his clothes aren't exactly waterproof. Safely inside the kitchen, Tansy starts shaking out their wings while Rosco squeezes out his hair. Mr. Rosewood chuckles at the sight of him, tossing the boy a cloth to dry off with. For once, no one else is in the kitchens, letting the soft sounds of bubbling pots be just audible over the noise of the rain.

"Our first big rain of the spring seems to want to drown us." Mr. Rosewood jokes, spooning some porridge into a bowl for him. Sprinkling it with some cinnamon and dried apple pieces before setting it on the table, "Already heard a bunch of malarky about it being an omen, or another punishment from the death god," Shaking his head, "Rain in the spring is normal," he stresses, sighing softly, "even if this hasn't been our most normal spring."

"I don't mind the rain." Rosco shrugs, reaching up to see if his hair had become a puff ball, "Can get annoying if you're trying to do something, but I've always loved the smell," draping the cloth over his shoulders and eagerly taking his seat, "It's best in the middle of summer, when everything is hot and dry," blowing on his spoon, "Summer rain has the most amazing smell." Tansy, finally satisfied with the dryness of their wings, settles in next to his hand. Looking over the food, they point to the bits of dried apple, glancing up at Rosco. He nods and they begin happily snacking on the little bites.

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