Chapter 61 - Summons

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"That's the last of it!" Rosco announces proudly as he sets down the last of the luggage Kenneth had requested he bring up.

"Very good, thank you," The man smiles, his eyes quickly scanning the stacks. Kenneth had gotten them one of the bigger lodgings. It opened directly from the hall into a small sitting room with partitions separating it from the sleeping area. It's luxury accommodations as far as Rosco is concerned but Kenneth and Gabby both appeared fairly unimpressed with the softness of the beds. Rosco is really looking forward to sleeping on the room's couch, despite Kenneth's insistence he could claim one of the two small beds. After having slept in Hayden's bed the boy is not sure any human bed could measure up. "Gabby and I are going to head back down to get some dinner, will you and the spirits be joining us?" his friend goes on, letting his free hand trail through his daughter's hair. "It'll be nice to eat a meal I didn't have to cook!" Kenneth chuckles good-naturedly.

Rosco shakes his head, "Not just yet, the shy spirit wanted to talk to me after we finished unloading, so I'm going to meet him out back." Checking his shoulder, "Tansy?" Tansy shakes their head, patting Rosco's neck. "Tansy's coming with me for now," Rosco grins, "No need to wait for us, I can eat whenever."

"Papa's not going to let you skip dinner Rosco." Gabby giggles, jumping down from her seat on the bed, "No sense in trying."

"She's right you know." The man agrees with a nod.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Rosco rolls his eyes, "I'll join you guys after," He promises, "But I don't want to keep my friend waiting."

He rushes down the stairs, halting at the bottom landing to pass as unassumingly as possible through the inn's main hall. Every time he walked through, the inn's patrons eyed him with looks of suspicion and curiosity, neither of which he liked much. He manages to get back outside with no one bothering him and breaks back into a run, keeping close to the walls of the inn to avoid the worst of the rain.

Hayden is waiting for him exactly where he said he would be, leaning against the trunk of a tree around the back of the inn, surrounded by tall bushes that created a more secluded spot. Tansy grumbles a bit, presumably about their wings getting wet, but the leafy tree blocked the worst of the rainfall.

"What did you want me for that we couldn't do inside?" Rosco asks as he bounces to a stop before his god, "We can't exactly have a reading lesson in the rain."

Hayden chuckles, just illuminated by the sparce light spilling out from the inn's windows, "I wasn't planning for a lesson tonight, but I can send the rain away if you really desire one."

Rosco rolls his eyes, flicking a wet curl from his face, "Don't joke, it's not like you'd really stop the rain for me."

Tansy butts in with a quick word before Hayden answers.

Hayden sighs, pinching his nose, "If it was up to you, it would never rain."

Tansy crosses their tiny arms with a pleased nod.

Hayden shakes his head and rests his gaze on Rosco, lifting his hand, power to change the weather crackling at his fingertips, "All you have to do is ask," the offer comes again.

"No, no, no," Rosco gulps, using both his hands to lower Hayden's, "You wouldn't." He insists.

"I most certainly would."

Rosco shakes his head, fighting off the rising blush, "You called me out here for a reason?" hoping to put this conversation back on track.

"I did," Hayden falters, letting his gaze slide off into the grass.

"Wh- what is it?" the boy asks, suddenly nervous.

"Ash has spent far too much time alone," Catching's Rosco's hands so he can't pull away, "I wish to pay them a visit, but I am torn." Rosco nods for him to go on. "I am uneasy with the thought of leaving you alone, yet I do not want to burden you with the unpleasantness of transference."

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