Chapter 79 - Old scars and open wounds

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Hayden leads Rosco though the grand hall to an equally grand arch way and stairs that spiral downwards. There are more halls and more stairs and Rosco's keen sense of direction becomes increasingly muddled as their path becomes less and less possible. When Hayden finally finds whatever, it is he's looking for, the hall they stand in is damp and dim. No longer cut marble but cobbled stones intermixed with milky glowing ones, making the otherwise bright illumination of the walls muted here. At the very end of the hall stands a wooden door, plain and unremarkable.

"Rosco," Hayden pauses before opening it, "Do you remember the rules I gave you last time?" peaking at him over his shoulder.

"Uh," eyes going wide as saucers, "What it not to talk to people? oh! Not to touch things!" glancing away, "no, that wasn't it."

"The lullaby," Hayden guides gently, tucking a curl behind his ear.

"Right!" practically hopping, "Not to listen to the lullaby!" tilting his head, "But I don't hear it at all?"

"I've shielded the walls so you wouldn't have to worry about it," Hayden tells him, "But the river itself runs through this room, you will have to be very careful. There have been no others like you and Ben, I have no way of knowing what might happen to you should you fall prey to the melody."

There's concern in Hayden's eyes and Rosco aches to erase it, "I won't listen." He promises easily, "I'll just focus on you and then I won't be tempted to notice anything else at all."

Hayden huffs out a laugh, "Such flattery."

Rosco's face falls as he processes what he just said, "Oh gods, I meant that- well, you're very, uh," overheating with embarrassment. "I just won't listen, alright!?" Muttering into his free hand, trying to hide his redness. He hears a chuckle and the sound of the door being opened and then nothing aside from the music filling his head. For a brief second, he's tired beyond belief, and contemplates laying down on the ground right here to sleep a while, or forever. What would he want to be awake for anyway? "Ah!" He shouts, covering his ears though it does nothing to block the sound, the lullaby still plays sweetly in his thoughts.

"Rosco?" Hayden's voice breaks though the melody before the song swallows him again.

"Say something else," he mutters, fighting against the oppressive weariness.

His god leans in, pressing his forehead to Rosco's, his hands rising to cup Rosco's smaller ones, "The song is not for you my love, please don't listen." The lullaby falls into the background as Hayden speaks directly into his mind.

The hauntingly beautiful song still plays in the back of his thoughts, but it's easier to ignore, "I- I think I'm okay now." The boy mumbles, shying away from Hayden's touch. The blush may as well be permanent additions to his cheeks at this point.

"Are you sure?" Hayden asks, examining him closely, "I am reluctant to sever your ties to it completely, I am afraid I'm also unsure what affect that might have on you."

"No, no. I'm good." Rosco says firmly, waving around his hands, "but let's stop taking about it, maybe?"

Humming a noise of consent, Hayden catches one of those waving hands to lead Rosco in.

Dark walls make up the room, a black stone so finely polished it reflects like a mirror. The ceiling sits low overhead in contrast to everywhere else here, that seem to lack roofs completely. Approximately five feet in, the floor gives way to the waters of the river, sloping down like a natural bank. Hayden's river is even more breath taking up close. A kaleidoscope of color and light, dancing languidly amid the gentle currant. His craving to reach out and touch it peaks at a nearly undeniable summit, but Hayden's fingers interlaced with his own keep him grounded. In the center of the room the stone of the floor flows into a single bridge crossing over the top of the water to the other side where Rosco can just make out a series of doorways imbed in the far wall.

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