Chapter 65 - Lost soul

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Rosco is told when he wakes up that he'd been asleep for two days. Apparently neither Hayden nor Tansy saw a problem with Hayden having carried him the whole time. They both cited that he's a god and doesn't need rest, so it was the best use of their time. Rosco, however, is mortified. And it's days before the boy is able to meet his god's eyes again.

Kenneth had warned them to avoid Sonfold's soldiers as much as possible, so Hayden opted to lead them through the wilderness, steering clear of the main roads. Their path is mostly through more of the forest but occasionally the trees will break, opening into fields and meadows, filled with untouched nature. The wildlife they come across has no fear of Hayden or Tansy and since there is very little human activity in the area, it seems they don't feel much fear for Rosco either. Critters of all kinds approach him on a regular basis to try and rob him of his rations with their adorable eyes. It works quite well.

It's been little more than a week since they escaped Northern Road when Hayden suddenly stops in his tracks. Having not been paying attention, as Rosco is known to do, he bumps straight into Hayden's back.

Rubbing his injured nose, "What was that for!?" The boy questions, peeking around Hayden's back to glare at him properly.

"Welcome home master." A water spirit greets, bowing in reverence.

"Kalia," Hayden says warmly, pulling the girl into a hug.

Kalia looks a bit like Ocyrin, in the way they both seem to be a shell filled with water. But where Ocyrin is a bit blue green and had waves rolling in and out under his skin, Kalia is almost clear, and her waters seem to flow infinitely into her feet.

She moves forward, arms open invitingly, "I have greatly missed you-," she halts, eyes catching on the boy peeking behind Hayden's back, "You are traveling with a human?" it's a question as much as a statement, her voice bright with curiosity.

"This is Rosco," Hayden introduces, pulling the boy out from behind him, presenting him to the water spirit. "Rosco, this is Kalia. She is a river spirit. Her river is actually very near to here."

"Pleased to meet you ma'am," Rosco greets with a shy smile and an awkward wave.

Tansy offering a wave of their own from his shoulder.

She giggles, the sounds bright and bubbly, "So polite." She muses with a smile, "it is good to see you as well Tansy," regarding the boy a moment more before looking back up to Hayden, "Does this mean your anger with them has diminished?" She asks him hopefully.

Rosco can't see Hayden's face from where he is standing, but it takes Hayden way too long to answer, "I am not as angry as I was," his god finally replies.

The girl nods, her face a mix of disappointment and understanding, "Either way, I am pleased you saw fit to return. Though many of my siblings are fearful of you because of their miss deeds," her nose wrinkles with distaste. "Please know, on some level, we are all happy to have you back."

Hayden hums a sound of mild annoyance, "Yet you are the first that has bothered to come and greet me."

Kalia giggles again, "I am ashamed to admit, I did not come solely to welcome you master."


She peeks off into the distance, "There is a lost soul near my banks." Her voice tented with sadness, "Humans do not travel this way often and it has waited for quite some time. I would ask that you come and retrieve it, so that it might finally find the rest it has been waiting for."

Hayden nods, "Of course. Thank you for bringing it to my attention."

"Thank you master." The river spirit sighs gratefully. "Has Lady Life returned also?" She asks with a curious tilt of her head. "I wish to be informed when it reincarnates." smiling brightly, "I have tried to keep it company and I look forward to the chance to meet with it again someday."

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