Chapter 9 - Lamplight

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Night had settled hard over the land. Thick dark clouds blocking out what little light the moon offered, plunging everything into inky darkness. Rosco had wanted to keep walking; he'd slept far too late into the day and wasted valuable time. But the oppressive darkness is making it nearly impossible for him to walk. He just keeps stumbling over his feet! Hayden, who seems to be able to see fine, always catches him. Big strong arms wrapping around Rosco's waist every time his balance fails him, making him feel all warm and tingly.

The first time he'd been thankful, not falling and busting his face was defiantly a plus.

The second time, he was thankful and also embarrassed.

The third time he was really just getting annoyed. That was when the problem started, the fourth time he was starting to like it and the fifth time may not have entirely been an accident.

It needed to stop.

"We should find a place for you to rest." Hayden says as if reading his mind. Rosco can hear the concern in Hayden's voice even if he can't see it.

The boy pushes away the arm that reaches out to steady him for the fifth time.

"You're right," He agrees, though probably for vastly different reasons.

Rosco straightens himself up, squinting into the black for a place to sleep. "Gods, Hayden I can't see a bloody thing." throwing his hands up in exasperation, "You're going to have to help me."

Hayden chuckles just behind his ear, "Very well," the warm voice rumbles, "What would you like me to do?"

Rosco felt his breath on the shell of his ear when he'd spoken, could still feel his warm body blocking the cold air from brushing his back. Hayden is close, too close. Rosco is quite sure the proximity is not helping his thought processes. The boy spins in place, taking a single step back for safety. His hands knot in his hair, trying to shake his thoughts free by stirring his curls into a giant frothy mess.

"I- I don't know! Aren't you a god, don't you have all the answers or something?" even in the darkness Rosco knows where to look to face him, Rosco doesn't need light to feel the gods pull.

Hayden catches his wrists and Rosco stills instantly, calmed by the comfortable feeling that comes with his touch.

"You asked me to help you." Hayden says softly, gently pulling Rosco's hands from his hair, "That could mean a lot of different things. From my perspective, the number of solutions to any given problem is so vast you physically cannot fathom it. 'Help' in and of itself could mean a lot of different things. What I would deem most helpful for you, you may not appreciate at all. So, you must tell me," Hayden lets his hands slip down Rosco's wrists, brushing against his palms and the length of his fingers as he lets him go, "What would you find most helpful."

"Don't let me go." The words fall out of Rosco's mouth without thinking, they process immediately after though, of course after it's too late to matter, "Wait!" Rosco shouts much louder than necessary, jumping back before Hayden can act on the unconscious request. One hand moves up to shield his face and the other pushes out between them to create a physical barrier, "I didn't mean that. sometimes I talk without thinking, in fact, I often talk without thinking, as you've seen. It's a bad habit. I'm doing it now, talking, no thinking." Crouching, he presses his forehead to the tops of his knees and puts his hands over his ears, "Just give me a moment to restart my brain and I'll work on some real words. Well, not real but, better." Finally trailing off into silence.

He hears Hayden crouch down beside him, allowing him whatever time he needs, which only makes Rosco cringe a little harder. Hayden had been right when he'd said that stuff about help before. Most people might think he'd want help formulating a proper sentence, but what he'd find most helpful right now, would be to crawl in a hole and die.

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