Chapter 62 - Short of breath

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I can't help but pout at the order no to speak of this. Water spirits like to gossip, and the others will all be cross if they find out I had juicy secrets that I never told them. But my moment of self-pity is short lived as my master turns away from me, calling the human's name and taking its hand, tenderly pressing it against his own chest. The gesture so innocent yet intimate that Tansy and I both feel the need to glance away, embarrassed to have seen.

"I will be back by morning." My god promises the boy, his voice soft and low in a tone I have never witnessed him use with another.

I can't help but steal a glance even as shame pricks at my eyes for intruding on what feels like such a private moment. Somehow, I know watching will give me indication as to why Master would call someone of my standing to babysit some ordinary human.

The boy shifts, nervous energy woven into his very bones. He bites his lip but nods obediently like simply agreeing will settle his anxious soul.

"What will help ease your doubt?" My god asks him.

The boy's cheeks color with emotion, his eyes slowing lifting from his hand against the god's chest up to meet his gaze, "can you say it again?" his small voice nearly quivering under the weight of great fear.

Master uses his free hand to brush a cluster of dark curls away from the boy's forehead, "I am not leaving you, and nothing will prevent me from being with you again by morning."

The boy swallows, his fear clearly undiminished, but he nods, pulling away to tightly wrap his arms around himself, "I'm fine," Selling the falsehood with a smile, "Now go visit Ash," Shooing my god with a wave of his hand, "I'm sure they're lonely. Oh! And tell them I said Hi, and sorry I couldn't come visit this time, maybe next time? If we can figure out a way around that whole, I feel like I'm dying when you teleport me thing. Or another way to get there, and then back here, or wherever we will be at the time or- oh gods, I'm still talking, just go please." Hiding his face behind his hands.

Master laughs, "goodnight Rosco," and even though his back is turned to me I can hear the smile on his tone. He vanishes, and before the boy lowers his hands, I see the small flash of silver wrapped around his thumb reflecting the meager light.

Tansy lands on the rain wet grass before me, arms crossed, "I hope you realize what you've promised to protect?" their little bell like voice taunts in a tone that shouldn't be allowed from something so cute.

But I do realize, even if I almost wish I didn't. I haven't been asked to babysit any ordinary human, but the chosen consort of my god. The stakes of this little favor have skyrocketed, and I am not prepared to hold the fate of my god's happiness in my hands. I look over at the boy still trying to come down from his embarrassment. It's attractive enough I suppose, though not at all suited to my tastes, "I don't get it," I shake my head, "After all this time, why this one?"

"Just wait," Tansy grins, "You'll love him in no time."

"The Millers are probably waiting for us," the boy sighs, reaching out a hand for Tansy, "We should go in."

I move to follow him, but he shoots me a chilling look, "Hayden's gone now so you don't really have to hang around if you don't want to, I will be fine with Tansy." He said it all very politely, but the meaning was clear: leave.

Tansy giggles as they flutter up to snuggle into this neck, "He doesn't like you," they mock, looking at him with a kind of awe and dedication not normally seen from wildflowers, "I've watched him make friends with people who tried to kill him, he can even get along with Ash, but it's you he doesn't like."

I pout, not sure what I've done to earn the ire of someone I've just met, "I promised Master I'd watch you, thus there is nothing more important to me than this."

In His NameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora