Chapter 63 - A gift and a curse

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Groaning, Rosco cradles his aching head as consciousness slowly comes back to him. He winces at how horribly dry and overly large his tongue feels in his mouth, like he's never had a drink of water. His stomach is also churning uncomfortably. What had he been doing before he fell asleep? He's never felt quite this aw- Gabby! Blood rushes to his head as he jolts up, threatening to put him right back under. Cool hands catch him, and a well-known calm begins to soothe his frantic mind.

"Hayden!" Relief floods him as he wraps trembling arms around his god's neck, "You have to help Gabby!" pushing away only to nearly fall, finding his body completely sapped of all strength. His eyes dart around franticly to find he's been moved to the couch in the sitting area of their room. He's alone with Hayden but soft voices carry over from nearby.

Hayden doesn't allow him to fall far, "Gabriella is," pausing slightly, little frown of uncertainty tugging at his lips, "She is well, don't worry. Are you alright?" Hayden's brow becoming tightly drawn up with concern. His nervous hands roam the boy's face, down his sides and over his arms as if hunting for injury.

"I feel awful," Rosco admits, "I don't think I ever want to drink again." shaky fingers automatically rising to Hayden's cheek to comfort him, "Do you know what happened?" the boy asks with a tilt of his head, "I'm a little confused."

Hayden leans into the touch, his troubled eyes fluttering closed for a moment, "Rosco," he sighs, softly nuzzling into the offered hand, "You really are a magnet for trouble. I wasn't even gone that long," putting his own hand over Rosco's to hold it in place against his cheek.

"What did I do?" fear climbs the back of his throat, worsening his tremble.

"Cheated death."

Rosco's blood goes cold, numbing him from the inside. He swallows, more on impulse than from any form of intent, "Wh- what does that mean?" his mouth still working even when his brain cannot.

Hayden's eyes open slowly, unfocused until he glances up, pinning Rosco in place with his gaze, "Do you remember, when we played in the river?"

Despite the situation at hand, Rosco smiles warmly at the pleasant memory, "Yeah, sure. Why?"

"You won the game because of a trick, in other words, you cheated. Such a thing should not have been allowed to happen. The rules of this universe prevent me from being cheated. Despite that, you have now done it twice, with no repercussions."

"I- I don't understand."

"Neither do I. You are casually bending rules no one should be able to break."

Pulling his hand away, Rosco hides his face behind them, "Gods Hayden what am I?!" the boy cries, "I don't even remember doing anything! I was just so scared. I didn't want anything to happen to her. She should have her whole life ahead of her! and I don't want Kenneth to be alone!" Sniffling loudly.

Leaning in, Hayden gently touches together their foreheads. "It's alright," he soothes softly. Filling the boy with the warmth of him, "I may not know what you are yet, but whatever it is, I know it is a good and beautiful thing. Gabriella is alive now because of you," Pulling away just enough to meet his eyes, "Do not permit yourself to feel shame over this," he orders tenderly, "Though, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from using your power again until you have learned to control it, you have created a very odd side-effect."

Dread creeps in, "What did I do?" Rosco asks nervously.

Hayden rises to his feet, stretching out his hand, "Do you feel well enough to walk?"

Threading his fingers through Hayden's, Rosco moves to his feet, testing the strength of his legs. He wobbles, but leaning on Hayden is enough support to sustain him. Hayden leads them back into the bedroom, Rosco trailing behind, using Hayden's broad back as a sort of shield for himself.

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