Chapter 69 - Breakfast

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Rosco finds himself very uncomfortably seated in the kitchen. In its defense, it's not a problem with the chair, or even the kitchen itself, it's actually a really nice kitchen. High ceilings, pristine whitewashed walls. Sturdy, well-worn tables forming an efficient workspace near the stove and built-in brick oven. Shelves line the inner wall, loaded down with dry goods and numerous pots and pans. The outer wall has windows, most of which are shuttered but a few are thrown open wide, letting in fresh air and lots of natural light. The right side of the room hosts the round dining table, it isn't very large, only room for four chairs. Almost comically small given the space allowed for it. Presumably at one point there would have been large rectangular tables the entire castles staff could all gather around at once, but that would have been long ago. The moment Rosco entered this pleasant space, his thoughts had drifted to Mr. Rosewood and how much the plump Inn keeper would have loved it. The accompanying spike of pain had driven the thought away as quickly as it come. The problem is in the atmosphere created by the room's occupants. The air is oppressively awkward and Rosco doesn't know how to handle it. He turns his mug in his hands, afraid to look away from the steam rising off the tea. Flynn is seated to his left, the only person seemingly unaffected by the heavy ambiance. The brown-haired boy shoveling food in his mouth without a care in the world. Tansy has actually opted to sit on his shoulder, munching on some fruit. The wildflower had been happy to see Rosco when he'd first entered the kitchen, hugging him like they had been apart for weeks instead of hours but then had drifted back over to Flynn when they sat to eat. Barren sits across from him, sipping on a mug of his own. Like Rosco, Barren has never had much of an appetite and had supposedly eaten a muffin before Rosco had finally come down. Rosco couldn't figure out how he is supposed to face the man in daylight, he'd let himself be so vulnerable the night before. And under the safety of darkness, it had seemed like the right thing to do. But now, it's awkward. Are they friends? Acquaintances? Student and teacher? They hadn't bothered to lay out any of the finer details of how Rosco is expected to interact with the man during their late-night talk and Rosco is certain whatever he chooses will be wrong and he will embarrass himself more. Not to mention the fact Rosco had accidentally stolen the man's bed, leaving him to couch surf in his own home. Hayden isn't sitting at the table, but lounging in a nearby corner, aimlessly looking out one of the kitchen windows. Rosco isn't sure how to deal with him either. Not only is he not sure if Hayden is still acting strangely today, but it also feels like the things he'd learned last night are hanging in the air between them. But worst of all is the silence! Every nerve in the boy's body tingling with the need to fill it. It buzzes in Rosco's ears and every second it ticks by more words added to the tangle on the tip of his tongue begging for release. Gods, someone other than him really needs to talk before the word vomit starts, or they are all going to regret it.

Barren clears his throat and Rosco's eyes dart to him hopefully.

"I've agreed to teach Rosco how to use his abilities." The older man informs, sending the god a reserved look, "It may take some time, will you be staying here as well?"

Hayden eyes don't move from the window, "Is that a problem?"

"I wouldn't presume to tell a god where he can or cannot go."

Flynn pauses, glancing from Barren to Hayden, thickly swallowing his mouthful, "Are you really a god?" he asks, "Like a really real one? Not like the pretenders we have now?"

Hayden's gaze slowly moves from the window to the kid at the table, and seeing him move, Barren shoots Flynn a look of warning.

"I am." Hayden answers plainly.

Flynn's eyes narrow, his mouth moving to speak but Barren cuts him off with a heavy kick under the table.

"Which means he is to be treated with all due respect, so you best keep your mouth shut." the older man hisses.

In His NameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora