Chapter 13 - Sleeping together

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"This will be our last night camping out before we reach Falties." Hayden informs from his place sitting among the pine needles.

Rosco is still trying to get his fire going. It's windy tonight so starting his campfire, even with the aid of his magic lamp, has been difficult. Tansy seems to enjoy his suffering, snickering every time the fire winks out and he must start all over again.

"How long do you think we will stay in the city?" Rosco wonders as he tries to shield his budding flame.

"That will depend on what we find, but I would venture to guess a few days at the least," he muses, leaning back to rest on his arms, "Her temple is not actually in the city as mine was, but at the foot of the mountains. She would only allow her human followers to visit on special occasions or observances in order to preserve the natural atmosphere of her home, though many of her most loyal spirts could often be seen roaming her halls."

Holding out his hand for the wildflower, "Tansy, when did you last visit her temple?" the god questions. Having lost interest in Rosco's battle with the wind, Tansy flies over, sitting cross legged on Hayden's palm, holding their ankles while they answered his question. "So, it has been some time." Hayden hums, raising an eyebrow, "I imagine you will be glad to see it again."

Peaking over his shoulder, Rosco watches Tansy's animated response, their tiny arms waving as they speak. Hayden's expression gradually softens as he listens. He chuckles lightly at something Tansy says. His white eyes warming, promise of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

The two speak at some length, easily chatting about times long passed, or the spirit realm, which Rosco had never even heard of before. Most of what they said to one another just confuses Rosco further. Only being able to understand half the conversation made eaves dropping basically pointless. Curiosity chewed at his tongue, begging Rosco to unleash his plethora of questions. But for once in his life, he kept quiet. Not because he'd magically learned self-control, no it was thanks to the sick feelings sitting heavily in his stomach. Hayden spoke so freely with the little spirit. Tansy understood the world in ways he'd never even considered, had seen a realm he'd never heard of, remembered things from long before he was born. When Hayden spoke to him it mostly consisted of the god attempting to fill the many gaps in his knowledge. Rosco was already aware he and Hayden were far from equals. And while he wasn't fond of his inadequacies being so plainly thrown in his face, it was more than that, some ugly feeling he didn't quite know how to name. The boy found himself chewing his nails more than the food he was meant to be eating.

Sighing with resignation the boy abandons the endeavor, wrapping the last of the food he'd brought back in its cloth to stow it away. It's a good thing they'd be reaching the city before long, even with as little as Rosco remembered to eat, he would soon run out of rations. He wasn't at all sure what he was going to do after that. He couldn't stay quiet long enough to hunt effectively and trying to forage on his limited attention span was just asking to get lost in the woods, but finding ways to get fed in a city was something he was quite used to.

Quietly, not to disturb the conversation of the others, the boy settles into his bed, squeezing his eyes shut. Almost immediately a rough tug on his hair pulls a yelp from his throat.

"What was that for?!" Rosco demands, squinting indignantly at the little wildflower responsible.

Tansy has the audacity to look like the insulted party. They let out a tiny huff, crossing their arms and dramatically turning away from him. Little voice tinkling as they explain themself.

"Tansy is quite offended you attempted to go to sleep without them." Hayden translates. "Wildflower spirits sleep close together, they were expecting to sleep beside you."

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